Recent content by cmk9180

  1. C

    Back after a year

    What is the routine?
  2. C

    Back after a year

    Thanks, DLD. I just might take you up on that. I’m in a better headspace now than I was a year ago. The plandemic put the fucks to me and my wife because of lockdowns and such. The good news is that I’m completely off antidepressant and cialis now. I’m proud to say I don’t need either anymore...
  3. C

    Back after a year

    Well fellas, I’m going to try this again. I stopped doing PE for over a year, and I’m going to get back into it. I stopped due to frustration and time constraints. I’m going to go about this a little different this time. My first priority is going to be maintaining erection quality. Second, I...
  4. C

    Revised routine ideas

    DLD, do you think it will net me the gains I’m after?
  5. C

    Revised routine ideas

    The length portion of DLD’s 10 minute workout. Doing a set in the morning, a set at lunch, and a set when I get home from work, which is followed by a 15 minute hang. Using Uncle Jim Wrap between sets. After the hanging session, I’m doing the 5x5x3 workout. Hoping by doing all this I can gain 1x1.
  6. C

    Revised routine ideas

    Love it! 2” in six months is most unprecedented! I’d love to know how you made such an amazing accomplishment. I was thinking about my previous post where I could use the length portion of your 10 minute workout followed by a 15 minute hang session. What if I did that, and added a few sets of...
  7. C

    Revised routine ideas

    That’s awesome! Out of curiosity, what did she say? Did she know you were doing PE at all?
  8. C

    Revised routine ideas

    I’m sure it will be tough because the change will be so gradual...
  9. C

    Revised routine ideas

    I’ll ramp it up when wifey notices Gains. Lol ?
  10. C

    Revised routine ideas

    Super. I’ll give that a go. Thank you!
  11. C

    Revised routine ideas

    Should I have a 2 day on, 1 day off schedule, or only 1 day off per week?
  12. C

    Revised routine ideas

    Thanks, DLD. Would your 10 minute routine minus the girth work, but add a 15 minute hang in the morning work? Wear uncle Jim wrap all day. And then after work, do the 5x5x3 girth routine, and then use siliring after that. Would that work?
  13. C

    Revised routine ideas

    I’m hoping some of you veterans of PE will chime in here.... I’ve decided to rethink my PE goals and routine. If I were to reduce my goal to gaining an inch of length and an inch of girth, that would make me close to 8”x6.5”. Thinking about changing my routine to a 5 minute warmup,15 minute...
  14. C


    Speaking of which, how likely is successful PE after age 40?
  15. C


    Also doesn’t slip or bunch up as much.
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