Essential The Best Pumping Routine for a Thicker Cock….penis enlargement


Jun 3, 2003
Girth Program: 5x5x3
5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

Attach SilliRing to retain girth

SlowSquashJelq VIDEO

More videos:
📹 Jelqing and the Slow Squash Jelq for Penis Enlargement.

Isolated Compression Squeezes, changed the name to Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ).
📹 MOS DVD with all exercises.
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Hello guys I just get the bathmate pump and I want to start working out on girth and length what is the exact program for both?
Thank you for this. This is what I am working on, just thickness. Couple of things I need clarity on. (Used the bathmate 3 times so far newbie)

1. When using the bathmate, should I be hard or soft?

2. The jelq squishing and bending Is a no for me. Messing with my dick that aggressively just weird's me out. Anyone have another suggestion, or will the bathmate be just fine over a longer period of time?

Thank you,

When using the bathmate, should I be hard or soft?
Your penis should be erected.
or will the bathmate be just fine over a longer period of time?
You can use it together with the Girth Program: 5x5x3, to get a really permanent girthy penis.
The jelq squishing and bending Is a no for me. Messing with my dick that aggressively just weird's me out.
Are you talking about Slow Squash Jelq's?
You should not be aggressive, just take it slow and methodically.
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Thank you for this. This is what I am working on, just thickness. Couple of things I need clarity on. (Used the bathmate 3 times so far newbie)

1. When using the bathmate, should I be hard or soft?

2. The jelq squishing and bending Is a no for me. Messing with my dick that aggressively just weird's me out. Anyone have another suggestion, or will the bathmate be just fine over a longer period of time?

Thank you,

Hey, @Dongshow
Check out my pic doing the SSJ. It truly is something to get down as far as technique, but I’m telling you, that @DLD SSJ routine, when done properly, is tremendous. The most important part is to ENSURE you have warmed up at least 10 minutes. I use a heating pad. And then the warm down. Also, you need to ensure you have at least 70-80% erection state. Also to be firm with the one hand as close to the base of the penis as it sits by the fat pad (grabbing as deep as possible) with firmness. You can tell as the blood will trap and the veins will increase. Push against the glans towards the base as we as the other coming towards the glans and…viola….you got the SSJ. Now…it does also take some manual stimulation to get back to 70-80% erection, but that’s the work you gotta put in. Cheers!!’
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