Recent content by John_117

  1. John_117

    Andractim is my last hope...

    i know this post is old and someone probably already corrected him but this is completely wrong. DHT is NOT a precursor to testosterone and it does not provide extra testosterone. DHT is produced by converting it from testosterone via the 5 alpha reductase enzyme. This is the reason why we give...
  2. John_117

    Did tb-500 cause my great gains

    hey king I know I asked you about this before but you said you don't inject into the penis and now I see that you are injecting into the penis. Where are you injecting? In the CC like PGE1 or at the base by the ligs?
  3. John_117

    DMSO. And liquid cialis

    I seemed to get the flushing, a little nasal congestion, and penile fullness faster. I also only used like 2mg because the research liquid I get seems to be stronger than brand.
  4. John_117

    DMSO. And liquid cialis

    Yes I mixed it with phlogel and it did work. So I assume it would also work with DMSO. It did not help avoid the systemic side effects however.
  5. John_117

    All day Cockring for gains..

    What type of ring are you guys using as an all day cock ring? I want to buy one but don't know where to start. I have one of those horse shoe ones but feel it would be too uncomfortable.
  6. John_117

    The snake man's chemical PE log

    Sub... This sounds like something I want to try.
  7. John_117

    the best sex position!!!

    I wish I could be lazy but my wife won't let me. lol
  8. John_117

    Masculinisation hormones references needed

    I would try tren+test+hcg. The testosterone will help with the erections, tren is HIGHLY androgenic and the hcg will act on the testicles to wake them up. You could also just do the hcg and possibly add an anti estrogen.
  9. John_117

    Best way to slab on muscle?

    Please give us your stats, age, wt. What your diet is like, and what kind of things you are doing at the gym.
  10. John_117

    Can you suck your own dick!!!

    yes but I'm Italian and flexible. ;) The position is so uncomfortable it's not even worth it.
  11. John_117

    ATTENTION: PE sites, forums, owners and moderators Choose A or B but MOS always #1

    I haven't been on since before the hollidays. What kind of attack was it? Virus, DoS attack, ect???
  12. John_117

    Ejaculoid: An Experiment in Ectoplasm

    i have used this and it really didn't do much. especially if you have used tribulus before. i have some clomid that i will be using for a 25 day cycle. i will let all of you know how much of a difference there is.
  13. John_117

    penis girth is too big for the SG?

    wish i had that problem but most of my girth is midshaft. maybe you could sand it down with a dremel type tool and maybe get an extra 1/4 in diameter to work with.
  14. John_117

    VLC Tugger for SizeGenetics Ultimate Comfort with MOS Discount!

    i will be buying one soon and also getting the tlc
  15. John_117

    Epicatechin (dark chocolate) for PE supplement and health / energy

    Just wondering how much dark chocolate you are eating each day Walkingdream.
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