Recent content by smook

  1. smook

    BathMate 25% Off! Goliath and Hercules! Official Bathmate Discussion

    I guess I'm totally late for the party? I admit, I'm not the most consistent newbie, but I'd like to know what's going on.
  2. smook

    Ball weights

    I know it's an old thread so sorry for that. I was looking for some info or tips for donut ball weights. I can confirm that these are good; I have one of theirs. I'd like to try different styles though...
  3. smook

    Ball weights

    I know it's an old thread but I can recommend their ball weights. It takes some time to get used to any donut ball weight but after a while, well, you get used to it. It's really not a problem...
  4. smook

    How to get rid of Turkey Neck FAQ

    Just to add... Leather ones seem good to cover the shaft of the penis but I'm not sure how good they are for the balls - any experiences? I found that it's necessary for me to suspend the balls and "grab" them with something, so to speak, in order to maximize the effect.
  5. smook

    How to get rid of Turkey Neck FAQ

    I think ball weights are a must here. Not sure if leather ones are the best or perhaps the metal, donut weights. I have a one like this: It's very useful for...
  6. smook

    How to get rid of Turkey Neck FAQ

    I think ball weights are a must here. Not sure if leather ones are the best or perhaps the metal, donut weights. I have a one like this: It's very useful for...
  7. smook

    Negative Consequences of Excessive Masturbation

    I had no idea there were any negative consequence to masturbation, to be honest.
  8. smook

    Be New to MOS? Introduce you're self here!

    I'm new, just registered! I'll start browsing around. So many things to read. I'm mainly here to try to increase my girth and find out about new equipment.
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