Recent content by tenI

  1. T

    Premature ejaculation acquired

    first of all, thanks for your advices. probably it's just my system that has reacted in this way to completely new stimolation. I am uncut and I don't think about the orgasm, it just happens. I will now focus primarily on reverse kegels, I am sure the pc muscle has reacted in this way...
  2. T

    Premature ejaculation acquired

    Dear DLD, I respect you and honor you for all the good you have done (and are doing)to the Penis Enlargement community, I truly believe your are one of the most qualified in the field, but it is too easy to say it's mental, it doesnt match with your reputation nor with your expertise. I think I...
  3. T

    Premature ejaculation acquired

    Actually, I don't know if it is precisely the pc muscle or something else, I admit the I havent studied the penis' anatomy very well. But, when I am sexually stimulated, I feel the area between balls and ass very contracted, I can't say it's painful but it bothers me for sure. Seems like the...
  4. T

    Premature ejaculation acquired

    Thank you for sharing...I am sure there is a way to fix it! Let's see what dld suggest us
  5. T

    Premature ejaculation acquired

    first of all thanks for your answer. I have been manually exersising for 3 years, with some months off due to work problems. Last year I've joined MOS, bought the package with the dvd and the PA because I felt the italian program (i am italian) I was in was obsolete. So I have started with your...
  6. T

    Premature ejaculation acquired

    Hi guys, I have been using the Bathmate for 3 months now (along with manual excercises) and I've become extremely sensitive to sexual stimulations e consequently very fast in reaching the orgasm ( minute). The feeling that I have (having sex) is that there is too much pressure...
  7. T

    Power Assist Workout

    I've just received my PA. I've done the newbie routine for 2 months and the phase 2 for 4 months (but I've actually worked out for a total of almost 2 years now). Is a good choice to go with the above PA routine and step in to the phase 3 for the girth portion? Now I am 7 EL - 5,5 EG, and...
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