Recent content by thebrightestday

  1. T

    Testicles shrinkage

    Aha, that simple. Thank you DLD! I guess this will definitely help much, I thought there is something more behind shrinkage that occurs in the mentioned part of the day.. Maybe this --> here is a similar thread on MOS and interesting answer by @goldmember...
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    Testicles shrinkage

    Hello guys, I have one important question to ask. There is an 'issue' with testicles shrinkage in the morning. We all know that testicles and penis shrink after stress, like too much PE, cold water, etc. We also know that testicles shrink when we ejaculate, so to support ejaculate fluid to...
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    The snake man's chemical PE log

    Thanks 8incyclops, how come kingsnake doesn't update here anymore? Anyway, I am old Penis Enlargement-er, not yet on chemicals so don't worry ;)
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    The snake man's chemical PE log

    Hey, Kingnake, how is it going with your chemical protocol..? Anything new with DHT? Are you still using MGF+IGF combination?
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    The snake man's chemical PE log

    Hey kingsnake, why do you use PGE1 during the day when the effects are not nearly as good as during evening/night workout, do you think all day tunica delinking is necessary?
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    The snake man's chemical PE log

    Hey Kingsnake I found this comment on andractim DHT, what do you think on this HPT suppression?
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    The snake man's chemical PE log

    Hey kingsnake, I am planning to add some chemicals to my Penis Enlargement. What do you think on using testosterone boosters like Tribulus, or other body buliding suplements? They are cheaper and I can get them more easily than DHT (we talk here about Andractim DHT Gel?)
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    the sex life of a negro

    hej kingsnake, c'mon give us more stories..:)
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    Saiyan22 is dead. Only the SNAKE MAN remains

    Hey Kingsnake, what about "Having blast... " stories thread, where it continues..?
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    the sex life of a negro

    man that's a soul food :D and a great motivation for Penis Enlargement :) btw. I may be new here, but I am not new in Penis Enlargement
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    the sex life of a negro

    you said you have posted a ton of pics with various women somewhere here on mos, I only found 4 .. here ________ TanyaTung
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