Minister LongDaddy...I guess so


Jun 3, 2003
I have just been ordained a is the email!:D

From: "Brother Kevin" <>
Date: Tue Jul 15, 2003 8:17:50 PM US/Eastern
To: "Rev. LONGDADDY " <>
Subject: Welcome to the Ministry (confirmation of your ordination)

This is to confirm that

xx xxxxx STREET
xxxxx MA xxxx

has been ordained as a minister of the
Universal Life Church, Modesto, California.

Date of Ordination: 7/12/2003

by Kevin Andrews, Pastor


Your request for ordination has been processed, and you are
now an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church in
Modesto, California! Please record the above date of
ordination for your records, as you may need this
information in the future to fill out the various forms of
the clergy. If you were ordained previously, the above
date will constitute a valid date upon which you were
RE-ordained. If you move or change your name, please
contact to update your record.

Ordination is for life, without price, and without question
of your specific beliefs. You do NOT need to pay any
tithe, donation, or offering of any kind, now or in the

Ordinations are individually reviewed and forwarded to
Universal Life Church International Headquarters in
Modesto, California, where it will be recorded in the
permanent church records.

As a minister, you are authorized by the church to perform
the rites and ceremonies of the church (except
circumcision), including weddings, funerals, baptisms and
blessings, subject to the laws of your country, state, or
locality. Prior to conducting any civil ceremony (such as
marriages), you should know and comply with the laws
pertaining to your area of jurisdiction.

You are entitled to all privileges and courtesies normally
offered to members of the clergy.

Best wishes in your ministry!

With warm regards,

Kevin Andrews, Senior Pastor
Universal Life Church Online
Modesto, CA, eh?
This is a satanic cult isn't it!?
Do you drive a brown van?
dld = Double Long DONNIE?

It all makes sense now. ;)
Originally posted by brennaja
Modesto, CA, eh?
This is a satanic cult isn't it!?
Do you drive a brown van?
dld = Double Long DONNIE?

It all makes sense now. ;)

Alright! Now I know who will marry me and my future wife! So, does this mean we have to address you as "Brother DLD" now?
Originally posted by SlamInTheLamb
With this cock-ring, I thee wed...

Hey where she going to put that? Any clit rings that engorge her member out there?

Congratulations Brother DLD was this an online class or something? What did you have to do for it?

Hey DLD, does this mean your going to use my"Batman" homepage suggestion? I think it would be KILLER!!
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
I have just been ordained a is the email!:D

As a minister, you are authorized by the church to perform
the rites and ceremonies of the church (except
, including weddings, funerals, baptisms and
blessings, subject to the laws of your country, state, or

Damn! I was hoping you could trim my 'jelq hang'.

You're probably eligible for some US govt grant if you found your own church.
Last edited:
Originally posted by dewey
Damn! I was hoping you could trim my 'jelq hang'.

You're probably eligible for some US govt grant if you found your own church.

The Church of MOS...can you imagine the tax break?
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy

The Church of MOS...can you imagine the tax break?
Nah, it wouldn't be too big--but I'd imagine you'd try to stretch it as far as you could.
A Church with a Penis Enlargement based faith. Hmm, theres a concept eh? Would we be considered a 'cult'?? LOL. Now, DLD just needs to post a pic of himself decked out in "Minister" attire. ;)
Originally posted by stillwantmore
A Church with a Penis Enlargement based faith. Hmm, theres a concept eh? Would we be considered a 'cult'?? LOL. Now, DLD just needs to post a pic of himself decked out in "Minister" attire. ;)

Commin up homey

Yo this is my 600th post!!!!
Hear Yee, Hear Yee from far and Near,
Our Father, The All Mighty Prime Minister DLD Now is Here.

State your Questions my Son...
Originally posted by brennaja
Nah, it wouldn't be too big--but I'd imagine you'd try to stretch it as far as you could.

...and still be dissatisfied with it by comparison.
Originally posted by brennaja
Nah, it wouldn't be too big--but I'd imagine you'd try to stretch it as far as you could.

Originally posted by dewey
...and still be dissatisfied with it by comparison.

These are riotous. Brennaja rounds 3rd base and Dewey drives him home! Hehe.

DLD, you say Minister Longdaddy...I guess so. How about Pastor Penis instead?
Originally posted by b1nzen48
DLD, you say Minister Longdaddy...I guess so. How about Pastor Penis instead?

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