Recent content by bugas

  1. B

    Hard core hanging

    This is the best Penis Enlargement topic ever. Hanging weights are the secret to gains. After many years of procrastination and failed routines, I finally started a serious routine (I have ADHD/TAG and I finally found a good medication). Im on my third week of hanging. Currently doing 3 sets of...
  2. B

    FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa

    I'm glad Brazil is out. Stupid coach and arrogant team. Another thing to consider. Next cup 2014, here in Brazil, they will make everything to Brazil be champion. Ghana deserved to be in the final. They played very well. Injustice! Football rules are stupid. That was a goal, and that hand...
  3. B

    FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Argentina will be the winner!!! I bet for a final match between Germany X Argentina or Spain X Argentina USA is doing good, South Africa will do the Quarters finals I'm from Brazil but my support is to Argentina Argentina have Maradona, he is the One... They have the guts, the will and the faith.
  4. B

    How women measure a penis

    Who are those �naked person�? Anyone knows who they are? Are Ramon the last one? So �naked person� have 7" penises... That equals 11". Yeah, I'm 11" now!
  5. B

    Strippers Vote On Favorite Dick Size

    Hey guys what measuring you are using, BP or NBP?
  6. B

    What is the most likely size women class 'huge' as?

    I think anything above 8" NBP and 6" girth will make girls afraid and very horny...
  7. B

    New hanger on week 5

    Hey King, why you want more lenght? Hanging can give you a 11 inch penis if you want and dedicate. Look at the AFB Hanger (Piet made a 3D tutorial), it's very easy to make. Very effective like the best hanger (BIB). I made one for myself, I'm hanging 3.25 Kg everyday, 4 sets of 15min in the...
  8. B

    My experiment with ballooning

    Maybe if you stop �naked people movies�, masturbation and sexual toughts, you can raise your hormones in a month or two... Add lifting, gym, sports, and you are done.
  9. B

    Danish youth magazine tests PE pills

    Hey guys I started to spray water at my penis. What I do is basically spray natural water. I do this 7 times per day. Spray and bounce. Very easy routine. I gained 2 inches in lenght after only two weeks. My gains in girth are not very good, only 1.25" after two weeks. I hope everybody believes...
  10. B

    The "Penis Bible"

    Yeah, where is the form to put the email? I dont see any form to fill... Can someone send it to me?
  11. B

    Psychology View your penis size goal with paper!!!

    This is great RED. Pe'ers need to do this because they want ridiculous sizes like 12" lenght and 8" tick. Hey just draw a perfect 8" lenght by 6" round. Is fucking huge and a realistic size to aim!
  12. B

    Finely some scientists looks into NPE!

    Maybe in the future Stem Cells, Nanoengineering, Genetics, Plastic Surgery and Computers will play a big role in the Penis Enlargement Industry. In the next 50 years is see that anyone can have a fully functional, with 110% erection, monster size. Aging will not be a problem. Extenders works...
  13. B

    EXTREME Pumping

    To gain from pumping you need dedication and the right use. Don't overdo it. Never pass the 7" Hg mark.
  14. B

    Short and sweet: What I've noticed

    Hey Red, I bet if we make a contest to select the biggest sizes based on volume, you will be top 3. If we get 10.000 guys, you are top 3. I'm seeing a lot of amateur �naked people movies� nowdays. Professional �naked people movies� don't arouse me anymore. In amateurs is very hard to see, very rare to see a huge one.
  15. B

    Try this on your ladies!

    This guy is Stephane from, and that girl is Ghita, him girlfriend. He is a sex guru and teach seduction from the heart, a more intuitional and natural way to pick up girls... In my opinion him thoughts are the best in the seduction community.
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