Recent content by icecreamman

  1. I

    My first lol Encounter

    That is, "only" average or above. I said "or above" because before Penis Enlargement, I was just barely below 5" girth, and more than one woman described my penis as "thick." I'm now just above 5.5" girth, and now the comments are things like "enormous," "obese" (my penis, not me. I'm...
  2. I

    Cock ring working

    Is it OK to mention a specific supplier in this thread?
  3. I

    how many times a week are kegels necessary?

    GH, what do you mean when you say you used to overwork with clamping?
  4. I

    can someone hook me up with the link to the frendo crusher ats roller?

    As a temporary measure, while the search for MoS isn't working right, you can use Google to search MoS for specific content. Put in the search terms in the box on Google as usual, as if you were using the search engine on MoS, and then at the end, add the term
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    This is so awesome. The Deepest Meditative State instantly

    sb24, how will you make the others available for those that buy the original?
  6. I

    Almost died on Monday!!!

    Red, the reforms coming in the US won't get anywhere close to NHS, which is true socialized medicine. In fact, it doesn't even get close to a single-payer system like Canada's. Canada's system, like the UK system, works much better than the US system while at the same time covering everybody...
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    Please Help me with girth exercises guys, anyone with advice?

    envision, a common mistake in Penis Enlargement is to jump right to advanced exercises. When you do that, you "skip" some potential easy gains from more basic exercises. You also run a higher risk of injury. The most basic exercise for girth, which is also a really good one for general...
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    Bodybuilding and Serious Depression

    A lot of people use "depressed" to mean sad, and that leads to confusion about the meaning of depression. You might even get dumbfucks saying things like "get off your ass" and "get over it." If you have real clinical depression, and it sounds like BathmatePenis Enlargement just might, you...
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    RedZ Frendo's - gain penis width thickness

    RED, I got the tiles but now I have some questions. Did you get gains from this exercise? If so, how much? Does the exercise increase girth or does it "rearrange" the volume you have into more width and less depth? The tiles are 6-7 cm wide, and in your drawing it's clear that...
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    RedZ Frendo's - gain penis width thickness

    RED, This is not anything like I had imagined it might be. It will involve additional equipment (just the tiles, basically), and I'm trying to figure out exactly how I would work this in. As a result, I have nothing to report yet. How have you gained from this exercise? Does it increase...
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    New revolutionary width maker to be released

    RED, I know I'm being a pain in the ass. It's just not fair to build something up like this and then not follow through. All the news from DLD has been length-related lately, then you come along advertising a revolutionary way to increase girth and width. Given your history, I was interested...
  12. I

    New revolutionary width maker to be released

    I've been checking the forum a few times a day, just hoping for this update. The suspense is killing me!
  13. I

    New revolutionary width maker to be released

    RED, what happened? Did you release the new exercise? I've looked around but haven't found it.
  14. I

    Fast Temporary Gains?

    Just reinforcing points already made... First, 5" girth is above average. Pre-Penis Enlargement, when I was just below 5" girth, one of the things I heard most from women was that my penis was thick. Second, start with wet jelqs. If you're doing it right, you'll see little red spots...
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    IGF1/can peptides increase penis size?

    UTFSF was me being cranky. It means "use the f**king search function." I said it because at the time of the original post, there were two sticky threads on chemical Penis Enlargement that would come up on a search for IGF or IGF-1. They're still sticky, which keeps them near the top of the...
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