Recent content by Szy

  1. S

    Are you normal? Large penis size database

    The first two links are based on a dataset that's wildly inaccurate. The third one looks interesting but there's very few BPEL measurements.
  2. S

    Phallosan VS VLC Tugger

    I prefer the Phallosan but the VLC is a lot cheaper (and has no running costs from replacing sleeves) so if money is an issue it's a decent choice.
  3. S

    Looking for best attachment for SG

    I think the TLC has a hole in it so it doesn't grip the glans and will only pull on the foreskin.
  4. S

    How do you guys make the pf/sg combo?

    You put your penis through the base before you put the bell on. Or am I misunderstanding the question?
  5. S

    blister from PF

    I use compeed blister plasters, they seem to work well both as a treatment and a preventive method.
  6. S

    PC restarting every few hours, any clues?

    You can also disable the automatic restart on BSOD to try and see what kind of error message you get (if there's still no BSOD and you still only get reboots after you do this, it's likely a hardware failure). Here's a guide: How To Disable the Automatic Restart on System Failure in Windows 7...
  7. S

    PC restarting every few hours, any clues?

    That's not much information to go by, so here's some troubleshooting questions: What's your OS? What makes you think it's software and not hardware? What have you tried to fix it? Do the reboots occur randomly or when you're doing something specific? Did the reboots start happening after...
  8. S

    Penis size troughout history

    The Congo figure of 17.93cm is not based on a measurement, it's self-reported.
  9. S

    silicone sleeve size?

    You need to email their support address thingy (, they don't visit here anymore. Note that they probably send the condoms by mule or whatever because it really takes ages, at least it did for me. I'm assuming they're using the cheapest possible mail service to cut down on...
  10. S

    silicone sleeve size?

    Don't forget you're entitled to three free sleeves from phallosan that you can get by emailing them. They will send you the new, stronger versions.
  11. S

    This Site Has Major Virus/Pop-Ups Problem

    I can see some adfly-related javascript in the page source code but no redirects seem to be happening.
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