Recent content by thefranchise

  1. thefranchise

    hard vs. soft penises

    I wouldnt worry about damaging the veins from flacid stretching, but def make sure you dont fuck up the nerve bundle thats right below your glands.
  2. thefranchise

    Errection issues

    Im not fucking girls now casue my penis is small and half functional. Id trade it for a big nonfunctional penis anyday.
  3. thefranchise

    Errection issues

    Hey vlad thanks for the reply. Sorry you've been havin trouble too bro. Never reeally thought about it but the left side of my dick veins been buldgy and green/ purple tree branch like. I thought it was just normal veins, but after looking at some pics of spider veins I think that may be what...
  4. thefranchise

    Errection issues

    OCD im sorry if you're not that smart of a man. I'll try and explain things a bit better for you. Number one I am 20 years old, healthy, and in shape, and when I say inshape I mean in shape not like I just jog around the block now and then. I eat clean, take my vitamens say my prayers. Theres...
  5. thefranchise

    Errection issues

    You're right OCD. It 's pure bullshit I made it all up to get sympothy from people like you :(. I seem to have failed though as you dont buy my act :( . On a serious note. I'm still here because I've been coming to MOS for what like three years now? I'm not just going to abandon it, becuase...
  6. thefranchise

    Errection issues

    You obviously don't have what I call the disease. I could careless if I had the strength of a normal person as long as I looked big and in shape. It's like bodybuilders say. Its not about how much you lift, it's about how much you look like you can lift. Same thing with the penis. I rather...
  7. thefranchise

    Errection issues

    Nope. I rather have a big limp dick so people would say and know I had a big dick.
  8. thefranchise

    Errection issues

    Thats the worst thing my dicks still small and doesnt work that great. If it was big any didnt work that great i wouldnt care so much.
  9. thefranchise

    Errection issues

    Thanks OCD for your ignoranace. Maybe you should check out the thread hard vs soft penis. There you can see there's some of us that do have permanent ed problems from Penis Enlargement. Thunderbirdy has gone indepth with this issue, and It pisses me off everytime someone acts like Penis...
  10. thefranchise

    hard vs. soft penises

    That's not funny at all..
  11. thefranchise

    hard vs. soft penises

    Any updates yataghan50? I tryed to get ahold of you but couldn't. Anyone else heard from him?
  12. thefranchise

    which is harder to gain? length or girth?

    Speaking on this. Are there just some dicks unable to gain girth? Im at 5.0 girth right now. Last year I tryed hitting girth for a long ass time and just nothing did it. Clamped would get up to 5.5 in girth but nothing. So i took a break for a few months and started back up in feburary. I...
  13. thefranchise

    DLDs PC routine

    Sup DLD since you seem to be around more let me ask you this. You often attribute your hefty PC routine to your gains and success. As I have been doing more hardcore girth work outs I am starting to realize this as being able to flex the PC long and hard would have tons of advantages. So...
  14. thefranchise

    One wife's opinion (sorry for long post)

    Yea being 7x7 he's bigger than MOST �naked people movies� stars. Theres not too many �naked people movies� stars running around with 7 inch girth. So I can see how its not a concern of yours. Plus DeeDee is proving that most girls are infact attention whores (no offense). I've always said though majority of girls get off more...
  15. thefranchise

    DLDs PC routine?

    Hey DLD, I've been working some girth, and thinking a lot about what you said about how you're PC training you think is the key to your gains. Im finally starting to realize that as if my PC was stronger I could force my pressure into expanding my dick, and keep it like that for a longer period...
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