Recent content by yog555

  1. Y

    What is the penis muscle made of?

    So I'm trying to figure out. What is the penis made of? What kind of muscle? Smooth? Fascia? Any one have a definitive answer?
  2. Y

    Myofascial Unlocking - The Next Phase of Penis Enlargement

    The technique is called 'Spirit Hand'...I know just go with me on this one, it works. With Spirit Hand you hold one hand on the origin of a muscle and the other on the insertion (start and end of a muscle belly). Then you imagine your energy going into the muscle, and with your imagination...
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    High Rep lower weight vs Low Rep higher weight - opinions!

    The concept is if you aren't working to failure, you're not working out as hard as you can. If you are not working out as hard as you can, you're not stressing the muscle as much as you can. Perhaps most people work 2-5 sets per muscle. If you have a longer workout, how can you be working out...
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    Myofascial Unlocking - The Next Phase of Penis Enlargement

    I'm a aspiring massage therapist as well, and I have been experimenting with a technique that we use in class to expand and relax the tissue. Its basically a myofascial technique; using your intention and touch to release the end points of a muscle to cause it to relax. I've been doing Penis...
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    High Rep lower weight vs Low Rep higher weight - opinions!

    Low rep, high weight is the way to go. Here a blogger experimented with this system, and gained 34 pounds of muscle in 4 weeks. I've been on a similar system and gained 15 pounds in...
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