Welp, I'm hooked.

well that sucks if you want to help someone.

and thanks for the hint. i know how to quote, but multi-quoting in a single post is a visual disaster.
You can create a thread, or post on his profile page.
With manuals, you don't necessarily have to work up to a certain number of reps or sets. Again, you go by feel. If you are comfortable at any given moment to increase the tension slightly, or to stretch a little bit longer, or if you feel like you could profit from doing an extra set at a particular angle, then do it.

You will feel the increasing intensity of the stretch with more reps. Some would describe it feeling good. But at some point, your body will warn you if you are about to go too far. The stretch will start feeling sharp, like it could possibly tear. At that point, you really have to pay attention. Do your reps, but with less force, until you feel like you have completely exhausted the tissues from all angles.

Regarding sets, you can increase them slowly if you want, but what is most important is fatigue in the target tissues. There were times where I was "supposed to do" three sets of each, but could only do 2 because my tissues were completely exhausted and my body was telling me to call it quits. You see? So I stopped.

So, I would do a quick warm up of manuals first thing in the morning, followed by extending, followed by your MAIN stretching routine for the day. For me, on average, my stretching routine lasted a good 30 to 40 minutes. After that, I would do 5-10 minutes sessions throughout the day (every 4 hours or so) to keep things loose.

The problem with pumping and girth work in general is that it sometimes interferes with your manual routine due to discomfort caused by edema. I do not want to tell you what to do, but if you are having this issue, it is probably best to do lighter girth work so that it doesn't affect your length work.

Maybe the lengthmaster solves this problem, I do not know. Someone will answer that.

But keep experimenting, and if you have any questions, we would be happy to help.
Heeding your advice and worked up to about 20 minutes of manual stretching today! Set of manual, 2 sets with the stick, then a bundled set. Will try to work up to a second bundled set then start using the stick for those as well. Started to really feel the fatigue at the base, especially on the left side which makes sense because that side does seem a bit tighter and it naturally wants to go left when I'm putting on pants my whole life. I'm in it to win it!
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Today marks the last of my first completed week of traction, manual stretching, and pumping! Erection quality has remained incredible and my wife has certainly noticed. No more 80% boners! I contribute it mostly to 2 months never missing a pumping session, but I've been waking up in the middle of the night with boners which hasn't happened in a long time (I'm about to turn 38), so blood flow is most certainly improved just in this short time of consistent pumping.

Question about the stretching with the handle: I've been experimenting with adding pressure to the normal manual stretches. I found if I pull in a direction, I can put my thumb where I would normally put the handle, and add more tension in just the right direction and get a crazy noticeable stretch, far more so than with the broom handle. I believe part of the issue with getting a good feeling with the handle might be due to my large quads just constantly being in the way, so I can't experiment much with the direction of the pressure unless I lay down, which I know will cause me to miss sessions. Right now, I am able to do everything sitting at my computer desk so I'm not missing anything ever.

I guess what I'm asking is, if a method feels great, should you stick with it? I think this feels closer to what I'd get with the LENGTHMASTER with it being so easy to maneuver around and get good angles, which I think I would switch to after this gets too easy.
Today marks the last of my first completed week of traction, manual stretching, and pumping! Erection quality has remained incredible and my wife has certainly noticed. No more 80% boners! I contribute it mostly to 2 months never missing a pumping session, but I've been waking up in the middle of the night with boners which hasn't happened in a long time (I'm about to turn 38), so blood flow is most certainly improved just in this short time of consistent pumping.

Question about the stretching with the handle: I've been experimenting with adding pressure to the normal manual stretches. I found if I pull in a direction, I can put my thumb where I would normally put the handle, and add more tension in just the right direction and get a crazy noticeable stretch, far more so than with the broom handle. I believe part of the issue with getting a good feeling with the handle might be due to my large quads just constantly being in the way, so I can't experiment much with the direction of the pressure unless I lay down, which I know will cause me to miss sessions. Right now, I am able to do everything sitting at my computer desk so I'm not missing anything ever.

I guess what I'm asking is, if a method feels great, should you stick with it? I think this feels closer to what I'd get with the Lengthmaster with it being so easy to maneuver around and get good angles, which I think I would switch to after this gets too easy.
Stick with what works for you. But don't be shy to try new things especially bundled stretching with the LENGTHMASTER
Today marks the last of my first completed week of traction, manual stretching, and pumping! Erection quality has remained incredible and my wife has certainly noticed. No more 80% boners! I contribute it mostly to 2 months never missing a pumping session, but I've been waking up in the middle of the night with boners which hasn't happened in a long time (I'm about to turn 38), so blood flow is most certainly improved just in this short time of consistent pumping.
me too brother, turning 38 in august! good vintage 😎 keep it up!
Quick update for a small milestone but hugely encouraging.

I'm officially registering .25" longer inside the bathmate since January. I have a suspicion that my actual gain is a bit more than a quarter inch, but it's difficult for me to get a high quality erection when pumping. They're usually only 70-80% at most. Seems to be only my wife can get the throbbing boners out of me lol! I've only been doing my traction for 1 month, and added the manuals a little over a week ago, so I'm just now even getting into the serious training!

Between my weight loss, maintaining my full routine, and significantly increased EQ, my penis is undoubtedly growing.

Last night I went to make love to my wife and literally looked down at my penis and had thought to myself "whoa". I barely recognized my own penis for a moment. It seemed longer and NOTICEABLY fuller and my wife practically gasped as I went in. Since adding traction and manual stretches (up to 20-25 minutes now!) my EQ is WILD.

So thanks again, everyone who has commented or encouraged me to make this a habit. Will be back when I reach another milestone!
That's incredible. I'm so glad you're doing so. Well. And you're noticing a big difference keep up the good work
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