

Warmup: did bundled stretching in the shower using the heat of water and a microfiber cloth to assist. Pull, turn, pull, turn. Using both hands, one near base as anchor to maintain the turns. Turn until I feel a deep stretch, then apply torque through both hands until the stretch is even across shaft, then pull outward as well. Hold each for 30 seconds count. Alternate side. Did for 10 mins. I noticed after I did a couple iterations that I started to get semi-erect which required additional rest between stretches. Interesting.

I did Squashes in shower as well. I took the same microfiber cloth and rolled it up. Then I wrapped it around base in a U-shape and used the tension to assist my grip. I did SSJ by doing ~5sec squashes toward glans. It seemed to work but I was unsure about not *sliding* up the shaft since the cloth was anchored in one spot. But I was still moving blood. Later on, I tried using the cloth to do isolated compressions and clock bends, which definitely works well. I think I might need to do the squashes with just my hand and some lube or else I’m not really sliding.

Pumping: I honestly had some EQ issues. Which I don’t chalk up to fatigue actually. I think I was just unfocused and thinking about other things. Once I got my mind right, EQ improved substantially. Unfortunately, this took a bit as I was in my head. I used the 2.25” for the 1st and 3rd pumps with the mitysleeve with the middle removed. I did not feel the sensitive spot, however, I did have an issue with the pump sucking the skin into chamber and bringing balls close to tube which started to feel the pressure. I think I let too much skin get into tube at beginning and too much coconut oil. I will make sure to wipe off scrotum before going in. Pressure: I got up to 7Hg which I felt like caused a change. The expansion seemed to be greater and even by bedtime, it felt thicker. The only downside to 7Hg was that I felt like I was getting close to orgasm lol. Why do I have a feeling when I try 8Hg, I might just bust a nut lol. I do want to be patient but I don’t think I’ve had any discoloration or spots from pumping, so I’m probably not pushing myself. I’ll resolve myself to resist the temptation and stay a 7Hg for a couple weeks and see what that does.

Good day. I won’t go into great details unless I did something different..

Warmup: bundled stretches in shower using cloth assist

I completed a full 5x5x3 without significant EQ problems..

Note: I am finding that using coconut oil with a full rub in for a few minutes then toweling it off works best for me. Gives just the right about of grip and smoothness.

Pumps: Went up to 7Hg again. I was feeling good expansion. I couldn’t resist measuring using string and mark it off against ruler. I was measuring just a little over 6 inches MSEG. This measurement persisted to bedtime, which was surprising. Base EG was 6.75. So increase of 0.5 inch MSEG and .75 inch BEG. Could be that 7Hg is my point for growth. Or maybe doing the bundles helped me break through. Going to stick at 7Hg for a while.

After/recovery: cockring for 2 hrs off and on. Used redlight for 20 mins at close range. A lot of heat pad.

Still taking more time than I want.. I am still out of work though so I want to optimize things before I get back. Doing a lot of interviews.
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