The fantasies of a poor man


Active Member
Jul 14, 2009
The other day i was watching facebook profiles of girls that live in a town that is like 1.4 hours away from the shithole i live in, anyway people living there have money and they have a classy lifestyle,i saw the pics of one of the girls and she was beautiful she had pics selfies basically and pics whit her friends i realized that they wouldnt want to talk to a guy like me, if i ever go to her town,i was jelquin at the time and checking her pics, and i had a sexual visualization i imagined her and her girlfriend playing, stroking, sucking my cock, i visualized my self whit a 9incher between my legs.I realized that having a big cock would be something very atractive for them, only by judging the pics i realized that they were lil whores begging for cock.Hope i get bigger and better everyday and gains come to me,gonna look for them or some other girls i just want to fuck them hard haha i really dont want anything else but if they want to give me their money and free blowjobs for a while would be great hahaha just kidding.:)
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I feel the same way when I go to South Beach, it is filled with rich kids that there is no way to keep up with them unless you have millions to blow. Having a nice car is next to impossible as they have the best cars you can imagine. Going out to dinner is a $200 proposition. Getting into clubs requires the nicest clothes and a beautiful face. The thing that blows my mind about these people is they party non stop, I wonder when they work or how they get the crazy paper they spend. I always feel inadequate in these situations. There are some places that only the riches 1% can party.
Yeah even in developed countries you can see the different social status yeah most of those kids are so.. hahaha ¨¨they know everything,¨¨ they have everything, they dont work and yeah i have asked myself where do they get the money? from their parents? they are bussiness people they got luxurious houses and have a great life!! but they are really brainwashed, the other day i had to help a friend of mine that works in an University he was showing them the less fortunate areas the outskirts of the city where people is poorer than me!! really shitty places and these kids didnt give a flying fuck about what the guy was saying, they didnt pay any attention and they were checking their facebook pics, watching clips on their expensive IPHONES, the only good thing there was a fucking beautiful gorgeous girl, whit a really nice ass, and great pair of tits, she made my day, haha but i realized that the possibilities of getting her phone or something else was off my limits.
shortdick;607680 said:
Yeah even in developed countries you can see the different social status yeah most of those kids are so.. hahaha ¨¨they know everything,¨¨ they have everything, they dont work and yeah i have asked myself where do they get the money? from their parents? they are bussiness people they got luxurious houses and have a great life!! but they are really brainwashed, the other day i had to help a friend of mine that works in an University he was showing them the less fortunate areas the outskirts of the city where people is poorer than me!! really shitty places and these kids didnt give a flying fuck about what the guy was saying, they didnt pay any attention and they were checking their facebook pics, watching clips on their expensive IPHONES, the only good thing there was a fucking beautiful gorgeous girl, whit a really nice ass, and great pair of tits, she made my day, haha but i realized that the possibilities of getting her phone or something else was off my limits.

There is always that off chance that a rich girl is looking for a ghetto dude, for some women this is a turn on. I would never say never, you don't know what someone is thinking till you ask.
hahaha better not knowing specially whit girls like them they can be kind and shit but in the long run they just get you off their lives kindly , maybe in your case you are ¨¨famous¨¨ and got certain good looking, besides you arent that poor, actually you are rich according to my standards, anyway most of the girls apparently uptight are the easiest i guess, anyway for a ghetto guy like me really sucks to deal whit those pricks specially when you heard em talk about their lives and how surreal they are hahaha
shortdick;607736 said:
hahaha better not knowing specially whit girls like them they can be kind and shit but in the long run they just get you off their lives kindly , maybe in your case you are ¨¨famous¨¨ and got certain good looking, besides you arent that poor, actually you are rich according to my standards, anyway most of the girls apparently uptight are the easiest i guess, anyway for a ghetto guy like me really sucks to deal whit those pricks specially when you heard em talk about their lives and how surreal they are hahaha

So you believe if you were rich you would be able to score with these girls? I can tell you, from a ghetto scholar, like myself I have been rich and poor and it made little difference in the girls I got. When I was getting with women I relied on whit and personality to get them, it never took money. Two of the 3 relationships I have had, long term, have been from when I was at my poorest. Remember there is a such thing as a sugar mama and they get just as much out of the relationship as you.
sugar mama hahaha i dont want to get into that shit hahaha, a relative i have got a really great job whit a great salry she met a guy now he lives in her apartment alone, she moved and shes got kids from him he hasnt worked since then he is studying a career what a smart and lucky dude, hahaha fucking unbelieveable
Ive thought about going to rich side of town sometimes and faking it like I'm one of them getting the rich spoilt beauty's :)
Ffs. There is a beauty gene and is doesn't come from just rich people. Rich girls can just afford better makeup and @ a higher quantity.

Go find some good looking girl w/ a family that is moderate or down on their luck. They're out there.

Or move.

8incyclops;607969 said:
Ive thought about going to rich side of town sometimes and faking it like I'm one of them getting the rich spoilt beauty's :)

For the younger girls it's probably more about social status (in regards to perception (bitches try'n be fly w/ the right guy)) rather than wealth (but there can be correlation to that status/wealth), but I'm not sure where you live. Once you climb higher in the age bracket, that's when them nest-egg snatchers come climbing out of the woodwork.
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smerc;607975 said:
Ffs. There is a beauty gene and is doesn't come from just rich people. Rich girls can just afford better makeup and @ a higher quantity.

Go find some good looking girl w/ a family that is moderate or down on their luck. They're out there.

Or move.i have known women that were beautiful but working class they got married to guys that had money at that time they became complete money grubbing whores is about the education they have, their morals, and values if they had any. a whore is a whore is a whore:)

For the younger girls it's probably more about social status (in regards to perception (bitches try'n be fly w/ the right guy)) rather than wealth (but there can be correlation to that status/wealth), but I'm not sure where you live. Once you climb higher in the age bracket, that's when them nest-egg snatchers come climbing out of the woodwork.
smerc;607975 said:
For the younger girls it's probably more about social status

Yeah, just tell those girls you are the owner of Facebook and can get them some free fans:)
shortdick;608160 said:
mmm r u serious haha

With all the pseudo-super stars on Facebook a guaranty of an extra 5000 likes could mean free sex:)
maybe yeah why not im gonna say that im mark zuckerberg first cousin or second cousin or something hahahaha
shortdick;608284 said:
maybe yeah why not im gonna say that im mark zuckerberg first cousin or second cousin or something hahahaha

If the con works, work it! I mean if they are going to go for you just for money than give them the dick and surprise them when you can't pay the bill:)
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