Silistretcher vs Stealth Stretcher?

I'm so excited! I finally got the job I've been wanting, I started with a new therapist, and now I finally have a pump. Things are starting to get better for me and I can't be happier.
God bless you! I am so happy for you.
God will guide you to be the best you can be. We are all in this to accomplish what you desire. Keep in the Spirit and do what you need to do to make it happen. If you need any advice the brotherhood is here to help you. I pray you have the best of luck!
I have a question - when I attach my LENGTHMASTER 3 to my base and try to do expressive stretches, I feel like I'm only stretching the skin in my pubic area. Is this normal?
My Mityvac finally showed up!! Haha I've been neurotically checking the updates every day to see where it was. I've been waiting for this just as much as my new job, which has been going very well after 2 days. Next week, once I've settled into a good sleep routine, I'll get my pe routine back together. I already have a good idea on how to attack it
Awesome! Follow all post concerning the mityvac to get the updates on latest updates
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