Psychology Why do I feel like a Jerk, due to having a big penis elongation wrap.


Also called: SIM
Staff member
Jan 6, 2023
I'm feeling like a Jerk for having an over the top big elongation wrap. It looks like my penis is like 7" thick in a flaccid state (from my bulge).

But my penis is not 7" flaccid thick, it's, 5" flaccid thick. I know my penis also looks bigger now, without my enormous Phallosan forte elongation wrap (bigger bulge), due to PE.

But this bulge is absurd. I'm feeling like I'm fake...even when I know my penis will be at 6" EG in the future. I can't shake the feeling of being fake.

Have anyone else problems with these destructive thoughts of being fake...many women are looking. Especially one of them in a specific situation/environment. It would have been so nice to just fuck nice, but I think there will be more problems, and consequences with this. I'm probably overanylazing everything.

I think it would kill my penis enlargement as well, and kill my future goals.

How do I start giving no fucks about this?
Let the women look and they can dream about it, but never get it? I feel women are dealing with me in a completely diffrent way now. Some women are fake smiling, and that kind of weird shit. Or maybe it's my confident energy they are feeling. I feel much more confident now, when I have been getting a bigger and bigger penis...

I can never remove this wrap I feel, since then the women around me, will know that something is up.
It's both a good and a bad thing to have women look, if it all was real there under, I think I would be fine with it. More more then fine.

They will think: Why is it big some days and small some other days (my bulge)? That scenario doesn't feel acceptabel either.

I would imagine this is how women are going to look at me in the future at, 8"x6"?... or if I even want to go to 9"x6"? (maybe/probably).

Maybe it's just best to become comfortable with this, and with the looks from women already now. The staring into my crotch area is insane... yes it's insane, they just loock their eyes at it...and just stare. It's a good feeling but at the same time I feel fake.

Maybe I can use this as, some kind of mind control for myself: I'm visualizing my penis to already be big, and therefore I will reach my goals faster. I know I'm not small but I'm fooling everyone with this absurd wrap. 😂

Just some thoughts I have right now. I'm sacrificing alot right now for PE, but it's worth it all. It really do not feel like I'm sacrificing anything. And I will keep at it, as long as it takes to get to 8"x6" permanent. I'm super tired right now so maybe this is why I want to share this with my brothers.

But I can't shake these thoughts of fooling women around me.
Any suggestions in how to deal with this?
Do you think women have the same feelings when they wear a push-up or padded bra? You're 'in-training' so whatever side-effects occur are a product of that...give yourself a bit of love and let the people staring have their fantasy
I have gotten over this now. I feel comfortable with women staring now. I do not even make them aware that I know they are staring. That have to wait. I'm focused on gaining as fast as possible right now...
Reading the future
Very cryptic comment I must say. Sometimes I need to think about your comments a bit. I'm not sure what you mean

...but the future will be amazing with my big penis.
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I'm feeling like a Jerk for having an over the top big elongation wrap. It looks like my penis is like 7" thick in a flaccid state (from my bulge).

But my penis is not 7" flaccid thick, it's, 5" flaccid thick. I know my penis also looks bigger now, without my enormous Phallosan forte elongation wrap (bigger bulge), due to PE.

But this bulge is absurd. I'm feeling like I'm fake...even when I know my penis will be at 6" EG in the future. I can't shake the feeling of being fake.

Have anyone else problems with these destructive thoughts of being fake...many women are looking. Especially one of them in a specific situation/environment. It would have been so nice to just fuck nice, but I think there will be more problems, and consequences with this. I'm probably overanylazing everything.

I think it would kill my penis enlargement as well, and kill my future goals.

How do I start giving no fucks about this?
Let the women look and they can dream about it, but never get it? I feel women are dealing with me in a completely diffrent way now. Some women are fake smiling, and that kind of weird shit. Or maybe it's my confident energy they are feeling. I feel much more confident now, when I have been getting a bigger and bigger penis...

I can never remove this wrap I feel, since then the women around me, will know that something is up.
It's both a good and a bad thing to have women look, if it all was real there under, I think I would be fine with it. More more then fine.

They will think: Why is it big some days and small some other days (my bulge)? That scenario doesn't feel acceptabel either.

I would imagine this is how women are going to look at me in the future at, 8"x6"?... or if I even want to go to 9"x6"? (maybe/probably).

Maybe it's just best to become comfortable with this, and with the looks from women already now. The staring into my crotch area is insane... yes it's insane, they just loock their eyes at it...and just stare. It's a good feeling but at the same time I feel fake.

Maybe I can use this as, some kind of mind control for myself: I'm visualizing my penis to already be big, and therefore I will reach my goals faster. I know I'm not small but I'm fooling everyone with this absurd wrap. 😂

Just some thoughts I have right now. I'm sacrificing alot right now for PE, but it's worth it all. It really do not feel like I'm sacrificing anything. And I will keep at it, as long as it takes to get to 8"x6" permanent. I'm super tired right now so maybe this is why I want to share this with my brothers.

But I can't shake these thoughts of fooling women around me.
Any suggestions in how to deal with this?
You are serious? You are running around naked in front of women with your penis wrapped up? They dont know why? No-one has asked you why it is wrapped up?
Now, how much balls do you have to go around naked with your dick covered(not caring about them asking you why it is covered like that) in front od women you actually want to fuck. A ton more than I got!
However you have verified what I have been saying. Women do care how big your dick is. Bigger is better is a real thing, not a fake and all these Women and Men saying that big doesnt matter are lying!
Average is not 6”x 5’ is actually seen as small, because if that is average most dudes are like that, and only a tiny amount are smaller so they are seen as outliers. Since 15% are over 7” AND 2% are over 8” and I dont know how many are larger but it is almost everyone you will see on every video-pro or amateur or on any video (millions) then average appears as small to them.
That is probably because of the millions of videos.
Women watch the videos and I personally dont have the balls to ask them questions because I dont want to hear the answers. I will bet they are comparing us in all kinds of ways. How good can he fuck? Does he do this and that or …?
I dont know how you overcame that but good for you. You must be in a dorm or in a nudist colony
This isnt a reply but I apologize for asking you all those personal questions. I am used to self-disclosing stuuf vabout myself because of decades of group therapy. Even though tell us we shouldnt self-disclose outside of the groups I dont have any fear of anyone being able to hurt me with my information because I just dont give a fuck what people think about me and my emotional disorders any more. However, it is not right to do it in an environ ment where others may be affected by it.
It is a bad habit and I hope you can forgive me for it because I will probably do it again. Just dont answer it or dont feel offended because it means nothing and will probably be because I compulsively felt the need to express it because I have not gone to any groups in years.
You did self-disclose a ton in your note above and that is brave.
If you replied I would not know where it would show up anyway. I am computer retarded!
Ok, I would not have commented about anything but I was shocked by your post.

Review for you-
Sili-stretcher 2-
It has an extremely solid cup-The penis head enclosure that works as a vacuum suction. Almost unbreakable. Similar to the phallosan but much simpler to use and much more solid. The vacuum and the solidity already make it the best choice and 200 or $300 cheaper than the Phallosan(that you save me from wasting-Thank you very much!).
The vacuum is the ultimate. No fucking pump. The pumps are a primary hassle for using all the other vaccuum devices. Fuck pumps. All you have to do is twist the end. It hasca marking to show you where to twist it to 15__. 11/2 turns. 15 is the max pressure you should do or you may get blisters.
Now with the end(which itself is worth the price you will get some sleeves that are about 4” long but 2 of them will be so thin you will not be able to use them. Since you are similar to me I would buy 2 more or 1 at a x of the sili-sleeves that are 1” not 7/8 or smaller like in the kit and 6” or 8” long. 6’ will be right. But with 8 “ you can cut off 2” and use that to wrap over your sleeve to double reinforce the end that is grippin your head.
This important to stop rips and holes in the sleeves. I dont do this all the time.
The sleeves cost from 20-30 depending on length. 3 types of sleeves. The duro sleeves you need will already be in the kit. They are the thickest and most solid. At 4” and if you can fit in the 7/8” one you can use that with the end hook to hang weigts from.
will be used for weight hanbing. I believe you get a metal rod and 2 small weights about 3 lbs. in the sili-stretcher kit (every time I write kit-I am talking about everything in the package that comes with the sili-stretcher for $200. Cost when I purchased it.)
Now. I went and purchased a much longer and thicker metal bar(there is a name for this part in weights terminology I forgot. You can figure it out or ask me and I will go back to Amazon and look for it. It cost me $20 on Amazon. I purchased it because I already had 5 lb weights that I could use and they fit snug on the width of the $20 bar I purchased. When I tried to put them on the very small bar you get in the kit, they were so large that the weights slid around when I was hanging them.
If you just buy there weights from Mos, you can get up to 40lbs and you dont need the extra bar. However they are very expensive.
The hook on the end of the main piece is solid. Extremely solid. I have seen nothing like it out of the many devices I have had and have now.
It is great for hanging.
OK-you get 3 of these cups-1 is tiny, probably for micro-penis people and 1 is about the size of the �naked people movies� stars you see. The middle one will fit you.
I lost mine and they replaced it for $69-I did not have to buy then whole kit again-Very cool with Mos. sales dept.
You get 1 blue cap. This didnt seem useful to me until I finally realized after about a year of wasted time that not wearing it was causing my blisters.
I always use a cap now whenever I use any vacuum devices.
Including the mitty vac—which is great for girth and as good as the 4 or $500 ones and much better than the ones sold all over the place that are around $60. I will talkn about the mitty-vac vas the bathmate in another post. Both are great but also much difft. There is a secret to know about the bathmate. There is a device sold on the market that looks exactly the same as the bathmate and is called the bathmate but it is not made by bathmate but some other company. You should get your bathmate from MOS only!

I am going to do every piece for you and it seems I am not being excessively wordy and using small paragraphs. The grammar isnt good but it has been 30 years since University and the grammarly app, stops me to many x and I never get anything written and then get to frustrated to finish.Blah, blah…
You also get a strap system to do your stretching. These strap are simple but can be used, for the knee. You velcro(on the strap)them and use the plastic hooks to attach. They are not very strong and they slacken often so you have to re-adjust them often. They can slip. I used a heavy duty strap that has a plastic piece on it to strap over the whole thing. The main strap and the ends of the plastic hook enclosures and that keeps it in place for me. This strap came off of my leather wrist wraps for carpal tunnel. You will figure out something because you are creative.
However they will work fine. You also get an over the neck strap which is kind of like a circular suspenders..
The tubes and cap are the only things that can break and need replacing. They have lasted me anywhere from a month to a year and are about $20 each. I have purchased a load of them of different types and lengths. Some that they used to have have been discontinued. The sili-pro and duro-pro. They were the best so maybe you can talk DLD into bringing them back?
1 more thing about the sleeves, you should wrap the flat end over the head enclosure leaving the thick end out and it will act like a cock ring which will keep your girth as you grow. I have notice as it has gotten longer some of the girth has been taken awary. This helps a tiny bit. I still have to pump after. Funny the pump then takes some length. I am talking mms. I guess you go back and forth until it balances out.

Last thing which is probably what you wanted me to describe and the above was a waste of an hour is the extra strap system you can get for about $75.
Ok, this is the shit. You get a super belt. This thing is bad ass-Thick and solid with heavy duty metal clips all over it. It is like an army ranger tool kit. You could hang a flash light, bowie knife, small ax and tools off it and hit the woods.
You get the same neck strap as in the silistretcher kit.
You get a monster knee strap. This strap is nothing like the strap in the sili kit. This is solid and wraps tight. It will not move at all once in place, with solid metal clips on it.
You also get an ankle strap. This thing is also solid, and it also wraps under your foot so there is no possibility of it moving. You strap it around your ankle and then put the attachment piece over your foot. This is for extreme stretching. The force it cause is way beyond the knee strap or any of the other straps.
It comes with 2 bungee type cords with solid plastic hooks. I is very long and thein the other is medium and thick. The long thin 1 is for the ankle and the medium for all the other stuff. It is to much for me at this time(the ankle strap).

So, when you have this Strap kit. You can attach it to either knee-2 different directions-you can hang it strait down and either use a weight or yank it by hadnt-strait down it obviously cant be used as an ADS. That is 3 directions if you hang or pull in the center.
With the neck strap. You can go straip up wrapping the suspender around your neck or to either side if you wrap the suspender over either shoulder. 6 directions so far or 5 if you dont hang strait down.
The belt has 5-6directions Or angles to stratch. To either side in the front-90 degrees and you can then take it between your legs under your balls and around the back, slightly between your cheeks and hook it up on either side or strait up the middle. It feels a little weird but works. This is where the super solid grip of the sil stretcher head enclosure and its extremel thick hook work as the ultimate.
All right 5 angles on the belt, 3 angles on the neck strap, 2 angle for eack knee-That is 10. Hanging in the middle or yanking on it is 11.
Twisting it by hand in a circle in front of you makes 12-It is much better to do the 360 degree circle stretch with the sili-stretcher on but not attached anywhere. You can get a realy solid grip on it.
To get that 13th the angle. You would have to go strait out in the middle- You can do that if you want buy using those rubber band stretchers that are used for exercising. I learned that in 1 of the videos I saw on this site. You can do many angles if you use 1 of those and your sili stretcher head enclosure. That covers the 13 angles I believe Dld talks about in some of his programs. You can do 10 angles as an ADS stretch for as many hours as you want at whatever tension you want. I have been doing 6 hrs for about 1 week now and have started on my 2nd 6 month period.

I have gained 11/2” flaccid and maybe 1/4 ersect and 1/4” girth using length master and weight hanging switching days on and off 3-4 for 1/2 to hr. Using the Length master at the 13 angles-using extreme force and the hanging at 5 lbs. and 7 1/2 lbs.
I also have done bundled hanging with the sili-head enclosure on ( sili-head enclosure is-the Plastic end piece, a sili-cap-optional for blister-proofing and a sili-sleeve- a 4” x 1” thick purchased off site). I twist it like you do with the lengthmaster for bundled twisting. Then ahang it over the side of each leg for a few minutes. This seems like where I gained the little bit of erect length(I am not sure). I like how it feels..
I would say thats it but there is 1 more thing. I am now using it as a passive device-just like your wrapping at night while I sleep. I just put the whole end enclosure on. Using a Sili sleev 2- The softest sleeve-It doesnt need any tension when I use it as a passive device. I use a very long one 71/2” so I amn stretched out all the way and just let it hang without attaching it to a strap. This might be a problem if everyone is watching you. They will wonder what the fuck is going on. It will be your regular girth.
I dont like the wrapping to much but this works good for me. Oh, in the sili- is the easiestvto get on and off when you have to piss. Do not try and piss thru 1 of those sleeves by leaving it on. A portion of your piss will be stuck in your body and then come out all over the place when you move away from the toilet.
I am to tired to proof read this but I think it is clear. I will check it tommorow.
More reviews will be put out
@jvf1 I need yo read your information later. A lot of information to go through. But I will go though it and get back to you.
Kind regards.
You are serious? You are running around naked in front of women with your penis wrapped up? They dont know why? No-one has asked you why it is wrapped up?
Now, how much balls do you have to go around naked with your dick covered(not caring about them asking you why it is covered like that) in front od women you actually want to fuck. A ton more than I got!
However you have verified what I have been saying. Women do care how big your dick is. Bigger is better is a real thing, not a fake and all these Women and Men saying that big doesnt matter are lying!
Average is not 6”x 5’ is actually seen as small, because if that is average most dudes are like that, and only a tiny amount are smaller so they are seen as outliers. Since 15% are over 7” AND 2% are over 8” and I dont know how many are larger but it is almost everyone you will see on every video-pro or amateur or on any video (millions) then average appears as small to them.
That is probably because of the millions of videos.
Women watch the videos and I personally dont have the balls to ask them questions because I dont want to hear the answers. I will bet they are comparing us in all kinds of ways. How good can he fuck? Does he do this and that or …?
I dont know how you overcame that but good for you. You must be in a dorm or in a nudist colony
This was fun to read 😁
You have missunderstood me. I do not show woman this wrap. It's only MOS and myself that knows about it. I have pants on and they look at the bulge. Your assumption was fun!

Yeah! Woman like big penis that's for sure. Otherwise they would not stare like they where frozen in time.
You are serious? You are running around naked in front of women with your penis wrapped up? They dont know why? No-one has asked you why it is wrapped up?
Now, how much balls do you have to go around naked with your dick covered(not caring about them asking you why it is covered like that) in front od women
I will probably do this later, I would not care.
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