Fake News


Jun 3, 2003
Also as far as Im aware Falcon is gay. And Cabrera has never shown a picture completely naked with his dick unwrapped from all those socks he always wear. I am always completely skeptical about these guys claiming records. If it is true, IS VERY SIMPLE: Make public a picture completely naked with a ruler next to your dick flaccid, then another picture completely naked with an erection and a ruler next to it. Until then, is FAKE...fake to a stratospheric level like CNN FAKE.

CNN has become a verb!

I think Falcon CNN’d us with his fake news cock ?
I know what you mean...CNN keeps trying to confuse everyone with facts and science. (thank God we've finally debunked The Evolutionary Theory and proven The World is flat)
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I know what you mean...CNN keeps trying to confuse everyone with facts and science. (thank God we've finally debunked The Evolutionary Theory and proven The World is flat)

Not just CNN, every news source! Listening to any of those channels is total depression. I would much rather be here or with my family talking about real life. I never paid attention before not going to start now, more drama then I want and I always feel upset after.
Theyre all FAKE. The main one is CNN which in my opinion it should be labeled as a domestic terrorist organization. They are a Nazi style fake propaganda outlet for the deep state to brainwash the ignorant population which by the way, has been purposely created ignorant through the DOE (Department of Education) a federal agency and nutrition. In the US nobody dies from starvation but the average american has the most horrendous diet in the planet with ZERO essential nutrients and polluted with toxic chemicals and processing by products.
Theyre all FAKE. The main one is CNN which in my opinion it should be labeled as a domestic terrorist organization. They are a Nazi style fake propaganda outlet for the deep state to brainwash the ignorant population which by the way, has been purposely created ignorant through the DOE (Department of Education) a federal agency and nutrition. In the US nobody dies from starvation but the average american has the most horrendous diet in the planet with ZERO essential nutrients and polluted with toxic chemicals and processing by products.

British aren't far behind with the BBC
British aren't far behind with the BBC

True. This is not an American disease, it is a global effort. The deep state is not an American problem, it is the shadow government in all developed nations. They answer to the Illuminati and the goal is to create a one world order. A tiny almighty elite that controls absolutely everything. Our water supply down to the drop, our food supply down to every single calorie, our health down to every single cell. The educational system, the food supply and the media are the most powerful tools of these reptiles to brainwash the population and make them fall for false fairy tales.
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This is gonna be funny to most people but I’m very child like when it comes to politics and news. I like watching a show called the five that has people that disagree but they make it funny and at the same time I get the news. Then I go back to looking at cars, girls, and other stuff that’s so much more fun. I guess you Gotta know what’s going on in the world but you don’t have to become inundated from it.
This is gonna be funny to most people but I’m very child like when it comes to politics and news. I like watching a show called the five that has people that disagree but they make it funny and at the same time I get the news. Then I go back to looking at cars, girls, and other stuff that’s so much more fun. I guess you Gotta know what’s going on in the world but you don’t have to become inundated from it.

I actually started to change myself and be that way some time ago. A few years ago I started digging too much information about whats going on behind the scenes and its so horrific that caused me to start fighting with all my might against these people trying to destroy this country. And it even infuriate me even more when it is not secret anymore. Is like they are right there in the open out of the shadows proudly posing as the deep state. The FBI, CIA, DOJ, all agencies rotten from inside with corrupt criminals and nobody seem to care. Reagan was trying to do something to bring the country back on track and they tried to kill him. He was lucky to survive. After him. every single president has been a criminal from the deep state that has advanced their agenda further and further down. To the point today in which there is a real civil war going on in the background.

But I tell myself all the time that everything will be ok, and enjoy life.
I hear of all these terrible things happening when I turn on the boob tube but when I go outside and I see my friends in public The sky ain’t falling. I live in one of the most liberal towns in the United States and I am a conservative and I’ll tell you this much there’s never arguing or fighting, we laugh at our differences. Programming is just what it is programming it’s a way to drive a wedge through society and that wedge does not even exist.
But I tell myself all the time that everything will be ok, and enjoy life.

I wanted to underline that! I rarely check the news as they really depress me. And if it is fake news anyway, who cares ...
Just trying to enjoy life even though I know there is a lot of bad things in this world.

On the topic (of the thread subject), I still want to get to 8"x6" . ;) Any newcomers (I've seen you registering, don't be shy!) have anything to say about their goals?
Thats completely true and I tell people the same all the time. We as Americans agree in almost everything. And the little differences we can always get to an agreement. But as part of their agenda is to divide us. Divide us by race, political colors, religion, country of origin, etc. It is WAY easier to control a group divided and fighting with each other, instead of one single large mass united.
I wanted to underline that! I rarely check the news as they really depress me. And if it is fake news anyway, who cares ...
Just trying to enjoy life even though I know there is a lot of bad things in this world.

On the topic (of the thread subject), I still want to get to 8"x6" . ;) Any newcomers (I've seen you registering, don't be shy!) have anything to say about their goals?

LOL Whats your girth currently? Mine is 6.25". Its the only ting that grew in the last few years. Now I am concentrated in aggressively attacking length. And I have some very interesting chemicals ideas to try but I cant find a chemist interested to help me with that.
I’m not sure how to do this but maybe one of the mods knows how but this thread has gone off topic. I wonder if it’s possible to get it back on topic but take the conversation that’s been taking place and make a new thread from it. If this is possible someone let me know. But what I will do in the meantime to start a new thread in deep thoughts where we can continue to discuss this without taking our brothers thread of coarse.
LOL Whats your girth currently? Mine is 6.25". Its the only ting that grew in the last few years. Now I am concentrated in aggressively attacking length. And I have some very interesting chemicals ideas to try but I cant find a chemist interested to help me with that.

You can go back to talking about fake news I was able to split the thread and now it’s in the appropriate forum. Preach on! ?
CNN has become a verb!

I think Falcon CNN’d us with his fake news cock ?
yep that guy cabrera is so fucking shitty that huge tumor or whatever that is bullshit wonder what is that all that overgrown skin he has whatever those news are garbage n yeah all those fools sharing that garbage..dumb ass society hahaha lol jk
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LOL Whats your girth currently? Mine is 6.25". Its the only ting that grew in the last few years. Now I am concentrated in aggressively attacking length. And I have some very interesting chemicals ideas to try but I cant find a chemist interested to help me with that.

Come on man let’s get this on topic! LOL
is not only that the media exaggerate negative news. THEY CLEARLY have an agenda. Look at the topic of the border these days for example.
THE BORDER HAS BEEN A NATIONAL EMERGENCY FOR DECADES. Bush father said is a crisis. Clinton said is a crisis. Bush Jr. Said is a crisis. Hussein obama said is a crisis. But did any of them do anything about it? NO. Because they dont want to. Because they never even tried. Because they agenda is to destroy this country from the inside out. To degrade this society with an ignorant government dependent. Thats what they want so they can gain complete control over us. Liberals in congress say "we dont need a wall, we need bridges with better technology" SURE, do you know what is that technology for?? TO ENSURE that these illegal aliens are making it through, NOT to keep them away.

So being a crisis for decades, now Trump says is a crisis and keeping his word of representing the overwhelming majority of the American people is decided to do something, and suddenly now "IS A FABRICATED CRISIS" Give me a fucking break!!
In my honest opinion, to end this circus, I wish Trump declared Martial law, do a self coupe de etat, arrest and prosecute all these filthy repugnant parasites starting form the little ones like Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Acosta, all the way up to the clintons, obamas, passing through FBI, CIA, DOJ, arrest them all, prosecute them all, the main traitors involved in this should be publicly executed.
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