What pieces of equipment should I start off with and in which order


Nov 6, 2015
Hello I am new to PE and want to know what equipment should I start off with and in which order. LENGTHMASTER , Silistretcher, or the mitypump. do you have a money back guaranty like bathmate? The video I just watch said that the silistrecher replaces all PE. Does it replace lengthmaster, or the mitypump. In which order should I purchase? I like all 3 and am wondering if the mitypump is a step down from the bathmate? Thanks
Hi @richard96 !

A good question. First of all, it's best to check the Newbie routine and do things with your hands only.
For more grip the shop does have the Mosgrip for more tact and strength.

Silistretcher has a lot of potential but LENGTHMASTER has been around for a long time, tried and true tool.
Combined with some Silisleeves the LENGTHMASTER is a great tool, it's possible to do a session with a regular sleeve and apply a longer sleeve after a session to heal while elongated.
Or you could do a nice session with a LENGTHMASTER and apply a Silistretcher after the session for All Day Stretching.

Consistency is a key to gains. You can make initial gains without tools but the tools can really push the progress, they can also make certain things easier and therefore sessions can be much more fun to do.

Mityvac can be seen (and I think it is) as an upgrade to Bathmate. With Mityvac you can dial the pressure as you have the gauge meter. Also, it's possible to do air and hydro pumping where as with Bathmate only hydropumping is really efficient. Mityvac package ships with Silisleeves, cap and cockrings as well, a great bundle. :)

Personally I can't say straightly about certain tool replacing another, many tools can benefit eachother.

I'll let others have their word now, it's a world of choices we live in, taking the step and doing consistent effort is what counts; one could have all the tools but if he doesn't use them then there are no gains. ;)

PS. I see the lifetime guarantee as a better thing than money back; you either want to gain or not. I personally hardly ever return anything to get my money back unless I've been charged wrongly.
A world of choices, as I mentioned.
I like Richard's question and would love to see a chart created by @Lightning and @DLD showing the tools needed for each progression...a step by step tool progression chart.
Each tool has its purpose and method of approach.

People focusing on girth go with pumps. You can focus on length with a pump but you would need a pump cylinder in the size of your erect girth.

Bathmates are great pumps and we dealt with bathmate a long time but they were originally intended for the novice that has no clue or little experience how to pump. It's a safety pump that governs your pumping sessions.

As far as length, everyone has a different approach. For advanced intense stretching sessions, nothing beats the LenthMaster. The LenghtMaster focuses on the inner penis and bundle stretches which are one of the most effective stretches the LENGTHMASTER offers.

Traction stretchers were originally developed for peyronies disease but marketing has pushed them into being used for length gains.

Then weight hanging is a great practice that has been around for centuries. Many people have great length gains hanging and can be very effective.

Then you have ADS stretchers that are designed to keep a constant stretch for hours at a time and if they are stealth, can be worn outside unlike anything else above. This is also an effective method for length gains.

Then SiliSleevs keep you extended all day and night to cement gains along with silirings to keep you expanded as you heal.

There is really no exact method that works for everyone. PE is about experimenting and finding what works for you and your schedule.
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Three most important tools that you need to have in order to do SRT in a small capacity is the following:

With this list of tools you will be able to do every part of SRT and the intensity of your routine and continuously be increased. you will have all the healing equipment you need also. Would be pretty cool if we get a SRT package together where we could give everything that’s needed to do SRT in a discounted price.
Thanks @arkailija, @Lighting & @DLD. Appreciate everything you do for the community.

Never a problem my brother that’s why were here to help you and believe me in us helping you we are helping ourselves also. Always feel open to ask for any help that you might need there’s no stupid questions.
Three most important tools that you need to have in order to do SRT in a small capacity is the following:

With this list of tools you will be able to do every part of SRT and the intensity of your routine and continuously be increased. you will have all the healing equipment you need also. Would be pretty cool if we get a SRT package together where we could give everything that’s needed to do SRT in a discounted price.

I would be interested in purchasing an SRT tools package if it was put together. What is the integrety of the silirngs compared to generic silicone CR? I picked up a package branded 'Size Matters' at a local adult bookstore (mistaking it to be matterofsize endorsed). The size I liked best lasted 5 hours before tearing when readjusting to get better circulation.

Additionally, I ordered a size genetics prior to finding this forum. Is there a benefit to using the LENGTHMASTER over a size genetics? I chose the size genetics because I was worried I'd cause capillary damage attaching to stretch through vacuum. Can expressive stretching be performed manually while using size genetics? I;m still searching for instructions on how to perform expressive stretches or are expressive stretches considered more advanced to be done after newbie gains are made/ ligaments have been stretched properly?
I would be interested in purchasing an SRT tools package if it was put together. What is the integrety of the silirngs compared to generic silicone CR? I picked up a package branded 'Size Matters' at a local adult bookstore (mistaking it to be matterofsize endorsed). The size I liked best lasted 5 hours before tearing when readjusting to get better circulation.

Additionally, I ordered a size genetics prior to finding this forum. Is there a benefit to using the lengthmaster over a size genetics? I chose the size genetics because I was worried I'd cause capillary damage attaching to stretch through vacuum. Can expressive stretching be performed manually while using size genetics? I;m still searching for instructions on how to perform expressive stretches or are expressive stretches considered more advanced to be done after newbie gains are made/ ligaments have been stretched properly?

The size genetics is an extender while the LENGTHMASTER is a manual tool that enables you to have very intense sessions. If you want length I'd advise getting a length master and an extender (silistretcher or the size genetics since u already have). Also the lengthmaster does not use vacuum so no capillary damage to worry about
Oh ok I must have gotten that confused with the size doctor. Yes I think the length master would be a good tool to get as I have been interested in hanging (I notice the greatest stretch when pulling down/ behind to the cheeks in the newbie program).
I'm not sure, maybe you can shed some light but I like how the length master can have weights attached. I would imagine manual work being more beneficial (more planes to work in) than passive hanging, but that is just my guess.
I'm not sure, maybe you can shed some light but I like how the length master can have weights attached. I would imagine manual work being more beneficial (more planes to work in) than passive hanging, but that is just my guess.

You could easily hang with the LENGTHMASTER by clipping weights on but i just use my hands with it and stretch as hard as my penis let's me probably around like 25 pounds. I'll do a stretch for a 1 minutes 30 seconds, all the directional stretches, bundles at the beginning to loosen up the tunica and mandingos at the end also bundles downward stretches. Also you could get a heat lamp to keep warm during your exercises so your always loose(dont fry ur nuts), I believe this helps a lot. After that I would strap into ur extender for a good bit of time to heal in that extended state
Awesome! I think you have talked me into getting a length master next over a mity pump (slowly working up to all the tools on the SRT list). I'll buy silirings/ sleeves soon (day or 2) since those aren't a big investment.
Awesome! I think you have talked me into getting a length master next over a mity pump (slowly working up to all the tools on the SRT list). I'll buy silirings/ sleeves soon (day or 2) since those aren't a big investment.
To wrap for the LENGTHMASTER order the wrapping tape and a long sleeve and silicap from the store. Pull the skin back and wrap around 3 or 4 times tightly roughly an inch below the glans. Then put the cap on then the sleeve. Also you should get some mos grip powder it is pretty essential in my opinion for the wrap I just described. Just lather everything up with it.

Actually the LENGTHMASTER comes with the penis wrapping tape
Thanx. A lot of good info. I was starting to get tired of relying on my hand to stretch. This tool will help a lot!
Thanx. A lot of good info. I was starting to get tired of relying on my hand to stretch. This tool will help a lot!
I've gained a lot with it, it is my go to tool. Also the LENGTHMASTER is a lot of trial and error with getting a comfortable wrap but the one I told u about is super solid the most comfortable for me by far. Let me know if you have any further questions , I'm glad i could help :)
I would be interested in purchasing an SRT tools package if it was put together. What is the integrety of the silirngs compared to generic silicone CR? I picked up a package branded 'Size Matters' at a local adult bookstore (mistaking it to be matterofsize endorsed). The size I liked best lasted 5 hours before tearing when readjusting to get better circulation.

Additionally, I ordered a size genetics prior to finding this forum. Is there a benefit to using the lengthmaster over a size genetics? I chose the size genetics because I was worried I'd cause capillary damage attaching to stretch through vacuum. Can expressive stretching be performed manually while using size genetics? I;m still searching for instructions on how to perform expressive stretches or are expressive stretches considered more advanced to be done after newbie gains are made/ ligaments have been stretched properly?

This package we will sell for 20% off to anyone that orders. I will ask @Lightning make up a official 20% off coupon on this special.
Awesome! And that membership deal still applies to belong to the mos members page?
And like I said anybody interested in this package I can do it for 20% off.
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