5x5x3 Extended


Active member
Dec 30, 2023
Hello guys,
I am writing this post based on all the info I have gathered so far and based on my own experiences. I have experienced the problem thst after the 2nd SSJ + Pump its very hard for me to go to the 3rd set. So I thought of this. (Don't forget my mental problems etc)
What If I am doing one set of ssj + pump and then immediatelly put cockring for 1 hour. Then, after 1 hour using cockring, remove cockring and do ssj + pump again + cockring for 1 hour again. And then ssj + pump + cockring for 2 hours again.
Total 3 ssj + pump (someone can do this 5 times)
Total cockring 4 hours.
I am thinking of this because my body can't handle the immediate 5x5x3 so I thought cementing for that time while renewing the process will make good.
How does sound ? Or my imagination is too much ? Haha :d
Do remember that the 5x5x3 is a baseline routine discovered to be the most effective by the veteran brothers here. However, you don't have to tackle the 5x5x3 each and every time. You must find the most suitable routine to fit your needs. Tailor your needs through the various routines offered.

You're not imaging at all. Actually, it's similar to the 3x3x2 and twice a day I suggested earlier. You can even modified to 2x2x2 at high intensity when you're ready for it. The 1st set is always the warm up set to prime your penile tissue to under stress conditions. The 2nd set is where the true work lies, and the 3rd set is just to further push the expansion to guarantee the cellular membrain breakage and even to deal more membrain breakage to gain additional benefits during stresses period.

Now, let's take your proposal through a microscopic view. If your mental health can allow you to do an initial warm up set without any issue, use baseline pressure at 5 inHg for the SSJ and the pump at a 3 minutes SSJ and 3 minutes pump. Not sure what your baseline is now, but for the 2nd set, if your mental health allows, go 2 inHg higher at less time. Use the 60% to 70% normal erection girth cock ring to trap your blood for 10 minutes interval, with 50 minutes break in between each erection (if possible). That 10 minutes break will create the needed cell membrane repair response, and the 50 minutes without blood trapping to allow cool down time during responses.

If your mental health doesn't allow two sets at a time, you can do 1 set of 5 minutes SSJ to flex the tissues at stronger intensity, 5 minutes pump at higher intensity (if your baseline is 5 inHg, go for 7 inHg), and do the same cock ring method above.

This is about how you can fine tune your method to effectively break the cell membranes and promote expansion based on your current level. If you are successfully achieve your gain while having external issues, you'll lead the brotherhood into a new branch of confirm routine for those with similar conditions. PE is a journey, and each journeyman has his unique criteria. It's not a one routine fits all.
Because I was clamping for 8 months, my penis - for some reason - has great resistance on HG. I am using the pump at 13HG because under 13HG I am feeling nothing, really. The problem is that because of my erection problems, I enter the pump at 60-70% erect and I have to push to 13HG. If I had 100% erection, I BET I would go max for 8HG.
Basically, everything has to do with my erection! This is something outside my power because I cannot force it to be 100%.

So, basecally you say that 2x2x2 + cockring 1 hour whereas for 10 mins in cockring the penis is erected. 2 times a day. Right?
Hello guys,
I am writing this post based on all the info I have gathered so far and based on my own experiences. I have experienced the problem thst after the 2nd SSJ + Pump its very hard for me to go to the 3rd set. So I thought of this. (Don't forget my mental problems etc)
What If I am doing one set of ssj + pump and then immediatelly put cockring for 1 hour. Then, after 1 hour using cockring, remove cockring and do ssj + pump again + cockring for 1 hour again. And then ssj + pump + cockring for 2 hours again.
Total 3 ssj + pump (someone can do this 5 times)
Total cockring 4 hours.
I am thinking of this because my body can't handle the immediate 5x5x3 so I thought cementing for that time while renewing the process will make good.
How does sound ? Or my imagination is too much ? Haha :d

You should give it a try. It should work as long as there is still expansion. This is a style of training that no one has ever experimented on before
Because I was clamping for 8 months, my penis - for some reason - has great resistance on HG. I am using the pump at 13HG because under 13HG I am feeling nothing, really. The problem is that because of my erection problems, I enter the pump at 60-70% erect and I have to push to 13HG. If I had 100% erection, I BET I would go max for 8HG.
Basically, everything has to do with my erection! This is something outside my power because I cannot force it to be 100%.

So, basecally you say that 2x2x2 + cockring 1 hour whereas for 10 mins in cockring the penis is erected. 2 times a day. Right?
You can gain with doing 5x5x3 once every day. 2 days on and 1 day rest, or 1 day on 1 day rest.
So, basecally you say that 2x2x2 + cockring 1 hour whereas for 10 mins in cockring the penis is erected. 2 times a day. Right?
Yes. Give this a try to see where you are. 13 inHg may be your new baseline. A bit high due to possible tissue thickening from clamping. Shower, do try to warm up with 10 inHg, and enter into 13 inHg zone on the second set. Do try same at night. Try this for a few weeks to a few month to see if you obtain any change between gain vs EQ benefits. If not, resume with. The 15 to 20 minutes priming pumping methods with 2 minutes intervals just like the video. The pumping length is a bit longer than needed as cell membranes already been broken on the first few reps.
You can gain with doing 5x5x3 once every day. 2 days on and 1 day rest, or 1 day on 1 day rest.
I really do not know which is the best thing to do.
Push my self to the limits like @DLD said or just find a decent way to do 5/7 a week girth routine.
I am confused because I am very new to this.
Also, for some reason, my expansion after the pumping session is not lasting as much as it was before (when i remove the cockring after 30 mins for PEE then i lose 50% expansion). Any ideas on this? Or it does not matter?
Pushing the limits is to engage growth. It doesn't mean that you automatically gain the exact size you pumped up to after each session. If that's easy, we wouldn't be killing ourselves pumping daily to our limits.

Every time you break down a cell membrane, that cell membrane is recovered to its normal size. However, what you are doing during pumping is to create gaps in between the cells, forcing them to regenerate, replicate, and fill in the gaps. Each cell you introduce during regenerative process is is 100 micrometer. You have to force your gaps to be densely filled successfully 10 times to get 0.04 inch of growth. It's not about 10 little cells. It's about 10 compressive lines of successful cell growth like a tree ring, packed tight, loaded up with 100+ cells into that single gap to overcrowd for a permanent growth.

So yes, your penis will deflate, and continue to deflate after the removal of the cock ring after each pumping session. The girth remains at 70 to 80% the pump state for a while, between 30 minutes to a few hours, before returning to the prior erected state. You're building your girth one little micrometer at a time.
Pushing the limits is to engage growth. It doesn't mean that you automatically gain the exact size you pumped up to after each session. If that's easy, we wouldn't be killing ourselves pumping daily to our limits.

Every time you break down a cell membrane, that cell membrane is recovered to its normal size. However, what you are doing during pumping is to create gaps in between the cells, forcing them to regenerate, replicate, and fill in the gaps. Each cell you introduce during regenerative process is is 100 micrometer. You have to force your gaps to be densely filled successfully 10 times to get 0.04 inch of growth. It's not about 10 little cells. It's about 10 compressive lines of successful cell growth like a tree ring, packed tight, loaded up with 100+ cells into that single gap to overcrowd for a permanent growth.

So yes, your penis will deflate, and continue to deflate after the removal of the cock ring after each pumping session. The girth remains at 70 to 80% the pump state for a while, between 30 minutes to a few hours, before returning to the prior erected state. You're building your girth one little micrometer at a time.
If that's the case i must pump 20 times a day !!!!
Okay can I hear your best advice please this is confusing me !
Pumping 20 times a day is like saying you'll be working out nonstop all day. You'll gain very little, and your body will reach fatigues to the point where it will shut off any possible avenue to grow.

However, look back up in the previous posts. Try the two routines we discussed about. One as your 15 to 20 minutes intermediate approach, with 2 minutes on high pressure and release to get the blood flow again. In that 2 minutes, you already prime your penis to break the cell walls at 13 inHg that you indicated. Any additional pumping after will further break any cell membranes that are not broken. I can't tell you how the cell membranes will break based on the pumping method. As long as there is no air gaps in the system at thr high pressure you are using, you can control the level of deformity of your growth during your attempt to create cellular gaps.

The method I advised was 2x2x3 or even 3x3x2 twice a day, with cock ring in between. At that level, your cell membranes already underwent breakage for repair, and the cock ring all day with interval erections continues to provide the gaps you need for girth building.

Try one or the other for a few months, and see which works best for you. However, don't expect sudden massive girth gain after a few weeks to a few months. It's a progressive and accumulative gain each passing week, no matter how little it may be. Be patient.
Just do a reduced level until you can work yourself up. 3x3x2 sounds best. Also note that you are concerned about cementing, unless another VET has something to say, that is not the right word for what you are doing now. You are growing and keeping it in a state of growth, cementing is more about when you have reached your objective and you are on autopilot to cement what you have gained. That's later.
You are growing and keeping it in a state of growth, cementing is more about when you have reached your objective and you are on autopilot to cement what you have gained. That's later.
Yes cementing and gaining is a little different.
If we don't stop and start our maintenance progran after we reached our goal, there is a big risk that we will overshot our goal big time.
Because I was clamping for 8 months, my penis - for some reason - has great resistance on HG. I am using the pump at 13HG because under 13HG I am feeling nothing, really. The problem is that because of my erection problems, I enter the pump at 60-70% erect and I have to push to 13HG. If I had 100% erection, I BET I would go max for 8HG.
Basically, everything has to do with my erection! This is something outside my power because I cannot force it to be 100%.

So, basecally you say that 2x2x2 + cockring 1 hour whereas for 10 mins in cockring the penis is erected. 2 times a day. Right?
Have you stopped clamping ? Very smart if so. The 5x5x3 is the fastest abd safest way to go
Have you stopped clamping ? Very smart if so. The 5x5x3 is the fastest abd safest way to go
Yes I have stopped long time now, and I am afraid it did somehow some damage on my penis taking into account how were my erections back then and how they are now. But little by little, doing 5x5x3, it seems that I am getting something back. How does 5x5x3 extended sounds to you?
Pumping 20 times a day is like saying you'll be working out nonstop all day. You'll gain very little, and your body will reach fatigues to the point where it will shut off any possible avenue to grow.

However, look back up in the previous posts. Try the two routines we discussed about. One as your 15 to 20 minutes intermediate approach, with 2 minutes on high pressure and release to get the blood flow again. In that 2 minutes, you already prime your penis to break the cell walls at 13 inHg that you indicated. Any additional pumping after will further break any cell membranes that are not broken. I can't tell you how the cell membranes will break based on the pumping method. As long as there is no air gaps in the system at thr high pressure you are using, you can control the level of deformity of your growth during your attempt to create cellular gaps.

The method I advised was 2x2x3 or even 3x3x2 twice a day, with cock ring in between. At that level, your cell membranes already underwent breakage for repair, and the cock ring all day with interval erections continues to provide the gaps you need for girth building.

Try one or the other for a few months, and see which works best for you. However, don't expect sudden massive girth gain after a few weeks to a few months. It's a progressive and accumulative gain each passing week, no matter how little it may be. Be patient.
I will try 1 week 5x5x3 extended to see how my body feels and after that I will try 3x3x2 twice a day and check again too how my body reacts.
I just want to find the best method for this. One last question. How much time between those 2 sets?
I wish clamping would be banned, and not recommended.

But these methods are still used in multiple sites throughout the Internet. In my opinion there is to much risk with it.

@kriskros hard pumping can make your erections bad, or cut them off. Then you need rest.
What I do is to balance active pe with passive pe. Because if I went every day my erections would be gone and I would stop gaining.
One last question. How much time between those 2 sets?
Depends on your recovery time, and erection quality.
For example I did one session yesterday evning, but I could not start my session next day before 17:00.
Yes I have stopped long time now, and I am afraid it did somehow some damage on my penis taking into account how were my erections back then and how they are now. But little by little, doing 5x5x3, it seems that I am getting something back. How does 5x5x3 extended sounds to you?
If you can handle it go for it
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