Recent content by strongviking

  1. S

    Ways to look bigger in the shower rooms

    I know how you feel because I tend to turtle big time when doing sports and going into showers after that is not something I look forward to, it looks like I don't have balls at all and I might lose 50% of my length too... Being nervous doesn't help. At the same time I think almost every guy...
  2. S

    Length work Beginners manual penis enlargement guide

    I've followed this routine for a week, cannot handle it all though my dick hurts! I'd say I can do maybe 75% of this routine atm. I didn't do anything else than this during the past 7 days. I've been on-off pumping for some 12-13 months and doing kegels, got some gains during this. So, today...
  3. S

    Supplements for better erection?

    I read that L-citruline and L-arginine combined might end up with solid results, anyone on this "diet" ?
  4. S

    Supplements for better erection?

    What would your ultimate pill for rock hard erections include?
  5. S

    Be New to MOS? Introduce you're self here!

    I started to do Penis Enlargement about an year ago when I got tired to my weak erections (I'm 35). I visited a doctor to check out if it was a case of low testosterone which was tested and for my relief it was on the upper level for my age. On the other hand it was found that my prolactive...
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