
  1. Golden Crotch

    What is wrapping, and why is it necessary for PE?

    Bring on the answers! :)
  2. I

    What if you urinate a lot?

    Hey everyone, long time no post. Finally gotten to the point of potentially buying the SG extender. However I'm guessing it's not really easy, if not recommended at all, to pee while it's on. So one, can those that have worn it confirm or deny about peeing with it on. And if you can't, are...
  3. G

    Around the waist harness

    Hi folks. Posted this at �other forum� in a subforum but that sub seems pretty inactive, so posting here due to the increased activity... I have the latest VacExtender - and like it a lot, but need to stretch around my waist (partially to help correct a curvature). Can someone recommend the...
  4. I

    Sg+bundle stretch

    I was just curious if anyone ever tried to do a bundle stretch while wearing the SG meaning put in a twist or two in before strapping it in.
  5. S

    Getting no gains and then gaining

    Has anyone experienced that they didnt achieve gains after some time then did something else and all of a sudden gained if so please tell and if you know of liks to threaqds please link i need to do my investigation.
  6. VoorheesXIII

    discolor/beauty Ultrasound to treat discolouration/bruises?

    As the title states, has anyone tried or know much about ultrasound therapy? My line of thinking is that applied external heat (rice sock etc) helps a little with bloodflow & treatment of bruising/discolouration but the biggest problem is that the red blood cells can get trapped deeper in the...
  7. ayS

    Could Foreskin be limiting My Gains with VLC?

    Hi All, I got to thinking as i am sitting here at work on MOS and in my SG + VLC attachment sitting on the office chair, that at the max stretch( or as hard as i can get my extender bars turned) i cannot feel too much of a stretch and it seems that my skin or my foreskin to be exact maybe...
  8. S

    When does my Penis End (Measurement)

    See attached pics... I'm 2 months in...I've found that stats can vary greatly depending on Erection quality, time of day (on the wake up) etc... I recently shaved all the way back...to the point where my scrotum is in front of my stomach and out a bit. Then comes the shaft. Do I...
  9. T

    shrinking cock and Extra Pounds

    i been carrying extra pounds drop some put it on and now noticing cock is shrinking or retracting been reading on these sites about turtling shrinking fat pads - theres a lot of terminology out there to learn - im hoping can learn and share observations about remedies should it shrink any...
  10. Golden Crotch

    Inquiry on preventing injury..

    Ok, so I just want a general idea of how to avoid it when doing the folling: 1. Stretching 2. Jelqing 3. Using an extender I guess I'm kinda paranoid right now, but hey. Doesn't hurt to be cautious, right?
  11. S

    2 months in, my observations, criticism please...

    Howdy! I began 2 months ago (my new measurements can be seen in my signature or here) - 08/2014 - BPEL - 5 1/8- 5 1/4 09/2014 - F 2 1/2, FC 3 3/4, FPBL 3, NBPEL 4 1/2, BPEL 5 1/4, EC 4 1/2 09/17/14 -NBPEL – 5, BPEL 5 ½, CIRCUMFERANCE (ERECT) – 4 ¾, FBPL – 3 ¼, FLACID NBPL – 3...
  12. Golden Crotch

    Important Newbie Question!!

    Guys, I'm getting really discouraged with my extender. Sometimes after a days work, I'll measure myself, and I would appear smaller! :( I'm thinking of just switching to doing exercises, and stretches, but I was wondering.. Do the exercises and stretches give permanent gains, or do you have...
  13. B

    who had hernia?

    Hi guys I'm looking for someone who has experience with hernia that have gone through with his own problems like I has got. I has my testicles swelling on both side that is not making me more comfortable when i'm doing normal things and i have also suffering with erectile dysfunction. I'm...
  14. Commodore

    Penis Master Pro vs Phallosan Forte

    Is there a much different between Penis master pro and Phallosan forte if you use the belt strap arond your waist ( not using the pmp extender just the glans chamber ) is there a big difference ?
  15. Jdcsd

    Good way to do high tension sd

    So I was frustrated with not being able to get I to the red zone with my forte and I also wanted a way to stretch straight down and came up with this. It's a wet suit material leg strap with Velcro. You just latch it around your leg and then hook one of those little rock climbing latch hooks...
  16. C

    Phallosan Forte

    Alrighty kiddies, I see there isn't a Phallsan Forte review up here yet so I will be the pioneer! I just got the thing today (took 2 days to get from Germany to my house.... I'm still waiting on lights for my car which I ordered 4 days, from California, before I order this thing and they...
  17. Halp

    What do bundled stretches do?

    Hey guys, Can someone please explain what exactly bundled stretches do and why they are better/more beneficial than normal stretches? Thanks
  18. Golden Crotch

    A newbie's journey with the Penimaster Pro ROD

    Hi, everyone! I'm a complete newbie to this site, as I have just joined today. I'm really glad now that I've found this site for support with my current goal. I never realized there were forums for PE. (Now I don't feel alone anymore!) Anyways, I'm going to use this thread to post a...
  19. C

    Made it to 8

    Well i am pretty damn happy. I have had my vlc and size genetics since the start of the year. The vlc annoyed me because i think the silicone cone was too small and would slip off. So then i started using the SG and the attachments just killed me. I am uncut and if i could even manage to get...
  20. johnny-wang

    Would it be a good time to try hanging

    Hey guys I am new to PE kinda. . . . Been on & off, N have now decided to go in on it 100%. Question is, I have been doing the newbie routine and bathmate for 3 weeks now. Gained . 30 in length and .25 girth Seriously considering trying hanging by the end of the 4th week/ start of 5th...
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