
  1. D

    mission 1" length gain in 1 month

    I am so desperate to gain an inch in 1 month. I know this does not sound realistic but I just wanna try to achieve this with my new routine. The details are as follows: Equipments: 1. Phallogenetics2.bathmate goliath The basis of the routine: DLD's SRT, I am targeting the following areas...
  2. C

    Need Help Cementing Gains with PF & Bathmate

    Hey guys, I have been doing PE since January, & currently own the Phallosan Forte extender & Bathmate x 40 Xtreme. They are both awesome devices and I like them a lot, however I need some advice on how to get the best out of them. I have been using the Bathmate 1 day on - 1 day off...
  3. Z

    anyone gotten back into extender after INGUINAL HERNIA SURGERY REPAIR

    I'll finally be having my surgery soon and im scared ill never be able to do penis enlargemnt again anyones thought on this? Has anyone ever came back from something liek this i have ocd sooo stopping anything really hurts me inside ive already stopped using the extender since my condition...
  4. P

    always getting blister from PF now

    i had quit PE for awhile....but when i use PF now i am ALWAYS getting blisters aroung the tip of the glans.....why is this happening ???? i never useto to get them earlier ..... can the bell be small for me ???? it like perfect size right now but can the gator thingy cause this when i pump...
  5. johnny-wang

    My stack - Think its safe?

    I'd be starting one these very soon just wanted to know what you guys think. . Safe or Not? Btw please suggest what you think is the ideal dosage for each, especially those with question marks. 1. L-Citrulline: 1000mg Strength. Taken 1 time daily. Total = 1000mg 2. Zinc: 50mg Strength...
  6. johnny-wang

    Anyone tried HGH and PE?

    Hey guys, Been doing some research-esque readings on the subject matter and have only found conflicting reports so far. Some say it works, other say it doesn't! Let me firstly say that I am a total noob in this matter, and only basing my assertions on logic. I am forced to align with the pro...
  7. master_mind

    Ice doing magic for me.

    Recently I pulled my penis hard and my left testicles got swollen. So I stopped taking all my pills to increase my blood flow and stopped doing P.E. 7 days have passed. I started to use ice pack on my swollen left testicles. To my surprise I am getting much harder morning wood...
  8. Bluewolff

    Bathmate+streching question

    so stopped using the bathmate for over 1 month, and that was stupid, but didnt have time for it >:( so gonner start up again - and i do what i normal does, 3 reps with 5 min each rep...
  9. H

    Is it ideal to pump daily or 1 day on 1 day off?

    I've come to realize that I get very massive expansion from my girth workout if I take a break for 1 day. But when I pump daily, I still get a massive expansion but it cannot be compared to when I take a break for 1 day. If I'm pumping daily, after a session, right under my glans expand to 6...
  10. M

    Ice has shown to be better than heat for Stretching.A case for cold water pumping.

    Links to articles and sources will be posted at the bottom. This is a bit long and full of science. I've seen for years on sites and threads arguing the benefits for and against ice so maybe this can expand on what we know so far. " The reason why cryotherapy, or the use of ice as...
  11. W

    cell repair

    Go everyone. I had a question about the science of pe. Particularly the cells. After doing a workout, do u want your cells to recover quickly or slowly? Thanks guys, have a great day.
  12. A

    Aim's advanced training teachings

    I found this video. And realized that i wanted to share it. I also realized that this is above beginners level. If you dont have s basic concept of macro nutrients. Metabolism. Etc. This thread will do you more harm than good. But these guys says some stuff that is just fucking...
  13. P

    Alot of confusion here

    guys now the only thing missing for me is a good herbal solution for enlargement....... i have searched and there are so many that its very hard to choose which one is right..... i also considered titan but im sure there are more powerful herbs also now out there.... i found this one and...
  14. A

    has anyone made major gains from just wrapping and/or cockring only?

    I'm starting to wonder if high intensity PE is what really causes growth or if frequent low intensity throughout the day can create more blood flow and overall more growth. The reason I ask is throughout my noob gains I had great EQ, and as my growth slowed and we add intensity the EQ must...
  15. D

    Hard erection big load formula(Full version)

    400 ml nut milk, Coconut milk, or Spring dragon longevity tea, 1 scoop chocolate or vanilla sun warrior protein powder or 1 scoop of chocolate or vanilla one world whey protein powder, 1 teaspoon organic raw maca or maca extreme, 1/2 teaspoon polyrachis ant powder, 1/2 teaspoon cordyceps...
  16. T

    �naked people movies� addiction and penis injury - any help appreciated (long read)

    Hello everybody, I’m a german man of 28 years. I’ll try to keep my intro here as short as possible but I’m afraid there is a lot to talk about in my case. My background and condition Background: I’m a severe �naked people movies� addict for roughly eight years and I had a time were I was basically...
  17. G

    Hanging weight behind the balls (Iron Crotch)

    Hey brothers I would like to know if anyone has hanged behind the balls. I know the Chinese hang weights behind the balls with a cloth and a special knot or method of tying. I would like to learn or hear about this method of how to tie behind the balls as I feel this could have potential of more...
  18. I


    This is not a thread for me to explain it I have so many questions and hopefully the answers will help other people who have so many questions. 1) Do you apply the Bathmate when flaccid, semi erect or fully erect? I have been doing it flaccid and wasn't sure if I was doing it right. 2)...
  19. B

    Have I damage the nerves?

    Hi guys I need your help as I'm bit worry about my penis. I have spoke to urologist online and I have told him about what I have done to my penis that I'm suffered with erectile dysfunction and I get a cold reaction to my glans. He said that I have the nerves damaged when I enlarged my penis...
  20. kak03

    How many kegels?

    So I've gotten well into my girth routine after all the great info you guys posted in my last thread but there is one thing I am very unsure about and that is kegels. I know how to do kegels but I simply dont know how much is good and how much would be too much. I have searched and found many...
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