
  1. L

    VV Mod Causing Baseball Bat Dick

    The VV mod for the Bathmate was great at first, because it let me blast through my plateau with no problem. But after a while I noticed it was giving my baseball bat dick, at which point i immediately stopped. I want to get back to girth work, but I don't have any ideas on how to increase...
  2. T

    Shaft color change

    I have read several threads where people talk about their shaft getting dark. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
  3. A

    Erect excercises

    Hi, What are some best excercises in an erect stage, plz share your thoughts. Towel raises are for pc muscle strengthning, right? What other erect excercises are out there especially for length gains Best
  4. J

    Problems jelqing with alot of foreskin, anyone else?

    I have problems keeping the foreskin retracted when i jelq, it just keeps going over the glans everytime. It doesn't feel like the dick gets affected, its just the skin that gets really sore. Perhaps the solution is to jelq with oil or lube?
  5. habban

    Picture of fluid retention?

    Hello! Does anyone have a bunch of or a picture of a penis with and without fluid retention? I need this explained with pictures. I would like to know and see the difference. I don't know how it looks like. Could it be possible to have fluid retention on the penis without even...
  6. E

    Lil Update and possible input from the brothers, some help if you may

    Hi MOS Lately i've taken my PE commitment to a new level, throughout all of 2016 so far. since feb 1st, i been doing this routine: Length Day: - warm up - 1 X Expressive stretches(all angles), 1 minutes each stretch. - 1 X Bundled stretches left and right, 1 minute each - 1 X...
  7. B

    Help With Routine, Please!

    Been doing PE for 2 months now. No real routine. I have the BM xx30, LM and SG. I've been doing PE daily mostly to condition myself and get adjusted. My LM sessions seem too short, roughly 15 mins. I struggle to stay in the BM for each 5 min rep and I've been able to wear the SG for 6-8 hours on...
  8. F

    Best starter equipment that's not as expensive? Or simple procedures just to start?

    Hi. Um. Ok so I'm kinda starting out. I'm almost completed my course and currently in a position where it doesn't really matter to anyone else, but I'm taking a final kick at working on my weight and improving my body to pretty much what I've wanted to be for a while now. After giving up...
  9. B

    I'm Back

    I know there are a lot of new people around MOS these days and many of the guys I used to communicate are no longer active, but I just wanted to say that I'm back at it in an attempt to gain. I am going to make a progress thread, and the only things I will be doing is jelqing and doing different...
  10. D

    Looking for advice to change my routine in a few weeks

    Hi everyone, i recently registered on this forum but i've been doing PE for about almost 3 months from now on, starting in mid December, 2015. I started with the newbie routine from thundersplace, that i'll further detail below this paragraph, along with a �naked people movies� detox, and i gotta say it didn't...
  11. jekyllnhyde360

    Been putting in work with the BM, but still no perm gains!

    I bought the BM x30 xtreme a while ago, i already have the x40 but i don't like the expansion, huge difference with the xtreme hand pump, it's awesome. :cool: I get really good expansion, and although my flaccid doesn't stay huge like some guys, my erect girth stays big for most of the day...
  12. W

    Bathmate, will it work?

    Hey guys, I've decided to go down the road of PE after deciding that my size isn't quite where i want it to be, i believe these thoughts have been purely provoked based on what the internet deems as an acceptable size, anyway that's jus the way it is. I've never had my girlfriend complain...
  13. A

    How's my routine?

    Hello everyone. So I am a newbie. I posted my stats in the intro thread, but here they are again. BPFSL: 7 5/16- I've already gained 3/16 here BPEL: 6 5/8" - 1/8" to 1/4" gain EL laying down: 6" EL standing up: 5 3/16" MSEG: 5 1/4" 1/8" gain As you can see my biggest problem is that...
  14. D

    base girth

    How to gain basegirth?
  15. D

    base girth

    Well, I've been doing some ssj but now my base girth isn't growing very much. How o I gain some base girth?
  16. A

    Keep doing PE or shoukd I quit?

    Hey all. So the last couple years. On and off I've been doing PE. just started getting serious about it again last month. My starting stats at Length 7.25 girth 4.5. Also great erections and unlimited stamina. First I used the bathmate and then I stopped. I stopped doing he bathmate because it...
  17. D

    All I need is girth

    HI, So my dick is 7.1 inchesin length and 5.3 girth wise. 7 icnhes I like because more would actually hurt my girlfriend, but I feel i got a very thin dick and I just want to have more girth. Can someone advise me an exercise to gain 0.5 inch girth , that would already be a big difference...
  18. eugine8plz

    Masturbation kills gains??

    So I've been reading around for awhile and I've been noticing a reoccurrence that people that have been masturbating frequently Havnt gained as much as people that masturbate say once a week. Does masturbation really kill gains?
  19. Bluewolff

    My Routine So Far.

    here it my Routine do this set 3 times. Each day 1st set - 2nd set - and 3th set - 3 min warmup with a hot towel - 5 min Slow Squash jelq - 5 min Bathmate - 3 sets of the The Long Schlong as some call it. ( first you put the penis outwards for 10-30 seconds - then left and right - up and...
  20. kak03

    My routine (just to make sure I´m on the right track to gains)

    Hi. I´ve been doing PE actively every day since mid January now and I figure its time for me to post my routine and get some opinions on it to see if I´m doing what I should. Starting measurments are BPEL: 7" BPFL: 7.79" MEG: 5.3. Goal is BPEL:8.5" MEG: 6" Towel raises 10 min bundled...
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