Jun 3, 2003
The Book:

Big Man

Strong Man
Tall Man
Long Man
Becoming Limitless through SRT

So for 6 months I have been away but not sleeping, I have been very hard at work finishing the book that will be given to SRT Members. I have been compiling data for years and my interactions with men have reached a level of intimacy that I feel it is the right time to write the book on Becoming the Limitless Man! SRT started mainly centered around the penis and then it went into stretching the spine for height increase and correction of back problems. My approach to writing the book changed when I introduced a new way to teach, a completely ambidextrous approach. The portion on Penis Enlargement rewrites PE in one simple routine that includes new exercises that have brought me gains! I also conquered with ease the spine and becoming taller, again from a different approach, and today, as I post this, I am 6 feet tall. I have always been 5' 8" and now, I know, along with 13 other SRT Participants, that becoming taller is very possible! My new approach, which is SRT born, was bringing correction through the teaching of a new method of learning that streamlines the process and brings results very quickly. The book goes deeper into methods we have learned and practiced over the past decade but it goes way beyond the penis. SRT includes every part of your body and it is more of a lifestyle change than a routine. There are promises that come with the SRT Program which are:

The SRT Promises
1. Gain 2 inches or more in Penis Size: The mastering of the male sexual system.
You are guaranteed to gain at least 2” of penis size in girth and length but many men have gone on to add up to 4” in length and 2” in girth. We started our penis enlargement program 11 years ago and have millions of men who have gained millions of inches! A bigger penis means better sex and more satisfaction for you partner. With a larger penis your confidence will go through the roof. Your sexual life will increase in satisfaction as well as your parter. Gaining a bigger penis is easy and quick with the SRT System. Using only the best exercises and equipment created over the past decade will bring gains faster than any other system in the world. We wrote the book on penis enlargement over a decade ago and it still remains the most powerful system but over the decade a few exercises and tools have become evidently more powerful than others. SRT used these components on rewriting the way we enlarge the penis and allow it to be in peak sexual shape. Having the abilities to stay hard as long as you like cum on command and retain an erection after orgasm through the Male Multi-Orgasm. You are about to have the penis you have always desired and it will be fun and exciting in the journey. With the incredibly powerful new exercises and the equipment that is most effective in making gains fastest. The Bathmate, LengthMaster and SizeGenetics are the best equipment on the market and they are included in your SRT kit.

2. A perfectly shaped body, muscular, fit and without excessive fat.
All exercises, tools for exercises and meditations are geared not only to be easily integrated into your life but a lot of fun. This book was written to gain a beautiful body, massive penis and a highly functional mind through exercises and practices that become a part of our lifestyle instead of a basic exercise program. You will never be bored and you will always look forward to the training you are doing, knowing it is working because the changes are that quick and obvious. SRT is not a program for building big, bulky muscles, it is one to bring you into the best shape possible. The result is a lean, muscular and fully functional body. Every muscle will be developed to it’s best state of being while your strength, balance and reflexes become more powerful. The way we build muscle in SRT is not conventional and we use many creative exercises and tools to make this journey fun and full of variety. The tools created for muscle building are basic and functional and when used with the LengthMaster body they create a whole new way of training to become in perfect shape. A women desires a man that is lean, muscular and humble with a confidence that need not be shown off. SRT promises you the body that is perfect for you.

3. At least one inch in height of body but this could be as much as 5”.
Becoming taller is a dream to many men. Some men, in older age, may have lost some of their height while younger men may have not grown as tall as they wish. SRT practices selective parts of many activities to create the exercises that allow for a gain in height. You are guaranteed to gain at least 1 inch in height over your 60 day circuit. You may want to continue training to become taller. We explore the spine and how it has pace between all vertebrae and how this becomes compressed with age so exercises and tools used to correct this by focusing on stretching this tissue and elongating the tissue. With the strict disciplines in posture and the incredibly fun exercises you will see yourself grow taller and taller. Be sure to take full report of all your measurements so you know exactly how much your have grown. Getting taller and correcting back problems was the original intent of this book but as it was being written many incredible new ways of bettering tyne male form became obvious. I hope all take full advantage of the work that has been expressed in this book.

4. True Ambidextrous Balance: Strength and operation of Right side of body is equal to Left.
Your will become fluent with an Ambidextrous body in all ways. SRT will guide you, with ease, through the basic drills and exercise sheets we practice to awaken a part of yourself never used before and this will bring great balance, dexterity, speed and accuracy in all areas of your life. Your thinking will evolve to give you abilities you never knew you had. Don’t be scared, becoming Ambidextrous is not as hard as the world makes it seem, just like all parts of SRT, it lis created to be simple, fun, intuitive and true. Ambidextrousness will bring a new way of approaching all situations in life. If you have always approached an issue from the right side SRT will show you millions of other ways to approach it using the multifaceted new brain potential SRT is teaching you. You can look at the skills of Ambidextrousness as being a new ability to use at least 200% more of your brain than you used prior to SRT. From an early age our abilities in Ambidextrousness are stifled by a world that is steps behind SRT. No matter what age you are when you awaken the full potentials of ambidextrousness you will awaken a new self complete with a fully functional brain able to do things you never believed possible.

5. At lease a 200% increase in Brain Power
Once the Ambidextrous self becomes affluent with being multisided in mind hew immediately has opened the door to increasing his brain power by at least 200%. There is no question of illusions here, you will know with certainty that you have become truly powerful in mind and this continues to become stronger and more cultivated as you progress with SRT. When we master the SRT Ambidextrous practices our brains evolve into a brand new way of thinking. Awakening the other parts of the brain, that would never be used otherwise, gives us an immediate increase in brain power. Once these new parts of the brain are put into use we immediately awaken the potentials to build and strengthen all parts of the brain. The newer mind being used is able to learn quicker and more efficiently than the old due to Brain Placisity but with new understandings found in Brain Development we find that there is no real age where the brain stops leaning. With SRT we increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain and learn of ways to stretch the brain to new levels never thought possible before. As the new brain develops the old becomes rejuvenated and picks up its pace in learning also. Together, with old brain tissue further stretching and expanding combined with new brain functions our ability to learn and grow increases exponentially. The new brain teaches the old while the old teaches the new. The old brain knows ways of doing things through experience and it teaches these skills to the new brain while the new brain develops innovative and specialized, new ways of doing things that the old brain learns. The combinations are mind blowing and the fun and new experiences you will go through are amazing. The brain has potentials far beyond what we ever believed before this book was released.

6. At lease a 200% increase increase in strength, range of motion, flexibility and balance of body.
What a wonderful promise! Knowing that SRT brings these super powers of body it like becoming a super hero. You will develop all muscle groups and gain strength unparalleled to any other type of exercise. This strength is a fluent power equal throughout the entire body and effecting every muscle. SRT, early in development, knew that every part of the body needed attention or atrophy would step in and stifle the potentials of body development. Using every muscle/muscle group is so important to the livelihood of your strong, able body. An SRT graduate has a body that is lean, muscular and developed in all ways. Our bodies were meant to be developed in all ways and our range of motion is far greater than what is now believed. Becoming in shape the SRT way means greater abilities, strengths and senses that allow us to add to the Limitless of our lives. Confidence skyrockets also with an improved, muscular, in shape body. We become noticed by those whom we want to attract and helps us experience the relationships we desire most.

7. New abilities in mind and body SRT calls this the Limitless Force and force that we all have but in order to use it one must identify it and practice it to make it stronger and more useable. Once you have a solid understanding of the methods to attaining this powerful force you will become able to manifest all your hopes, dreams and desires with ease and accuracy. The force allows you to attain to all experiences, people and places you desire. Work is replaced with inspirational activities that bring us closer and closer to that which we desire. The processes of this Limitless teach us true manifestation in easy steps that work time and time again. Having abundance in our lives, or the ability to do what we want when we want happens when we embrace the teachings of this SRT Force, a new sense in experiential happiness.

8. True and Complete Confidence in every situation.
By the time you have completed the 60 day cycle of training you will have attained all the above promises and this will bring confidence levels to new heights. Having confidence in all areas you become a different person. You are able to bring the things you want in your life into your experience because you have accomplished so much already. Confidence is built on confidence meaning being a confident mans happens as you become more confident from past victories. SRT is victory after victory and confidence grows with each win. Confidence is what allows us to receive all the good things in life we desire. Feeling worthy of these gifts is all about developing our confidence to a level of incredible strength and power. Confidence wins in all situations and it stems from having a fully developed mind and body, only available through SRT.

9. Your Relationship with God will become perfected
Understanding that God’s power much greater than our own and if we are able to make a spiritual connection with God we perfect ourselves in many ways. When we ask God for help, protection and desire and our prayers are answered it brings greater and greater faith. Being able to mediate on and pray to God brings absolute peace. When we ask it is given and when we take we give thanks and just like everything else in this book, with practice and experience comes greater and greater strength and ability. Having a friendship with God is a beautiful thing and every man should aspire to this spiritual awakening.

Understand that I have used every moment away perfecting these methods and the tools to make the changes possible. I am now back full time starting tomorrow to help you with your posts. I have missed you but I think you will agree the time away was worth it!

Big Man, Strong Man, Tall Man, Long Man: Becoming Limitless through SRT
WOW!!! I am 5'4 and that would HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a MILLION DLD!!!! LMAO Glad to have you back brother/father! All the best from your BIG fan Zam :)
Can't wait to read your book when it's finally released, DLD. The growth in height is an awesome addition, I guess when it comes to thinking about the general idea of Matters of Size the penis isn't the only thing you can increase!
Thanks guys! The book is fabulous and contains a lot of new, innovative approaches to penis enlargement and everything else a man could want. I think it will be a great success and a must for every man at MOS.
Glad you're back DLD, we missed your wise teachings. The forum was like the Teenage Mutant Nina Turtles without Master Splinter when you were gone
doublelongdaddy;580713 said:
The Book:...Understand that I have used every moment away perfecting these methods and the tools to make the changes possible. I am now back full time starting tomorrow to help you with your posts. I have missed you but I think you will agree the time away was worth it!

Big Man, Strong Man, Tall Man, Long Man: Becoming Limitless through SRT
These are some powerful declarations, guaranteed to be made in 60-days
wakingdream;580799 said:
Glad you're back DLD, we missed your wise teachings. The forum was like the Teenage Mutant Nina Turtles without Master Splinter when you were gone

I wanted to post everyday, believe me, without you guys in my life a big part of me is missing. I am so happy to be back and I am so happy to have the book written and ready for publishing. It will be released alongside the LengthMaster since many of the exercises for the penis and body require a LengthMaster. The LengthMaster went from a penis tool to a whole body tool while I was writing the book. I think my creative ways of using our own tool will be received with gladness.

Morphosis;580818 said:
These are some powerful declarations, guaranteed to be made in 60-days

Extremely powerful and if the program is followed as the book is written the promises are even greater. So many incredible changes have happened in my life since I experienced the full SRT Program. It is the ultimate makeover of the male form in every respect.
Will there be illustrations or photography in the book? Like a picture of a SRT user standing in front of a height wall chart on Day One and then again a few months later after they've gone from...let's say 5'5" to 5'8"?
Great to see you back Mike!! Your new book sounds amazing!!! : )
Happy to see you back DLD!!

Your new work sounds great, I would love to have a read!

- - - Updated - - -

Happy to see you back DLD!!

Your new work sounds great, I would love to have a read!
Great to see you're back on the forum and with great news! I look forward to being one of the first to buy your book and apply your new findings.
TreasureHunter;580930 said:
Will there be illustrations or photography in the book? Like a picture of a SRT user standing in front of a height wall chart on Day One and then again a few months later after they've gone from...let's say 5'5" to 5'8"?

Tons of graphics and pictures, exercise charts and status sheets. It is more of a working textbook than a quick read. I wanted the book to be a stand alone product regardless of video and exercise equipment. There is a bunch of new equipment being used which will be for sale that goes hand in hand with the book. The LengthMaster plays a huge role in all exercises for body and penis. A height chart was something I did not think about but we will also include that now that you made mention.

Asanon;580932 said:
Great to see you back Mike!! Your new book sounds amazing!!! : )

Thanks Asanon! It is great to be back. I was getting stir crazy writing the book and being back I am finally settling back into my regular functions.

sasquatch;580949 said:
Happy to see you back DLD!!

Your new work sounds great, I would love to have a read!

Thanks sasquatch, You will love the book, I just know it. To the few that have read it and done the work they have been very happy so I can't wait for the Brotherhood to put it into action.

AndroidR;580964 said:
Great to see you're back on the forum and with great news! I look forward to being one of the first to buy your book and apply your new findings.

So many new findings. The PE exercises I created are simply genius and will bring length and girth with greater speed. I spent a lot of time researching and developing in the internal penis department, how to access, expose and enlarge and I have come with new techniques that make this even faster than the older exercises. Of course, using the LengthMaster is a blast and I know every man is going to love it.

jakb;580968 said:
When is it to be "expected" for purchase?

on the release of the LengthMaster in 2 weeks, or just after that.
TreasureHunter;580930 said:
Will there be illustrations or photography in the book? Like a picture of a SRT user standing in front of a height wall chart on Day One and then again a few months later after they've gone from...let's say 5'5" to 5'8"?

Tons of graphics and pictures, exercise charts and status sheets. It is more of a working textbook than a quick read. I wanted the book to be a stand alone product regardless of video and exercise equipment. There is a bunch of new equipment being used which will be for sale that goes hand in hand with the book. The LengthMaster plays a huge role in all exercises for body and penis. A height chart was something I did not think about but we will also include that now that you made mention.

Asanon;580932 said:
Great to see you back Mike!! Your new book sounds amazing!!! : )

Thanks Asanon! It is great to be back. I was getting stir crazy writing the book and being back I am finally settling back into my regular functions.

sasquatch;580949 said:
Happy to see you back DLD!!

Your new work sounds great, I would love to have a read!

Thanks sasquatch, You will love the book, I just know it. To the few that have read it and done the work they have been very happy so I can't wait for the Brotherhood to put it into action.

AndroidR;580964 said:
Great to see you're back on the forum and with great news! I look forward to being one of the first to buy your book and apply your new findings.

So many new findings. The PE exercises I created are simply genius and will bring length and girth with greater speed. I spent a lot of time researching and developing in the internal penis department, how to access, expose and enlarge and I have come with new techniques that make this even faster than the older exercises. Of course, using the LengthMaster is a blast and I know every man is going to love it.

jakb;580968 said:
When is it to be "expected" for purchase?

on the release of the LengthMaster in 2 weeks, or just after that.
Where can i order this book? Link please :)?? Im very excited about what i just read it sounds very promising thnx DLD !!!
I find it really hard to believe i can actually gain height from stretching
iv been a gymnast fora long time
and we used to do stretches for hours every single day
but still you can barely see a gymnast over 5'6
i think its all about genetics
DutchAthletic92;588013 said:
Where can i order this book? Link please :)?? Im very excited about what i just read it sounds very promising thnx DLD !!!

A lot of new things promised but it will take time before you can actually have this book in your hands,so you want to be taller?
Hunter99;588018 said:
I find it really hard to believe i can actually gain height from stretching
iv been a gymnast fora long time
and we used to do stretches for hours every single day
but still you can barely see a gymnast over 5'6
i think its all about genetics

I've noticed this to,DLD has got the be talking about the spine for extra height
Sounds not just impressive, but revolutionary! And I love the spiritual part. My question is will it be avalible as a paperback and also PDF? Than the ebook version probably could be less expensive (no shipping, printing, paper, etc.).
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