Downward curved penis and Foreskin restoration.


Dec 18, 2023
Hello everyone,

I don’t remember if I made that thread before but bear with me. I have a downward curve which I believe is rare but I fucking hate it like really hate it. It doesn’t point to the ground, it points straight when erect but has a downward curve.

I am cut/circumcised and I believe my curve is due to that circumcision because I feel and see that my skin is tight in the downward area if that makes sense and the upper area is loose . I’ve also happened to not see a single person with downward curve that wasn’t circumcised so that makes me think…. Other than peyronis disease which I don’t have what other reason would i have such a curve? Cause I remember having it since I was 13 years old.

My question is will foreskin restoration help with that curve? And is there any exercises that might get my penis to be straight? This curve got me depressed if I’m being honest, I’ve got good gains from PE but this curve that ruins the whole thing for me.
I believe Ball & Lig Stretches and Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches with LENGTHMASTER 3 will fix this, That is if you want more length, this exercise is very good. In the meantime you gain you will reduce/take away that downward curvature.
I believe Ball & Lig Stretches and Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches with LengthMaster 3 will fix this, That is if you want more length, this exercise is very good. In the meantime you gain you will reduce/take away that downward curvature.
Behind the cheeks will focus on the side that’s already loose. It won’t work , it would make it worse.
Have you tried this yet? If not, where have you gotten your opinion on if this would work or not?
When I do BTC stretches , the upper part stretches while the downward part ( the shorter side) isnt so by default I am doing the opposite of my intended goal.
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