
Jun 20, 2003
Hey guys,
I have been having some real erection problems and it's really starting to piss me off. I haven't been able to get erect properly for about 2 months now. The most it gets is like 75% erect on its own. I started to so some more girth work and then my erections got weaker. This is the routine I was doing:
- Hot wrap
- 5 mins of manual stretching
- 10 mins of wet jelqing
- 10 x 40second ULIs
- Hot wrap

Before that I was just doing a jelqing routine or something. I really wanted some more girth so I started doing the routine above for a while and it was going fine until my erections started getting weaker. The routine isn't even intense, especially compared to some other guys, and I'd been Penis Enlargementing for quite a while so didn't see a problem doing this routine. I did it most days. When I started getting the erection problems I kept up the Penis Enlargement but not as much. Then when they didn't get back I stopped Penis Enlargement. I've stopped Penis Enlargement for a month now, apart from the odd wet jelqing session, and they still haven't come back properly! It's really annoying me now.

I know it can't be a mental thing because this has happened to me before when I started to do more girth work. I stopped Penis Enlargement and the erections came back after about 3-4 weeks. But that hasn't happened this time.

I also don't think it can be mental because it does get like 70% erect or whatever but just not full. It feels like theres just not enough blood going into it. I get girls and it still doesn't get fully hard. If I am masturbating or doing something with a girl it may get 85% erect max but if you leave it alone it will go back down to 50% or whatever after 20 seconds or something!!

I do my kegels and I do the odd wet jelqing session to try and promote blood flow. I even took ZMA for about a month to try and boost my testostrone and erections etc but it still didn't help. I've got down masturbation a lot too.

Theres no noticable difference in my cock just by looking at it so I don't know what it is. I can only think my cock is damaged some how and not enough blood is getting into it or something like that.

Please guys, don't advise me to take viagra or anything like that because I am 19 and shouldn't need that shit and I also can't afford it!

I am only 19 and I can do without this shit in my life. My girl is getting bored with it. My cocks small enough as it is and I can do without not being able to get fully erect so it's even smaller!

If you guys can help at all it would be much appreciated. I will asnwer all questions you have etc. Please help.

You didn't mention if you get morning woodys.

I would really focus on the kegels, lay off the alcohol (you didn't say if you drank) and smoking.

Do you get more hard when viewing your favourite brand of �naked people movies�?

Finally, there's always a trip to the doc or urologist if all else fails.

Good luck.
I sometimes get a morning woody but still it's only like 70% erect. It's not a full one!

I rarely drink. Just now and again at weekends if I go out to a club. I don't smoke either. I'm reasonably healthy. I drink loads of water, try to keep fit etc.

�naked people movies� seems to do nothing for me anymore. Watching �naked people movies� is like watching golf for me now.
Hey dude. I feel you.

Listen to me : There is one thing that you said that is very very true. A 19 y. shouldn't need viagra or anything else to get 100% excellent erections.
No viagra, No testosterone enhancers , no Penis Enlargement, no pc workouts. No nothing !

Let me give you an advice (I think it will be the best you will get on this entire Forum)

Go to a doctor immidiately (find a specialist a really good/modern one) and insist on a full duplex scan (its called "doppler sonographie" in german.
Don't let anyone fool you or shake you of with phrases like :Here take a viagra/ stop smoking/live with it or sum shit like that.
INSIST on a full duplex. Insist on getting your veins and arteries "extra" checked.

This scan allows the docs to see how much blood is going into the penis and how much is going out. They will also notice "blood leaks". Wich is the most important purpose of this scan. Blood leaks can be from damaged veins (venous leak) or damaged arteries and also directly from the spongy tissue. They all result in the same situation : You have more blood flowing out than in = INCOMPLETE ERECTION.

I'm going through similiar shit like you for 2 years now (and a member nicknamed "hope"). And today I had my dick examined by germanys best urologist. The leading specialist in that area. I made an appointment for tuesday next week and then I will be full duplex examined.

Just as you I tried to exclude all possible variables :
-low testosterone
-low sex drive
- too much Penis Enlargement / not enough Penis Enlargement / excersizes intensity/time
-to much kegels / not enough kegels
- tribulus in all doses and in combination with the others
-viagra in all doses "" ""
-arginine in all doses "" ""
-psychology ( yes I visited a therapist)
-urologist (forget cheap old bastards they want to sell/ you need a specialist urologist)

Yeah sure some of these "attempts @ fixing" did improove my situation. I even kept gaining with Penis Enlargement. But all in all its NEVER a real fix. None of these things brought me back what I used to have naturally before my injury : a THROBBING erection. An erection that was so hard by itself (without any viagra, pe or whatsoever shit) that it pulsated. Each day morning wood that doesn't go down while I shave my beard and brush my teeth EVENTHOUGH there are no sexual feeling/thoughts involved nor is the bladder full with piss. Thats it pure vitality. Youth my friend. I'm only a couple years older than you and I realized I will not live a happy life without my old dick back at full strength.

Oh well I talkin bout myself too much...back to you :

Don't believe those who say: "light jelquing couldn't have caused such a condition, look at me I gained while a jelqued at 120% erection level ! "

I say : They have no fuckin clue. And if they don't want to accept the fact that even the lightest form of jelquing is in reality completely unnatural and CAN be very dangerous to the penis.
The truth about jelquing is : Its not masturbation , its not like fucking, it a complete unique technique.
It is true that jelquing can will result in a bigger dick, however people must realize that it also can will damage dicks permanently. Dicks that wouldn't have been damaged by even exessive masturbation or hardcore sex. Dicks that belong to guys like "provider, hope , myself , and many many others"

My personal opinion is that there is too much instant increasing pressure on the penis and all its tissues because of the "ok sign upward milk technique" - you squeeze at the base after you kegeld even more blood inside than you force this blood and this huge pressure up your shaft (going the anti natural way) with auto-increasing pressure after each mm - this has serious "fuck a dick up" potential if you ask me ?!?!

In my opinion even the lightest form of jelquing is more dangerous than light horse sueezes, or light pumping or any other excersize where the pressure is spread " EVENLY". In truth jelquing is very very advanced and it shouldn't be something a completely unexperienced guys jumps into.

Well, fuck that I think you understand that I'm not a big fan of jelquing like I used to be 2 years ago.

Back to the topic and a REAL FIX for your situation.

As long as you are young and the blood inflow is good. ( wich I'm sure is the case in your case.)

There is a very very good chances of completely recovering.

First step is, finding a real specialist who REALLY understands your problem and doesn't give you "viagra advices"

Next step is the full duplex scan.

I believe in your case its some sort of leak too. The good news is if the leaks can be found the can be shut too.

Venous leaks can be shut by completly removing several veins, thus balancing out the in - outflow to a desired ratio.
Also you can get the veins tightened to lessen the amount of blood that passes through them.
Thats all microsurgery, minimal invasive, you recover really fast and there is potential of complete recoverage by this alone. Again only if the operation is done by a real specialists in cases where not enough or the wrong veins were removed the people developed the same condition a year or two later again after an initial recovery.

The new thing I heard from the german specialist today was that you can also have a blood leak from the erectile/spongy tissue itself. This was a complete surprise for me because I never suspected something / nor have I found some info on that in 2 years of extreme searching for information. Still even that can be fixed by a surgery (again microsurgery, probably stitches or some method to close the leak for good)

I think that I have a mixture of those problems because I had 2 traumas to the penis. 2 years ago I had the first that fucked up my left chamber (most probably due to jelquing and wrong sleeping position) but yet didn't fuck up my erection completely and the other one that fucked up my corpus spongiousum (slipped out duurin cow girl on top) a year ago and along that my throbbing erections.

That is actually the only reason why the specialist cared about helping me out that quick. Its a rare multiple trauma condition + I'm very young (22) and probably looked really upset and frustrated while explaining my situation to him.

When I made a call in order to make the appointment for the meeting the recption bitch said i'll get on the "wait list" and the next possible date is in 4 month. Well then I lied and said I have huge pain and I fear its falling off. then she said: come now then! and there I was. :)

As I said before insist, don't give up , don't let them shake you off, lie, steal, kill if you have to :) (jk)

I'll report back in a week.

Oh and btw. There should be a subforum on this forum with a different name than "booboos and band aids"

Thats like another slap in the face of the poor guy who fucked his dick up with light jelqs. Its not a boo boo its a damn disaster - permanent damage. Yes Penis Enlargement can do that despity of intensity or experience level involved.
Wow! u really talked bad about peing but u still continue to do it. If i hurt my penis so bad that it wouldnt' get 100percent erect Id be out of the program. I have had similar problems to you guys in that i couldn;t get 100 percent erect even when i was fucking or jackin off. SO i totally stopped the program and continued to have weak erections. I went back to the program and it went back to normal. In my opinion jelging is fairly safe if done correctly as well as pe. I know damage can be done, and iam like the most nervous person when it comes to it. I warm cloth like 10 minutes prior and take hot shower after wards to help reduce injury, but i dont think at all that doing a horse 440 squeeze is any safer for the dick it creates so much more pressure on the chambers than a jelg, plus jelging isn't meant to be done at 100 percent erection where the chambers get bigger up top as you jelg upward like u were saying, its too much pressure on them and your right, object is to just move blood to the head and fill the chambers and getting the right feeling of that took a while. Ive said it in other reply's better scientific study needs to be done before anybody can feel safe with peing, and there really arn't any reliable one's out there which sucks. I would just say don't overdue it Afterall Everyguy can have a huge dick but if it doesn't work than its worthless. The way i see it iam not �naked people movies�oed dicked but it works so iam happy. Sorry bout your misfortunes guys hope yall get better.
I've always gotten horrible erectile dysfunction when I've Penis Enlargement'd intensely for a long period of time, particularily if I've tried to do focus heavily on both length AND girth. It worsens gradually up to the point where I can't get any girth work done, which is usually the time when I put Penis Enlargementing on hold to regain proper functioning.

The only thing I can say to console you is that it's only passing. I've been there many, many times, and always gotten my dick back in shape after a break. You should try it, too, and lay off the �naked people movies� while you're at it. You can only look at pictures or video clips of naked women up to a certain point before you start to become jaded, and lose your arousal over those little details that would normally get you horny.
Thanks for the replies guys. I am going to try the following for the next week or two.
- Cut out as much masturbation and sexual stuff as I can (this is fucking hard for me!)
- Cut down on looking at �naked people movies�
- I'm gonna do something RED posted about hot/cold treatment and also do lots of hot wraps throughout the day
- I'm going to keep doing my kegels
- No Penis Enlargement
- I'll take an Iprobufen every second day

After doing this for a week or two if my erections still aren't back I'll have to go and see a doctor.
My quick take.
In the current world we live in, I dont think many males [healthy] get as solid erections as they should. STRESS in life and the workplace are main factors. I work LONG BUISY hours and I dont get many erections like I did. Alot of men are like this now. Also the food we eat and liquids we drink are full of alsorts of shit which wont help matters.
REDZULU2003 said:
My quick take.
In the current world we live in, I dont think many males [healthy] get as solid erections as they should.
Totally agree i can remember when i was in highschool and i would get multiple bonners just from looking at girls in school. That is when my dick seemed to be the healthiest,
Im 20 y/o and I had a HORRIFIC case of impotence about 7 months ago before I did Penis Enlargement. It started when I took some dietary supplements called Ripped Fuel. They basically tell you to take them in addition to your workout regimen to get more "ripped."
Well I started taking them and about a month later I was having a really hard time maintaining, or getting, a 100% erection. In fact 5 minutes into it I was lucky to have 50%.
I immediately stopped taking the pills but it took a good 2 months to get back to regular. To add insult to injury, after the erection problem went away it even lead to a equally horrific case of premature ejaculation........*SIGH* Hard times, hard times

My advice is listen to tbird, go to the doctor, but try to remember to not let it get to you. Take it for what it is and do what you can about it. I realized that I was getting so worked up about the problem that the physical reasons why I got erectile dysfunction now became secondary to new psychological ones.

Do some research on WeBathmated to get a better understanding on whats goin on.

Hang in there!! It'll go away and you'll be shagging like a crazy bastard in no time :cool:
Its all right going to the doctor, but they wont just send you to a urologist like that, especially here in the UK. They are more in depth. Stress causes alot of erectile issues, and they will probably talk to the individual first and see how the lifestyle is.
Smokeing, caffeine etc etc. Will advise you to adjust certain things. If your lucky you might get some Viagra, but they dont really prescribe that easy in the UK, its not a cure...its a cover for erectile issues. If issues aint resolved after the chat and any corrections the person could do, than another trip would be due. Than, the doc will probably send you to a urologist.

The point for dragging this up is, that most doctors wont just send you to a urologist straight away....rightfully so to. Theres no need for that, like I keep saying most erectile issues are mental and caused by the hectic world we live in. Not many are actually biological/anatomical...and viagra certainly isnt a cure.
Mine aren't mental at all though, I know a lot of peoples are but my ain't. It's quite clearly due to the girth work I started doing. I don't even have a job, I don't have a stressful lifestyle, I don't smoke, hardly ever drink, I'm healthy etc.
"Theres no need for that, like I keep saying most erectile issues are mental and caused by the hectic world we live in."

Red get your facts straight. Truth is 70% of all erectile problems are organic .

I don't argue about stress. Yes its also a huge erection+libido killer. But nonetheless most often its a blood flow issue (either not enough flowing in or too much flowing out) or nerve damage. The older you get the more often its organic.

Jareth "Wow! u really talked bad about peing but u still continue to do it. If i hurt my penis so bad that it wouldnt' get 100percent erect Id be out of the program."

--Jareth man you really need to stfu and get off my dick man. What is your point in your post ? Pretend that I'm stupid and don't know howto jelq ? I was there at the very very first Penis Enlargement forums long time before MOS or �other forum� or zillion other Penis Enlargement sites. I know every Penis Enlargement excersize out there and each and every variation of them.

"In my opinion jelging is fairly safe if done correctly as well as pe." Well In my opinion its not. Member hope did a couple minutes of them , very very light and lost his throb forever. Wtf you think he is stupid too ? Do you you think he and I jumped into it ? Read again what posted and read between the lines.

"but i dont think at all that doing a horse 440 squeeze is any safer for the dick it creates so much more pressure on the chambers than a jelg,"

Oh really ? Actually there is no differnece in maximum pressure because the pressure changes with the intensity of the grip. The difference is however that with jelquing you always have increasing pressure and with horses you "CAN" have increasing pressure but you also can just squeeze lightly then stop and hold a constant pressure on all chambers wich is evenly spread. In my book thats much safer.

"I went back to the program and it went back to normal."

Good for you. When the dick is broke it doesn't matter how much you take off, it will never get back to normal.

"Wow! u really talked bad about peing but u still continue to do it. If i hurt my penis so bad that it wouldnt' get 100percent erect Id be out of the program."

Again think before you talk.
As I said before, even now the penis blood circulation isn't fully researched. Back then I didn't know about venous leaks, damaged valves or leaking erectile tissue. What I did know was that Penis Enlargement can give you a bigger dick. And after I fucked up my left chamber and got a frikkin 30° deviation to the left I WAS FUCKIN DESPenis EnlargementRATE to restore what I lost. Everyone knew back than that surgery is not an option and that it will fuck up the penis or shorten it.
Penis Enlargement did help me to completely fight of the deviation, its completly straight now. And Penis Enlargement helped me to rebuild the left chamber nearly as good as it was. Along the way I gained so why should I have stopped and "ran" away ? I'm not the man who runs away. I face the problem and try to find a solution.I even invented my own unique ("fix uneven chambers technique"- wich helped a couple guys here too) If i DID ran away I'd have a 7x5 crooked unevenly shaped dick WITH medium erectile disfunction right now. What I DO have is : 8 x 5,5 perfectly shaped monster with erectile disfunction (as in not as hard as it used to be without viagra) + a cs that doesn't fill up completly.
If thedoc restores bloodflow to my cs and fixes the blood leaks wich I'm sure he can do I will be 8 x 5.8 and sure as hell will stop atleast for 6 month - 1 year to let everything heal completely. Then I'll restart with a very very light pumping routine to get to slid 8.2 nbp and 6.2 erect girth and then retire forever.

I never talked bad about Penis Enlargement I always tried to show "naive" members that it has 2 sides to it and that you ONLY HAVE ONE DICK !

If a new member joins this forum (mostly a young guy) and talks about increasing his 7.5 x 5.5 and get to 10 x 7 overnight I will warn him and guide him to the "injury section" so he gets his mind up and fuckin reads and researches a couple of month before he starts with a very light routine. or better yet firstly learns the do's and don'ts of a given excersize and sees how his body reacts to it.

In fact the injury section should be on top of this forum AND THE FIRST MUST READ FOR ANY NEW MEMBER. Just to make sure that they don't repeat other peoples mistakes.

Oh and while I'm at it. I want to share my own theory on Penis Enlargement and who should Penis Enlargement and who shouldn't . Its based on personal experience and observation.

I will talk about girth workout only because. Stretching will work for each and every type of dick if done correctly.

The problem with girth is : You need to have the type of dick that is more likely to gain girth WITHOUT loosing erection hardness (while you are at it) or get erectile disfunction later once you quit your Penis Enlargement journy.

The only dick that has the best chances to get out large AND hard is the one with the least topical visible veins / small , tiny , thin topical veins (low amount), thin deep dorsal vein.
Also good is : Thick deep dorsal vein but no visble or thick veins anywhere else.

WHy `? Simple, because of the fact that veins mean blood outflow and the more veins you have and the larger they are the more and quicker the bloodoutflow.

My observation that got me thinking about this was that out of all �naked people movies� vids or pictures I've seen (plenty of em) the guys with the least veins have the hardest looking erections, shiniest heads, roundest chambers, most pronounced CS chambers, and best erection angles.

So what has that to do with Penis Enlargement ?
Again , simple. Penis Enlargement and some excersizes (like the jelq, or constrictors, fuck it basically every girth excersize) will increase the size of the veins , and sometimes even make veins pop out where you couldn't see any before. (thas not because Penis Enlargement grows new ones , its because small , tiny veins become permanently enlarged, or defect .)
This is permanent after a given time !!!

Now I theorize that If you are lucky you ALSO increase the amount of blood that can pass through your arteries by enlarging the arteries through Penis Enlargement,thus keep a balanced inflow-outflow-ratio=hard dick. (The arteries are deep within the chambers and only 2 are on top, tiny ones though)

What I fear and what I observed is : The enlarging of these very arteries is NOT permanent. So once you are of Penis Enlargement , they return to normal size BUT you have fucked up, larger than life veins now and a newly found erectile disfunction wich hinders you from showing off your gains because your dick won't fill up completely. viagra for life !

For me this totally explains why some guys come here with low erection quality and once they get on a good routine they get much harder erections (better arteries). As long as they stay with Penis Enlargement they will continue to grow and keep the hardness (atleast for some time). Their best hardness days are "girth workout days" and off days. However once they quit they get floppy dicks again---> so hooked for life on Penis Enlargement, because Penis Enlargement didn't really FIX their obviously organic issue (inflow outflow) - it just masked them temporary

Ok enough bad case scenarios.

If you have no topical, visible veins , and don't develope these at your routine I think you have the best chances to get really thick AND remain hard forever without viagra.

Examples that come to mind are "the ugly ramon bang bus dude" if its not some secret brazilian surgery then it must be mother nature.
His dick ALWAYS looks mighty hard it fills up from top to bottom , has huge round chambers. He has like ONLY one really visble vein on top of his dick (probably the dorsal one) however no veins at all at the sides or bottom of his dick. (some really tiny brunched ones show up when he tries to squeeze his thick stick into tiny asses- but thats about it)
Naturally I believe he is exactly 8-8,5 x 6" and the amazing thing is the girth is like that from base to top pretty evenly.
He has a very tiny had , wich only adds to the illusion of him being longer than he really is (other people guess him at 9"-9,5 wich is bullshit) In fact he DOES have more dick than others shaft wise. YOu can compare another 8x6 dick with him with less width/more depth and a bigger (longer head) and ramon will look alot larger because he has more shaft.
Pumped , I put him @ 8.5 x 6.2-6.4. And he sure as hells pumps alot and often. Good thing is he still looks hard with his pumped dick because he has so few veins that the blood in flow is always enough to create enough pressure for a hard dick.

Another example is a dude (don't know his name ) from "all internal" he got huge girth and that 2 dicks weilded together look. Looks MONSTER and very very hard, very pronounced CS and no veins at all. Go figure.

Ok last but not least. So you all don't attack me:

I'm not saying that you should stop Penis Enlargement-girth if you happen to have alot of veins or that you shouldn't start with it in the first place.
I'm also very aware of the possible existence of they guy who has lots of big bulging veins and SO GOOD arterie inflow (due to big arteries or very very good circulation, or blood pressure or whatever) that he will keep his hardness no matter the amount of new veins he developes or destroys. I guess that rare though and You can't count on it.

Just keep that stuff in mind and keep a close look on your dick hardness.

I myself started with one single visible vein on top and not a single visble vein anywhere else, made huge fast girth gains and developed more and more veins along the journey. No I have veins that are big and don't go away no matter how much I take off, my best hardness days are when I do girthwork , wait 1 or 2 days and do it again and when I take viagra :(. The worst days are when I do alot of girthwork then pause...its really horrible once the good off days phase is gone ..then it slowly returns to a state where I have hard erections for sex as long as most of my body is higher than my dick (doggystyle, missionary) and its really shitty medium hard or less @ woman on top positions (wich is the main reason why my girl is never on top)
No spontanious erections, rare morning wood (mostly only when I took viagra the day before), dick needs constant stimulation to remain really hard , I have huge strength in my pc muscles because I'm like aways on the edge of cumming and holding off at the same time ( to remain very hard) I can brake off every orgasm and ejacualtion.
But that shit just upsets me.
I actually don't want to use my pc muscles at all duuring sex. And I want to do woman on top , and hell I want my throb back. Wish me luck yall in 4 days I'll get a needle in my dick with prostaglandine and a full duplex scan :( hopefully they can come up with a good solution !!!! I pray they do.
tbirdy said:
"Theres no need for that, like I keep saying most erectile issues are mental and caused by the hectic world we live in."

Red get your facts straight. Truth is 70% of all erectile problems are organic .

I don't argue about stress. Yes its also a huge erection+libido killer. But nonetheless most often its a blood flow issue (either not enough flowing in or too much flowing out) or nerve damage. The older you get the more often its organic.

Jareth "Wow! u really talked bad about peing but u still continue to do it. If i hurt my penis so bad that it wouldnt' get 100percent erect Id be out of the program."

--Jareth man you really need to stfu and get off my dick man. What is your point in your post ? Pretend that I'm stupid and don't know howto jelq ? I was there at the very very first Penis Enlargement forums long time before MOS or �other forum� or zillion other Penis Enlargement sites. I know every Penis Enlargement excersize out there and each and every variation of them.

"In my opinion jelging is fairly safe if done correctly as well as pe." Well In my opinion its not. Member hope did a couple minutes of them , very very light and lost his throb forever. Wtf you think he is stupid too ? Do you you think he and I jumped into it ? Read again what posted and read between the lines.

"but i dont think at all that doing a horse 440 squeeze is any safer for the dick it creates so much more pressure on the chambers than a jelg,"

Oh really ? Actually there is no differnece in maximum pressure because the pressure changes with the intensity of the grip. The difference is however that with jelquing you always have increasing pressure and with horses you "CAN" have increasing pressure but you also can just squeeze lightly then stop and hold a constant pressure on all chambers wich is evenly spread. In my book thats much safer.

"I went back to the program and it went back to normal."

Good for you. When the dick is broke it doesn't matter how much you take off, it will never get back to normal.

"Wow! u really talked bad about peing but u still continue to do it. If i hurt my penis so bad that it wouldnt' get 100percent erect Id be out of the program."

Again think before you talk.
As I said before, even now the penis blood circulation isn't fully researched. Back then I didn't know about venous leaks, damaged valves or leaking erectile tissue. What I did know was that Penis Enlargement can give you a bigger dick. And after I fucked up my left chamber and got a frikkin 30° deviation to the left I WAS FUCKIN DESPenis EnlargementRATE to restore what I lost. Everyone knew back than that surgery is not an option and that it will fuck up the penis or shorten it.
Penis Enlargement did help me to completely fight of the deviation, its completly straight now. And Penis Enlargement helped me to rebuild the left chamber nearly as good as it was. Along the way I gained so why should I have stopped and "ran" away ? I'm not the man who runs away. I face the problem and try to find a solution.I even invented my own unique ("fix uneven chambers technique"- wich helped a couple guys here too) If i DID ran away I'd have a 7x5 crooked unevenly shaped dick WITH medium erectile disfunction right now. What I DO have is : 8 x 5,5 perfectly shaped monster with erectile disfunction (as in not as hard as it used to be without viagra) + a cs that doesn't fill up completly.
If thedoc restores bloodflow to my cs and fixes the blood leaks wich I'm sure he can do I will be 8 x 5.8 and sure as hell will stop atleast for 6 month - 1 year to let everything heal completely. Then I'll restart with a very very light pumping routine to get to slid 8.2 nbp and 6.2 erect girth and then retire forever.

I never talked bad about Penis Enlargement I always tried to show "naive" members that it has 2 sides to it and that you ONLY HAVE ONE DICK !

If a new member joins this forum (mostly a young guy) and talks about increasing his 7.5 x 5.5 and get to 10 x 7 overnight I will warn him and guide him to the "injury section" so he gets his mind up and fuckin reads and researches a couple of month before he starts with a very light routine. or better yet firstly learns the do's and don'ts of a given excersize and sees how his body reacts to it.

In fact the injury section should be on top of this forum AND THE FIRST MUST READ FOR ANY NEW MEMBER. Just to make sure that they don't repeat other peoples mistakes.

Oh and while I'm at it. I want to share my own theory on Penis Enlargement and who should Penis Enlargement and who shouldn't . Its based on personal experience and observation.

I will talk about girth workout only because. Stretching will work for each and every type of dick if done correctly.

The problem with girth is : You need to have the type of dick that is more likely to gain girth WITHOUT loosing erection hardness (while you are at it) or get erectile disfunction later once you quit your Penis Enlargement journy.

The only dick that has the best chances to get out large AND hard is the one with the least topical visible veins / small , tiny , thin topical veins (low amount), thin deep dorsal vein.
Also good is : Thick deep dorsal vein but no visble or thick veins anywhere else.
Wow dude relax. I didn't mean to offend u at all. When i started this program and any other program that i have looked at the main exercise was the basic wet jelg, and from what i have read it seemed to be the safest exercise out there for penis enlargement. The reason i said horses caused more pressure on the dong was because of personal experience. When i did horses i would get red dots and actually beable to feel my dick expanding, unlike when i do jelgs. Believe me i know i only have ONE DICK thats exactly why i don't wanna hurt myself, no hanging, pumping, clamping etc just because to me they seem to risky. I told u i was nervous as hell and don't ever wanna hurt myself, I dont know why u would attack me and think i was critiscizing u or calling u dumb but again i apologize. U have had a serious injury and that again sucks. Id like to know a little more about the routine you are on as it seems to me u hurt your self, and rehabed it as u have said. Well id like to skip a step which is hurting myself and move right to the point of gaining without worrying or getting a injury. If this includes quitting jelging than so be it. When u said u hurt your right chamber and got a 30 deviation what exactly did u mean it hung to the side than or u got a gap in your dick? I have noticed when flaccid my dick hangs to the right now, but when i am errect it is strait as an arrow and up could this hang be from jelging? Any recommendations, or thoughts would be highly appreciated because i only got one dick and I aint trying to lose it. Oh ya i didn't mean to come off saying you didn't know how to jelg was just stating that alout of peps do 100 percent jelgs and i don't think its the proper way to do it thats all bro.
Look Birdy, I'm just looking into other areas here and from actual facts.
It isnt all organic, alot is mental to.
I aint saying anyone is mental or weak etc etc but alot of erection issues come from that. Provider, I hope you dont take what I said the wrong way. I'm merely trying to explain other avenues, it isnt all doom and gloom with injurys from actual pe.
Your injury probably is a pe related one, your statement in your last post would suggest that. Do what you were going to do, if it carrys on than see the doctor...I dont think he will send you to a urologist right away. They aint always the answer, just fill your head with more questions than answers and most aint much use. Only some are like really good, so if your in a private sceem such as BUPA than go into that and see one. I hope it works well for you man, goodluck and keep us informed.

The deviation was to the left side, and it was the left chamber that broke somehow.
Best way to describe it is , compare it to a bike tire. When a bike tire is fully pumped , its perfectly round and thats exactly what a perfect chamber looks like (side).
After the first injury the left chamber looked deflated and somehow inverted insted of this being my chambers :

() this were my chambers from then on: )).

The right one was still intact and together with the CS it was the backbone of my erections. The harder the right side got the better it straightened out the left chamber. logic.

I did alot of V-Stretching to the right with the middle weakest point of the left chamber being the fulcrum point for the v-stretch.

After month this brought me back to something like this :


The shortening of the left chamber was cured and they were equal sized now. At 100% erection the dick was perfectly straight now. (though the chambers weren't equal girthwize)
Because of the chamber girth difference (remember I lost lots of girth in the left chamber from the injury)

The dick would still bend to the left when semi erect and also tilt a little to the left when flaccid. To cure this condition, I did only left chamber girth workouts , like BENDS against the left side. Wich helped alot. And lastly I developed
cure uneven chambers technique

Somehwere inbetween I had the 2 injury wich fucked my 3 chamber the CS and fucked my throb and natural hardness completely. Still I didn't stop got loads of viagra and continued the girth workouts for the left chamber.

wich finally brought me back to ().

I get all crazy and sour and bitter and mad when I think about where I would be by now if my dick didn't get messed up. I think it would be atleast 8.5 x 6.5. I was and still am such a good gainer. Damn its a damn shame and bad luck :(

Lately I bought an expensive pump and did a simple short routine like every other day and started gaining again. Lenght exploded and so did girth , however only duuring workouts I could see the gains (on viagra and shit) without the pump and viagra I simply couldn't build up enough internal pressure to fill out my real girth size.

Again at the same time I researched alot and found useful information on veins, arteries , penis ligation surgery, revascularisation surgery and so on.

I decided it makes no fuckin sense to gain more and more length + girth without the ability to fill it out with nuff blood.

That is why I got through to the specialist and I PRAY TO HEAVEN AND ABOVE that its really vein leakage or some sort of fixable closeable leakage.
Incase its torn or scarred erectile muscle cell ( erectile tissue , then there is no hope of completely recovering. Then I'll just ask them to cut/remove/ligate/narrow as many veins as they can so the balance of flow is in my favour as much as possible.
Besides there is lots of risk involved with surgery and even the examination but I'm willing to take it, I know I will not live a happy life if I don't take that chance.

Oh and look Jareth. I understand your point and that you didn't want to attack me. You choice of words probably appealed bad to me and when you spoke about my injury it got to my heart really quick. I think you can understand that too.

I never looked for beef on this forum nor flame wars its all a waste of time and energy, like that retarted olympic running joke. We still retarted even if we win , right ? :)
I call it quits.
btw I do like your view on "safe dick enlarging" if you want to go for safe to the fullest , let me share another conclusion that comes from experience.

Remember I tried each and every girth/length excersize out there on myself and must admit some excersize have the potential to deliver very quick results. Like horse squeezes, or slow squash jelqs ,bends, constrictors and so on. At the same time they have a high injury potential all because the pressure isn't equally spread and the way you grip isn't constant. There is no way to measure your grip on a horse squeeze , its always a matter of "feeling it" and findin what works for you. Thats why Penis Enlargement is so individual to everybody and so are the gains and the injurys.

If you don't care about time like I don't anymore and your main focus is just gaining no matter how long it takes then I can only advise the safest method and routine , wich is pumping.

Yes horses and bends deliver results quicker. YOu probably could add 1" girth in 6 month with the right routine and no injurys.

Pumping delivers results too , only much much slower. I guess you would need 1.5-2 years of a constant pumping routine to add 1" girth. Pumping is very very safe though. Its the only excersize with most even pressure force on all parts of the dick. Its absolutely even.

ALl you need is an expensive 100$ and above pump WITH A PRESSURE GAUGE. Thats most important, it must have that gauge so you can SEE what you do to your dick and not just feel it. At that price they mostly have quality tubes too.

All you ever have to do is 10 minutes of constant pumping at 4-6 gh every other day @ 80-90% constant erection, lubed up and warmed up prior to the work out. THATS IT! with a time frame of 2 years and a constant dedication to the above mentioned routine YOU WILL GAIN lots of length and girth while keeping it safe at the same time.
With the above mentioned routine there is hardly any fluid build up involved , no excessive stress on the tissues, always enough time to heal (48hours!), yet always maximum expansion and as an added extra bonus you quickly get the pumped look = big temporary gains. These will be permanent after month and years.

Ok Thats all I got to say right now. Wish me luck.
I understand Tbirdy my words attacked you and i just wanted to clear things up. The advice is very intresting. I have a pump but never use it because i thought it was bad for the dick. To i guess make may situation more understanding, I say this iam not givin a shit if i get a 10 inch dick in 10 days if its unsafe. Iam not nearly as large as you about 6.5 length but iam happy because my dick works, I started at under 6 so i have gained but i wouldnt' mind being around 8 inches. I take it slow just stretches front left and right, 10 minute light wet jelg, some horrizontal movement and usually will try some horses but they don't feel right sometimes so i stop, when i used to use my cock ring with these they worked the best. The fact of the matter is Eversince i have started pe i have noticed differences to my dick, groin, balls, etc. Most good but sometimes i get that dam problem where i can't get hard, or aint really feeling horney, Now i don't know if its from pe, havin the same girlfriend, stress or lookin at too much �naked people movies�. But the fact is I always think its from pe and that makes me nervous. I can get hard 100 percent strait (My flaccid hangs to the right though but i dont think its a injury) but i still every now and than have about a week or so where iam not horney, and no bonners. Iam goin through it now but I think its because I quit my job and got a new one and iam havin 2nd thoughts about it now Stress related i figure. When iam flaccid i also notice that my right chamber i guess sometimes looks like it has a indent on it, but when iam hard its even so i think its ok. Iam gonna look at your chamber restore, When u get some more time fill me in on different shit and Advice. THANKS MAN

This thread really freaked me out.. I haven't really been doing too much girthwork during my Penis Enlargement career, just now and again because of all the fuss about it. But this week i decided to start proper, because a lot of people said i would loose girth when streching. I've done 3 so far this week, but after reading this I wonder if I should quit and just focus on stretching?

I also notice that i fall under the "veiny" penis category, and have been noticing lately the vein getting a little thicker.. If it were up to me i would quit the girthwork all together, seeing as i was happy with my starting girth, but that's where I don't know what to do.

I know people say that you loose girth by just soing streching, but does that apply to your starting girth aswell? Cause i've gained quite a bit in length, doing minimal girthwork, and the measuringtape still says 16cm (6,3").

Anyone have any opinons on how doing just streching will affect my starting girth? I kinda wanna quit jelqing while my dick still works fine...
There's alout of big dicks that are veiny as hell. If u gained almost an inch and a half and havent lost any girth just stayed the same it makes sense to me your actually gaining girth as well. If u stopped stretching and just stuck to girth bet u would gain. THe whole veiny dick thing is confusing to me I like veins and when they get bigger and pumped it means better blood flow. Besides they work as a sex stimulant to woman.
Now if the veins aren't topical....they are still there underneath the skin...and they should still be enlarging...correct?

Or am I wrong?

If anyone could shed further light on this, it would be greatly appreciated.
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