Psychology Feeling inadequate

Im trying bro I still love that shit!😩

We will always love it because our flesh is weak but if you put your confidence in Christ He will help you. We were never meant to be sin free. But when you have been saved the Spirit will always be there when you fall. Never feel shame as that comes from the enemy, always go to God immediately when you fall and pray for strength. Over time you will progressively get stronger and stronger. Believe me I know as I struggle with �naked people movies� daily. Pray for me as I pray for you.😇
@squirt_inducer_man wow that’s a great video! I finally watched it after master sting and feeling intense SHAME! This is all so true, and makes me wonder just how much this particular habit loop contributed to my high levels of stress, anxiety, low energy, weaker erections etc..I’ve decided to begin a no cap journey. This MUST happen now!
@squirt_inducer_man wow that’s a great video! I finally watched it after master sting and feeling intense SHAME! This is all so true, and makes me wonder just how much this particular habit loop contributed to my high levels of stress, anxiety, low energy, weaker erections etc..I’ve decided to begin a no cap journey. This MUST happen now!
Good to here the video helped you.
All the information she is talking about is also true for smartphone usage as well.

How many people do you see out-and-about that's not using their smartphone and are addicted to it?

How many people are chasing the tasks (looking at their smartphone, watching TV, constant artificially created stimulation) that triggers a realise of "cheap" and fast Dopamine by having their eyes glued to their smartphone?

They have not done anything but nevertheless they get constant release of dopamine in their brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter substance in our brain, that helps us stay focused and also be able to accomplish important task in our reality.

That's why we can feel depressed if we overstimulate our brain with these type of artificial things. We have not done anything but we get this release of dopamine.

We need to control what we take in.
@squirt_inducer_man wow that’s a great video! I finally watched it after master sting and feeling intense SHAME! This is all so true, and makes me wonder just how much this particular habit loop contributed to my high levels of stress, anxiety, low energy, weaker erections etc..I’ve decided to begin a no cap journey. This MUST happen now!
You should not do NoFap completely. It's not good for your erection quality and sperm quality. But by just limit your �naked people movies� intake or completely remove it. You will feel better.
Let your body behave more naturally without so much �naked people movies�.
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You should not do NoFap completely. It's not good for your erection quality and sperm quality. But by just limit your �naked people movies� intake or completely remove it. You will feel better.
Let your body behave more naturally without so much �naked people movies�.

I masturbate twice every week (only on off days) on my off days. It helps to keep me sane.
perhaps the 3 most recent videos by MrRyanmcmahon may help - and also Ronnie Landis 9 most recent videos (up to The Dopamine RESET)

The Real Zodiac-
TREE is the ultimate symbol-
SUN in my BELLY-
You should not do NoFap completely. It's not good for your erection quality and sperm quality. But by just limit your �naked people movies� intake or completely remove it. You will feel better.
Let your body behave more naturally without so much �naked people movies�.
Very wise reply
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