wryc;439591 said:
So DLD, Do you do both Bathmate hardcore Stretches and Girth Blasters on the same day?

Yes sir! I do the Hardcore Stretches directly after or before girth work.
wryc;439722 said:
DLD how many days do you do this routine?

That is up to you. I do all routines 7 on, no off but if this is too much back it down a day or two.
also on the sizegenetics how far do i stretch? an inch morw than what i am? im not sure what length to stretch at. please help
karmi;441557 said:
hey dld could i just do the sizegentics routine n its own? im doing ok on girth. is this a good idea?

By all means! Either potion of the workout can be used specifically to target length or girth. The Bathmate portion is for girth (excluding the Bathmate Hardcore Stretches) The SizeGenetics portion is for length. You could put in twice the effort into the SizeGenetics portion since you are leaving out girth. That is up to you but why not?
karmi;441558 said:
also on the sizegenetics how far do i stretch? an inch morw than what i am? im not sure what length to stretch at. please help

You will find this through your own experimentation. This VIDEO by Stillwantmore really gives a good explaination and direction on using the SizeGenetics Extender.
would i definitely see gains with this routines? because i have been disappointed before so just wondering. if i double on the routine because i am not doing girth should i do two sets of each stretches rather than one? i cant keep the extender on for more than an hour, i lose blood flow from my head by then.

also how do you do the rotary cranks? a bit lost on that bit, because on the newbie routine you say to do rotary cranks downwards then centre then up. confused what to do.

please help
The LM is a demon when it comes to hanging and stretching, if you stretch hard enough you might just see the devil himself lol. A must for big monster gains I'm currently realizing.
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truant;442059 said:
The LM is a demon when it comes to hanging and stretching, if you stretch hard enough you might just see the devil himself lol. A must for big monster gains I'm currently realizing.

lol...so true! We should put some fire graphics on the sides!
lmfao DLD that's such a good idea, it would have a 3D look with the flames. Or maybe put flame decals on the LM to give us motivation. I think the LM also compares to Hitler, NEIN NEIN NEIN! Like in the movie inglorious bastards, that's what the LM is saying during a session lol.

truant;442201 said:
lmfao DLD that's such a good idea, it would have a 3D look with the flames. Or maybe put flame decals on the LM to give us motivation. I think the LM also compares to Hitler, NEIN NEIN NEIN! Like in the movie inglorious bastards, that's what the LM is saying during a session lol.


lol Hitler:) I am on this, believe me!
DLD, I am like supersets of extender, Bathmate Girth Blaster, Hardcore stetches. I seem to be problem with gaining length but I got explsion of growth in girth I am at 6 in and getting bigger. I am stepping up the minutes sets each week. I started at 2 setof 5 min Bathmate then SSJ 0f 2 1/2 min reps for 2 sets and last set of Hardcore stretches for 30 sec pulls of down , straight out, and up. I don;t to the sides because loss suction. I want to put on length so I started doing 1 set of 5 min blasters and 2 set of hardcore stretches which each week I increase the set by 1 min so am at 7 min of 2 min x 3 sets of SSJ plus 1 min of SSJ and 2 sets of 7 min hardcore stretches for 45 sec pulls in down, up, and straigth out. I warm up good and do about 5 to 10 minutes stretching for 30 sec reps and into Bm workout and extender for total 4 to 6 hours daily. I do 4 days on and 3 off. I want put on length and struggling to get there. Any help would be appreciated.
Over the past few days I've been on a little break and thinking about my routine. My routine consisted of doing length then girth in one sitting. The SG wasn't getting used often because I would just relax until my big workout in the evening. Doing the one big workout was getting tedious because it took me so long to complete length and girth at the same time. Then I remembered back to this thread, I've read this before but never really understood it until now.

This routine is the perfect way to utilize the SG while getting all your stretching done at the same time. Not only do you get things done in a more efficient manner, your also increasing the potential for gains as well by giving your penis more stimulation throughout the day instead of one main workout. Another big reason why your going to see greater results from this routine than any other is because your stretching then going right into the SG to keep that stretch going which is probably the best way to gain length ever!

My plan is to use LM to do bundled stretches with this routine, I might even add hanging with the LM with the stretching when I feel I'm ready but now I see know need to as hanging could cause more fatigue than I want right now. When I start this routine I'm also going to add 10 min. of the Bathmate before and after each stretching set while doing the Bathmate hardcore stretches and Red's kegel routine in the Bathmate to really hit all angles. Thanks DLD for inventing this routine and giving it to us your a genius!
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Ive got both the SG and Bathmate, and I used to use the Bathmate every day for about a month, but then stopped. Im still a newbie to Penis Enlargement, but want to really go for it this time round and am wondering how you think I should approach this routine in a way that is safe for a newbie?

thanks for all your help, and the members area is awesome!

cheers mate
if i just do the Bathmate girth blasters and stretches, will that still be good enough? because i honestly suck at manual stretches..... everytime i try to do them i get an erection and have to wait until my boner goes down like every 5 seconds....

- Big1
Big1;447069 said:
if i just do the Bathmate girth blasters and stretches, will that still be good enough? because i honestly suck at manual stretches..... everytime i try to do them i get an erection and have to wait until my boner goes down like every 5 seconds....

- Big1

I am new to Penis Enlargement (first post!), and I also had the same experience as you with manual stretches. It was really a pain and put me off of doing them, although I knew they were very important for gains. I found that starting a session with a warm up of 20 repetitions of DLD blasters (a manual exercise) made my penis more jelly like and much less prone to spontaneous erections doing manuals. Also, doing manuals early in the morning, and treating it as a routine exercise, without any erotic thoughts, greatly helps. Use that sexual energy for girth work later in the day! I hope this helps.
truant;445491 said:
Over the past few days I've been on a little break and thinking about my routine. My routine consisted of doing length then girth in one sitting. The SG wasn't getting used often because I would just relax until my big workout in the evening. Doing the one big workout was getting tedious because it took me so long to complete length and girth at the same time. Then I remembered back to this thread, I've read this before but never really understood it until now.

This routine is the perfect way to utilize the SG while getting all your stretching done at the same time. Not only do you get things done in a more efficient manner, your also increasing the potential for gains as well by giving your penis more stimulation throughout the day instead of one main workout. Another big reason why your going to see greater results from this routine than any other is because your stretching then going right into the SG to keep that stretch going which is probably the best way to gain length ever!

My plan is to use LM to do bundled stretches with this routine, I might even add hanging with the LM with the stretching when I feel I'm ready but now I see know need to as hanging could cause more fatigue than I want right now. When I start this routine I'm also going to add 10 min. of the Bathmate before and after each stretching set while doing the Bathmate hardcore stretches and Red's kegel routine in the Bathmate to really hit all angles. Thanks DLD for inventing this routine and giving it to us your a genius!

Thank you kind sir! This routine is quite intense and really only the dedicated will prevail.

elemental20;446226 said:

Ive got both the SG and Bathmate, and I used to use the Bathmate every day for about a month, but then stopped. Im still a newbie to Penis Enlargement, but want to really go for it this time round and am wondering how you think I should approach this routine in a way that is safe for a newbie?

thanks for all your help, and the members area is awesome!

cheers mate

WHen I first started Penis Enlargement I went all out from the beginning. I trained for hours a day. I only made incredible gains as many struggled with lesser routines. I say go for it, suffer, struggle and embrace the pain! The gains are waiting for you, go and get them! Penis Enlargement can start at any point for anyone, it really depens on where you want to jump in.

Big1;447069 said:
if i just do the Bathmate girth blasters and stretches, will that still be good enough? because i honestly suck at manual stretches..... everytime i try to do them i get an erection and have to wait until my boner goes down like every 5 seconds....

- Big1

How about masturbation? Have you tried this to inhibit erections during stretching?
hi guys

firstly i just want to say thanks to DLD and everyone on the forum for their great input and was wondering if you could help me with a couple of question regarding this routine.

I have been doing this workout routine of gaining 1 inch in 12 weeks and am currently nearly half way through. I have followed it to the letter but desperately need your advise on two matters.

1. I live with my parents (both unemployed) my three sisters, and younger brother with whom (my brother) I share a room with, and they have begun to get suspicious of me having a long bath every day. They keep saying that they can't afford the bill and have told me to have it every other day. I therefore am now unable to carry out my Bathmate part of the workout fully and was wondering whether I should invest in a penis pump like the MOS Mitypump that DLD made (much appreciated) to replace my Bathmate girth blasters and hardcore Bathmate stretches. I will have to do them at night whilst my brother is asleep next to me which is ridiculously risky but I don't care any more and don't want to see the 5-6 weeks that I have carried out so far go to waste and am dedicated to seeing this through, as I am desperate for gains. my parents are ridiculously strict and I have zero privacy in terms of locking myself in my room to do the workout as my house is always busy with people so I will most definitely get disturbed or caught even if I try to carry out the Bathmate routine in my room. Also, I have tried to use the Bathmate without water but don't get enough suction so that's another dead end.

2. The second problem is this: when DLD explains how to carry out the hardcore Bathmate stretches I get slightly confused. For instants, when told to pull to the left, should I move the base of the Bathmate directly across to the left of my body with one hand and pull the tube out away from my body with the other? or do I just hold the top of the Bathmate and tilt the tube to the left and pull out away from my body at the same time? Or just pull the top of the tube to the left and and not pull outwards?

I am slightly scared of carrying out any measurements yet to see if I have gained anything since I started this magnificent routine as I feel these setbacks may cause me to have zero gains. I have tried several routines before to no avail but this is the most intense routine that I have tried to date and hope that I will gain with the amount of time and work I put in and will measure soon and keep you guys posted.

thanks for your time and I appreciate any feedback given. Also, my apologies for the long message and if I have posted in the wrong place

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