Getting into pumping


Oct 5, 2023
I've been doing PE on and off for a few years. Pretty sure I started off measuring somewhere around 5.75 - 6 in length and am approaching 9 inches now. I've gotten most of my gains from expressive stretching and hanging. Never been very happy with my girth but I definitely developed a lot of girth at the base over the years. Here I am packing a 2 inch tube after an extended pump. Going to actually commit to an in-depth pumping routine to see if I can acheive the girth that I want. Stand by for updates.


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Looking big brother.
But if you want to increase the girth even more, have you considered a cylinder with bigger diameter?

If you pack the tube it will go to length increases, since your penis is expanding like a balloon. With a 2" wide cylinder, you can max expand your penis to 6.28 EG. To be able to expand past your goal EG inside the tube, is beneficial for cementing girth gains.
Thank you Sir.

I decided to take baby steps and start at square one with pumping - basically the smallest girth tube I could get into comfortably. Once I can quickly pack this one I'll move up by .25 and just continue the progression from there. When it comes to PE, I've found that if I don't take a slow strategic approach to things, I'll start and stop more and see less progress over the long term. With this tube, I'm looking to steadily decrease the amount of time it takes to pack the sides, as well as hopefully reach the end of the tube and add some additional length. Then I'll move up.
Thank you Sir.

I decided to take baby steps and start at square one with pumping - basically the smallest girth tube I could get into comfortably. Once I can quickly pack this one I'll move up by .25 and just continue the progression from there. When it comes to PE, I've found that if I don't take a slow strategic approach to things, I'll start and stop more and see less progress over the long term. With this tube, I'm looking to steadily decrease the amount of time it takes to pack the sides, as well as hopefully reach the end of the tube and add some additional length. Then I'll move up.
Sounds awesome. Good approach.
Update: Last night's pumping session - I had to remove the silicone ring that I was previously using, as it feels like I have grown out of it or it wasn't fully allowing my base to get into the tube. Prior to this pumping session, I took a hot Epsom salt bath. During this bath I am manually stretching in the water. Then I exit the bath and immediately do some intense jelqing. During the jelqing I am focusing on flexing my pelvic muscles and trying to pull out "new" gains. I repeat this process three or four times (getting in and out of hot bath)...because to me, the heat is what really allows the tunica to properly deform and grow. Once I feel like I have broken down the insides of my member, I will go into the tube for an extended pumping session in an effort to push the tunica further and cement some of those gains.
Thank you Sir.

I decided to take baby steps and start at square one with pumping - basically the smallest girth tube I could get into comfortably. Once I can quickly pack this one I'll move up by .25 and just continue the progression from there. When it comes to PE, I've found that if I don't take a slow strategic approach to things, I'll start and stop more and see less progress over the long term. With this tube, I'm looking to steadily decrease the amount of time it takes to pack the sides, as well as hopefully reach the end of the tube and add some additional length. Then I'll move up.

I understand and can relate. It is like focusing on your length goal first and once it's sorted, you switch over to girth work. I'm stuck at about 8.25 to 8.5.

Your photo really got me thinking about my length goal again.

Hanging and expressive stretching. Wonderful. I'm greatly inspired
I've been doing PE on and off for a few years. Pretty sure I started off measuring somewhere around 5.75 - 6 in length and am approaching 9 inches now. I've gotten most of my gains from expressive stretching and hanging. Never been very happy with my girth but I definitely developed a lot of girth at the base over the years. Here I am packing a 2 inch tube after an extended pump. Going to actually commit to an in-depth pumping routine to see if I can acheive the girth that I want. Stand by for updates.

What did you use to do the expressive stretching and hanging?
I understand and can relate. It is like focusing on your length goal first and once it's sorted, you switch over to girth work. I'm stuck at about 8.25 to 8.5.

Your photo really got me thinking about my length goal again.

Hanging and expressive stretching. Wonderful. I'm greatly inspired

Exactly! Mid to end shaft girth seems to be the elusive goal that I can't quite figure out. Although, I think I might be on to something with this routine. I too have hit a bit of a plateau, which is why I have switched over to pumping for the time being. My member seems to be getting stronger and more resilient making it harder to create new gains lol.

Regarding length gains...the MOST important factors (for me) are pushing out on the pelvic floor muscle and holding that flex during all manual stretching/jelqing and doing it while incorporating heating methods (bath, heating pad). The changes won't happen immediately but by the end of a long/ intense session, it feels like I have pulled out new inner penis, essentially adding girth and length to the base. If I flex long enough and crank out stretches/jelqs with enough force for a long enough period of time, I will feel a distinct release/drop happen in my body and a very small amount of new inner shaft will permanently drop down.

expressive stretching, not sure I'm using that terminology correctly but I'm just using my hands which are pretty strong. In terms of hanger's I have used the Bib in the past and am now using a homemade device I put together at Home Depot. Last time I hung I did 25 lbs for about 10 minutes and finished with 5 pounds for 10 minutes.
Making progress. Definitely some new volume - girth with a small amount of length coming every session. Whenever I begin a routine, I feel a little bit larger than last time. This routine also seems to make the new gains a little bit easier to come by. Not sure if the consistent pumping routine is breaking down the tunica and allowing for more elasticity or what. But I think I'm going to stick with this for the foreseeable future as this seems to be the key to the overall volume increase that I've been looking for. Shouldn't be long before this tube is packed to the very end. However, this routine is a little taxing on my body/ energy, as a spend a solid amount of time in the tube. I plan on only doing it once a week. Stand by for more if you care.

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I've been doing PE on and off for a few years. Pretty sure I started off measuring somewhere around 5.75 - 6 in length and am approaching 9 inches now. I've gotten most of my gains from expressive stretching and hanging. Never been very happy with my girth but I definitely developed a lot of girth at the base over the years. Here I am packing a 2 inch tube after an extended pump. Going to actually commit to an in-depth pumping routine to see if I can acheive the girth that I want. Stand by for updates.

awesome progress! Very inspiring to see.
Excellent progress, your size is great and I love the length. I have a pump, what advice can you give for me to hit Length in the pump.
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