So far ive spent 148$on a hanger and 5$ on a jar lifter,and thats all
im willing to spend for now! LMAO
oopapercutoo said:
Hmm...I'm unable to tell if you're joking or how about you enlighten me...
Yea I was joking, but seriously I've heard of people doing their own surgery before. On a steroid forum there was this guy who removed gyno from his chest, scary stuff
Heehee I paid 65$ for my ROP, about 40$ on a 30 day supply of Virility pills which did jack shit, didnt even make me any hornier, but I got 2nd month supply for free for no reason, they just sent it hehe. Going to pay 21$ on 10 viagra pills tomorrow, and will probably pay 10$ for clamping materials. Totalling 126$ over my whole Penis Enlargement career. Im almost 8x6 and with when I get pills+clamps by new years Ill be my 8.5 x 6.5 goal.. maybe a little longer or thicker not sure :)
I think ROP, clamper, and hanger are only real worthwhile buys in Penis Enlargement. Ill never buy a hanger, but Im going to buy clamper kit. Of course viagra/cialis are optional depending how young you are or if you just want an extra boost.

As research hopefully continues in alternative forum, maybe that DHT, IGF-1, tri-mix whatever chemical combo will prove some awesome results.. too bad its dying out... or dead.
I've spent $50 USD (so about 60 something Canadian). And its been on this site only. Haven't spent money on anything else.
Timewise?? I usually Penis Enlargement at nite while watching TV in the no time lost...just don't pay as much attention to the TV while Penis Enlargementing.
My gains in size (started prob ~6.25" BPenis EnlargementL) is more than worth the time and money (although I haven't spent as much as some). BTW...I don't count the ISP costs :p
Curious to see new totals! My cock is probably my most expensive body part! lol Good thing I get to use it!
I've spent around 200 dollars. Mostly on memberships, but I also already got a money order for a Power Assist so that's 54.95 right there. The memberships cost about 50 bucks each and then there's the supplies you need like vaseline, bandaids(FR), baby powder, etc. Everytime I think about getting a clamp at like a Home Depot I always keep driving for some reason. I don't really like the feel of the place. I always think something is going to fall on me or I'll get run over by some lift. lol Plus, when I go in there I'm overcome by this sudden surge of not having the slightest clue what the hell I went in there for. anyways yeah about 200 dollars.
About 100 Jars of Vaseline: $1.50 each
About 100 Bottles of Baby Powder: $2.00
4 Heating Pads at: $20.00
Not to mention site costs:D
Wow you guys spend a lot of money. I got �naked people movies� that will make your dick grow. I'll take $20. :D LOL

I have spent $10 on a heating pad.
$100.00 for lube and small accesories

$80.00 for my manual pump with an atatched pressure guage.

$300.00 aprox for sildenafil citrate for girth workouts

$450.00 for high speed internet access to download free �naked people movies�.

The look on her face when she sucks my 7.5"x6" dick....priceless LMAO
Probably about $400. The bulk of that was the pills I tried a few years back before I found out about Penis Enlargement. Pretty much now is just forum donations every couple months, and of course baby oil and vaseline.
about $1700.00 give or take. Please I dont want to remember. Only 300 is what I should have spent.

  1. 50.00 to MOS Paysite
  2. 150.00 for a bib starter
  3. 50.00 on a Power Assist
  4. 50.00 on Stainless Steel Ball Weights
That in my opinion is all anyone would ever need.
ctmwm said:
  1. 50.00 to MOS Paysite
  2. 150.00 for a bib starter
  3. 50.00 on a Power Assist
  4. 50.00 on Stainless Steel Ball Weights
That in my opinion is all anyone would ever need.

Where did you get the ball weights? I am looking for that. What size do you use/start at?

Add a $60 pump to that and I pretty much agree! I guess you do have to add in lube and a cable clamp or 4, as I have broke 3 of them now.
Here's an interesting twist. Has it been worth it to this point for everyone? For me, the inch I've added is worth every penny.
I've spent roughly $665.00 and roughly $207.00 of that has been spent on things from this site such as the MoS membership, MoS Power Assist, and my Bib Starter. The remainder was spent on various member sites, pills, pumps, stretchers, etc. and this site has been the greatest help BY FAR and the sad thing is that ITS FREE!!! Honestly, I should have only had to pay for my Bib Starter and thats it. If I would have known that my hands couldn't take the stress I wouldn't have purchased the MoS membership and the Power Assist. I was happy to make the donation though, lol. Oh well, hind sight is 20/20.
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