
Oct 17, 2016
what are good exercises to increase width,not girth, but width
Width will slowly increase with depth if you are doing a normal girth routine. But for just width, guys here will probably suggest toilet squeezes or compression squeezes. Just be safe and don't do it clamped. Slow and steady wins the race
acromegaly;719119 said:
Width will slowly increase with depth if you are doing a normal girth routine. But for just width, guys here will probably suggest toilet squeezes or compression squeezes. Just be safe and don't do it clamped. Slow and steady wins the race

my girth and width are non-proportional,like my girth is 5.5 or a bit over,and my width is around 2 inches,annoying right?
megamike;719113 said:
what are good exercises to increase width,not girth, but width

SSJ, any compression from the top of the penis and the bottom. Theres an exercise where you flatten your penis while its erect and roll but idk if its dangerous
kyomoto;719128 said:
SSJ, any compression from the top of the penis and the bottom. Theres an exercise where you flatten your penis while its erect and roll but idk if its dangerous

I'm actually doing that flattening exercise but no change so its kinda annoying,along with ssj too
megamike;719230 said:
I'm actually doing that flattening exercise but no change so its kinda annoying,along with ssj too

I think the guy used a pinroller i forgot but you have to be erect and roll on your penis. Heard it hurts and seems dangerous like clamping but im not entirely sure if anyone else done it. If you do see any changes let us know.
Are you sure you've checked this thread:

I have a gut feeling this would help with the width of your penis, something to try at least if you haven't already.
The rollers were available longer time ago, I recall seeing those, jelqing rollers or something. From what I recall the idea was fine, but the material on the units fell apart quickly. I could be wrong, just scraping my memory and this is what I remember.
I think I bought thick clear acrylic, sawed two pieces and sanded the edges smooth to be able to do that Frendo's workout I linked in my previous post. I am/was a Sega kid, those cartridges are too small. :cool:
I recall the acrylic was probably less than 10 USD. The clamps might be about 10 USD for a pair as well.

All in all, some good tools don't cost that much in my opinion. Of course you have your hands as a given gift.
The rolls and squeezes with hands can give an idea, but for more force I suggest that setup in the "width secret exposed" thread.
I might improvise something.2 acrylic sheets plus 2 screws and a couple wingnuts,instant compressor.kind of how the lenghtmaster works
doublelongdaddy;719691 said:
Have you ordered yet?

unfortunately,I'm a little low on money right now,so I gotta wait for a while.but its definitely on my list of things to buy hahaha
megamike;719830 said:
unfortunately, I'm a little low on money right now,so I gotta wait for a while.but its definitely on my list of things to buy hahaha

Send me a PM and let me see what we can work out.
megamike;719830 said:
unfortunately,I'm a little low on money right now,so I gotta wait for a while.but its definitely on my list of things to buy hahaha

Do not miss this golden opportunity. Get a length master now.
i think my width and depth are pretty much even, i might even have more depth lol. Its all good though i dont really know why you would want your dick shaped like a deoderant stick but to each their own. i think naturaly a penis has a cylindrical shape not ovular.
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