Active Member
Jul 14, 2009
How many of you Guys have noticed a different state of mind since you guys started PE more confidence ,happiness, inner strenght,even certain superiority? what are the things you guys have noticed for good? after finishing a session i feel a good level of satisfaction and self confidence.What u guys think can PE give us a new world of possibilities i believe so, what do you guys think?
shortdick;606810 said:
How many of you Guys have noticed a different state of mind since you guys started PE more confidence ,happiness, inner strenght,even certain superiority? what are the things you guys have noticed for good? after finishing a session i feel a good level of satisfaction and self confidence.What u guys think can PE give us a new world of possibilities i believe so, what do you guys think?

I knew, once I gained in PE, that the world was full of lies and mistruths. I think it opened my mind to the point of questioning the authoritative conclusions. Once I realized that I could change something that the world said I could not that I could change many things in my life. This is why I committed myself to the Brotherhood, it brings me such joy to watch men go from doubts to complete belief. If PE is possible, what else is possible that the world said was not?
yeah new doors are being open even when i exercise everyday, i feel certain fullfillment in my life
I just started Pe 3 months ago and have seen some gains but I feel like my overall sense of well being has increased exponentially. I literally want to pinch my self and to see if its a dream. PE will be with me for the rest of my life thanks DLD.
happywife;606905 said:
I just started Pe 3 months ago and have seen some gains but I feel like my overall sense of well being has increased exponentially. I literally want to pinch my self and to see if its a dream. PE will be with me for the rest of my life thanks DLD.

Once you realize somethings so seemingly impossible is possible it will open many other doors and you will start to entertain ideas that you would not have otherwise. If PE is possible, what else is?
doublelongdaddy;607052 said:
Once you realize somethings so seemingly impossible is possible it will open many other doors and you will start to entertain ideas that you would not have otherwise. If PE is possible, what else is?

The more we see the real new penis n we see that is a tangible reality.A new world is being shown
shortdick;652011 said:
The more we see the real new penis n we see that is a tangible reality.A new world is being shown

True my Brother, true.
I discovered PE at the young age of 15 and it definitely changed my mindset and life for the better. I didn't have to settle for average, and not only that, but the majority of sexual experiences I've had were with girls that thought I was huge. It's certainly opened my mind and made me less judgmental...perhaps because I'm too confident to need to bring others down.
doublelongdaddy;606864 said:
I knew, once I gained in PE, that the world was full of lies and mistruths. I think it opened my mind to the point of questioning the authoritative conclusions. Once I realized that I could change something that the world said I could not that I could change many things in my life. This is why I committed myself to the Brotherhood, it brings me such joy to watch men go from doubts to complete belief. If PE is possible, what else is possible that the world said was not?

oh i know exactly what you mean.

i mean i found out i could grow my cock more than an inch already and still im going.
even though i have always heard that it wasnt possible

and then when my mom got sick by a disease that can't be cured. by normal doctors. and it is very life destrying this one.
i brought her to a healer that i know. and she got cured.

its super funny. because. she doesn't have any side effects from it, she can life her live as she pleases.

but the system will not be able to explain how she got cured. so what did they do? well she is still receiving all the government support. of tools and more money. so she can have a decent life. but she doesn't really need it.

in reality. it is easier for this system to just continue to pay her and act like nothing has happened.

than it is for the doctors to go back to the other doctors and say: "hey guys. eeehm. it turns out.... this disease you can't be cured from. only treated for the symptoms.... it turns out i have a patient that got cured. should we look into that?

fuck no! they keep paying her money. and ignore it like it has never happened.

i mean what the fuck?!

it got me angry at the system. i mean. "so. the guys that makes billion dollars on an industry that makes. money x number of people who is sick = total amount of money earned . TELLS ME! i need to take this vaccine!

i mean isn't this a conflict of interest?

they make money when we are sick.
and we take their advice on how not to be sick?

lets turn it around.
what if doctors got a donation from people each month. when they where healthy!
so the doctor will now make: " money x healthy clients= total income.

and their pay. has a straight link to the amount of healthy people.

wouldn't that make more sense?

i don't know anymore. i have lost my faith in these systems. i simply don't believe they have my best interest as their goal.

i believe my money, Our money, is their goal.

and that actually scares me,

and the more i look into this subject. there is a thick blood red path through time. of doctors who have ignored cures to diseases that seemed to work.

only on the basis. that they coudln't be administrated the way that was most profitable

i mean if a doctor finds out the cure is garlic.
they need to make you a garlic pill. you know. instead of telling you to eat garlic?

everyone knows that garlic is a killer for the immune system. how often has a sick person been told to get some garlic as it will boost his immune system?


here sir take this pill!

by understanding this. i have developed a sense of bullshit filter.

but more importantly im seeing the real values of things.

people are so caught up in all the bullshit now a days. "how do i look?" "how will this cloth define my persona? "how am i gonna make the other guys respect me?" "i feel inferior"

i came to realize that the definition "I WANT" is purely based on ego. and by constantly trying to fit into other peoples reality. letting their opinion be the mattering point in my life.

i let go of all that. stopped seeking approval from other individuals. started walking my own path find the strenght from within. and through this i have met some of the most amazing people in my life.

and the very same people that i so intensely seeked approval from before.

now respects me even more. for going my own path (but i don't really care anymore. i just like the irony in it)

well what can i say. you hit a button with that question.
PE was a mind opener for me.

(take that to all the people who told me that i was never going to become anything by sitting playing with my dick all the time!!")
Getting Bigger is a quite interesting process because sometimes PE gets off the conscious mind,but the enlarging process is *endless* id say...once we get to a *reasonable size*we need to consider whats next?:( LOL
Eventually the Brotherhood will open the eyes of many more men. The closer we get to becoming mainstream the more help men will get who need it. The FaceBook page has certainly helped us get into the mainstream and we need to continue these efforts. The world is evolving, the USA is more accepting now than any time before but still we have much of the battle to still fight. We no longer are classified as �naked people movies�, which is a massive victory for us, we are now classified as a health site, with victories like this we will advance farther and farther.
doublelongdaddy;653200 said:
Eventually the Brotherhood will open the eyes of many more men. The closer we get to becoming mainstream the more help men will get who need it. The FaceBook page has certainly helped us get into the mainstream and we need to continue these efforts. The world is evolving, the USA is more accepting now than any time before but still we have much of the battle to still fight. We no longer are classified as �naked people movies�, which is a massive victory for us, we are now classified as a health site, with victories like this we will advance farther and farther.

Why would a penis enlargment forum be considered �naked people movies�?lol
ChilDsh;653459 said:
Why would a penis enlargment forum be considered �naked people movies�?lol

It was for a long time and it took a lot of work to get us out of that listing. I guess they figured nude penis=�naked people movies�. So glad that we are no longer classified that way.
Mattersofsize is very much unlike �naked people movies� because we have the "true" impressive cocks. No camera angles, no poor eq, no bullshit.
templnite;653609 said:
Mattersofsize is very much unlike �naked people movies� because we have the "true" impressive cocks. No camera angles, no poor eq, no bullshit.

Yeah but for a long time we were and this really hurt us in search results. Things are so much better today in our relationship with Google.
PE has made me a very confident man. I now talk to the ladies while looking straight into their eyes like it's nothing knowing fully well that I can stretch that pussy out in bed if she gives me the chance. And after sex she will be crazy about me from that day.
huge-girth;654146 said:
PE has made me a very confident man. I now talk to the ladies while looking straight into their eyes like it's nothing knowing fully well that I can stretch that pussy out in bed if she gives me the chance. And after sex she will be crazy about me from that day.

That is so awesome! I am also gaining more confidence in myself, trying to smile and say hi to girls I see that are hot. Not any such in getting one but I know I am getting close:)
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