Are kegels bad, over excess of kegels are bad...just like over excess of anything can be bad...It's just a matter of moderation, same with everything else.. Kegels work for me, I do them in moderation though, not overworking the muscle but giving it just enough to make it stronger and have good effects on my pe quest. So kegels can be bad but if you do them in moderation, no.
They are bad man thats why I dont do them
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Riiiight. Kegels are bad, but this garbage they are SELLING will help your problem. Sure it will....
Ok I'll admit it! I thought it too!

Now, off to do some kegels. :D
No guys they are right, I used to have the worst pre-ejac, from kegels, thats were it all started, dont do them.
serious? so now what will become of the Penis Enlargement exercises that require you to kegel during the workout?
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to blow the bullshit whistle on this...Kegels themselves are not bad. I really don't even see how it could be possible to do too many kegels, but if it is indeed possible then that could be bad for you. However kegels help to reaffirm blood flow to our favorite extremity, how is that bad? Kegels keep your pecker supplied with fresh, oxygenated blood to help hasten the recovery rate from the stress we apply to it when we perform our exercises, how is that bad? Kegels are designed to help stave off premature ejaculation, how is that bad? Kegels are the key that allow men to have multiple orgasms, how is that bad?

In closing, kegels are not bad...I refuse to believe it.
And to follow on from papercut here, i have been doing them for ages and haven't experienced any problems... yet... :)
Completely agree with Supra.I mean if anyone is having problems with bloodflow to their member, then sure, otherwise Kegels=pre-ejac. Reverse Kegels=�naked people movies�stardom.
Zurik, I agree that constantly kegelling during sex will cause you to ejaculate more quickly, and that reverse kegels should be exercised while having sex...but without a consistent kegel strengthening routine you're not going to be able to last as long as you would if you had been doing kegels.

I'll try to equate this to bench pressing...if you have a strong pectorals (the primary muscle group worked with bench press) then you're going to fair pretty well doing bench press. However if you have the same pectorals with the addition of strong triceps (secondary muscle group worked during bench press) then you're going to be able to bench press more weight... If reverse kegelling is your pectorals, and kegels are your triceps, don't you think it would make sense to exercise both to receive the most benefit?
Zurik said:
Completely agree with Supra.I mean if anyone is having problems with bloodflow to their member, then sure, otherwise Kegels=pre-ejac. Reverse Kegels=�naked people movies�stardom.

Word man
I have been wondering this also....I sure dont think kegeling while erect is bad for you obviously....but when I am completely flaccid and I try to kegel it is harder to do and feels very strange (probably because it has no blood to push)...and sometimes I feel little ticks, like a little shock, in my pc when I try to kegel flaccid...(anyone else have that)??? ?:(

I have not been training it for that reason only

I thought kegels were supposed to make you have rockhard erections...just as the article said, "some men use their PC constantly during sex to pump up their penis because it isnt hard enough" THAT IS DEFINITELY ME...I am 18....what the hell am I gonna do in a few years....

as for reverse kegels....can you strengthen that up....because every time I try to edge and do a reverse kegel to stop ejaculation it makes me cum....and not a good one...I think I get a bit of urine in there makes sense though...cuz thats what you flex to make yourself piss....

Please tell me Im not the only one to have that happen :biggun:
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Kegels and Reverse Kegels are paramount to making Penis Enlargement gains in a number of areas. Kegels in of themselves strengthen the muscles we use to hold blood in our penis when we have an erection. If the pelvic floor muscle are weak full erection potential may suffer. I also advocate kegels to strengthen the p.c. muscles for future size. As your penis becomes larger the p.c. muscles will need to follow suit in order to maintain good erections and good erection angle. Strong p.c. muscles are also something that will benefit us in the future when our bladder begins to fail with old age a strong p.c. muscle will prevent accidents.

Reverse kegels for some men are the only way for them to make length gains. The PC muscle in many guys acts as a protective buffer between the penis and the ligaments. When we stretch the penis a normal reaction for the p.c. muscle is to flex to protect the penis from injury. When this happens during a stretch the ligs are getting very little of the stretch tension as the p.c. muscles are absorbing and protecting them from injury. Many guys do not even realize this is happening and some go on for months or even years without making length gains. The reverse kegel allows us to totally unflex the p.c. muscle and so that the ligs can absorb most of the stretch hence length gains become possible.

Overworking any muscle group is not good practice, everything does, however, have its place in moderation.
"constantly kegelling during sex will cause you to ejaculate more quickly".

Maybe that's just me,but after i started doing kegels i noticed that when having sex, i start unintentionaly kegeling. And you know what that leads to. Obviously holding a reverse kegel, prolongs the sessions quite a bit(many times acctually), however, if i do just one kegel during that session, it's VERY hard to go back to the reverse kegel. So what's the point of training something that contradicts the purpose of what most of us do Penis Enlargement for-a better sex life. Being a minute-man doesn't help with having great sex.
doublelongdaddy said:
Kegels and Reverse Kegels are paramount to making Penis Enlargement gains in a number of areas. Kegels in of themselves strengthen the muscles we use to hold blood in our penis when we have an erection. If the pelvic floor muscle are weak full erection potential may suffer. I also advocate kegels to strengthen the p.c. muscles for future size. As your penis becomes larger the p.c. muscles will need to follow suit in order to maintain good erections and good erection angle. Strong p.c. muscles are also something that will benefit us in the future when our bladder begins to fail with old age a strong p.c. muscle will prevent accidents.

Reverse kegels for some men are the only way for them to make length gains. The PC muscle in many guys acts as a protective buffer between the penis and the ligaments. When we stretch the penis a normal reaction for the p.c. muscle is to flex to protect the penis from injury. When this happens during a stretch the ligs are getting very little of the stretch tension as the p.c. muscles are absorbing and protecting them from injury. Many guys do not even realize this is happening and some go on for months or even years without making length gains. The reverse kegel allows us to totally unflex the p.c. muscle and so that the ligs can absorb most of the stretch hence length gains become possible.

Overworking any muscle group is not good practice, everything does, however, have its place in moderation.

I agree with ou on reverse kegels, but the regular ones, no way
I'm with DLD on the kegel issue. Obvioiusly they're not for everyone but if you're making your unit bigger you need to improve the blood flow and reduce the outflow.

Kegels are great, as they can enlarge your PC/BC which constricts outflow and gives you rock hard erections.

Reverse kegels are very useful for stretching IMO.

I do kegels (long clamps, not too many) and I can last hours with very good control. I don't put that down to kegels though, I put it down to determination.
Nothing wrong with kegels if done in MODERATION.
What tends to happen is daft cunts do 1000's and 1000's of them eachday and THINK they will get stronger erections and cannon like cum shots, but it doesnt happen.
The Kegels target the P'C' muscle, and we all SHOULD know that a muscle gets TIRED and WORN-OUT, this is what happens when sili men do LOTS of kegels, they just tire the thing out.
What can happen is, if the person keeps wearing at it than the muscle will SHRINK like any muscle if it keeps getting abused like that, this is where all this negativity has arisen.
If you do them normally, say 100-400 eachday or 1 on 1 off basis, than they should work well like they have done for 1000's and 1000's of years in Asia.
But if you do TONS and TONS of them, than YES they are bad.
Common sense is needed.
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