
Jun 18, 2013
I recently decided to compare my girth measurements with other objects. My girth right now is 5.5" and goal is 6". I measured around a banana and found it to be 5" wit the skin on and even less without. Honestly, i never thought i would be bigger than a banana. I always thought a banana would be like 6.5 around. Can anyone second this, I feel like i am wrong somewhere. ALSO, IS A 5.5" GIRTH AVERAGE OR ABOVE AVERAGE. I CANT SEEM TO FIND THE ANSWER.
its average FOR SURE !!!!!
I would rather compare my curve to a banana than my girth. :)
Yes, comparing with objects is one of the stages of the gaining process, we all do it, I make no exception as I do it ALL the time!

First- You are WELL ABOVE average! The average penis girth is between 4.75 and 5 inches of girth. A size of 5.5 is not only considered big, but is also more than enough to make most women scream and moan! You are big!

Second- It is quite shocking to see how big you actually are, isn't it? When you look down it seems to be average or small, but once you compare it to an object and see how big the object is- then you realize it "ain't" so small after all. Now the banana example of yours sure is individual as there are MANY different banana sizes out there, but it is the size of your penis that matters, not the banana. So, yes, as I answered already- you are WELL ABOVE average! :)
i think i would rather compare it to my previous size only as that is the only way to know the difference or any
It's great to compare your size with a similar object, like a banana, especially because it gives you a different perspective on your size and allows you to have a closer idea of how big your penis looks like to your partner.
On the other hand, if you're doing it to keep track of your progress, I'd recommend sticking to a standard size object, or something you know won't change it's size at all, like a cell phone, a remote control. Personally, my goal is to have my length equal to that of a DVD case (non Blu-ray). :)
Thanks for the replies. Was just curious about the comparison. Gonna start keeping track of my own measurements from now on.
Banana's come in many shapes and sizes, just like penis's:) But I too have measured against a banana before, along with every other phallic object I own:) Your girth at 5.5 is above average and considered big. You will hear no complaints with that size.
I am also about 5.5 inches girth, but for some reason I really would not imagine I would be thicker than a banana with the peel on. I have always wanted to be longer than a banana though, which at 7.5 inches BPEL I for the most part am not.
I know. Me neither. But i have measured it a good amount and always got the same measurement. Try for yourself and see what you get. :)
BigPapa8;627208 said:
I know. Me neither. But i have measured it a good amount and always got the same measurement. Try for yourself and see what you get. :)

Well who knows, you might be right. There are so many objects that one can compare their cock to, but for me the ruler is the best way to go.
The ruler is not a good friend of mine,thats why i use some other things but never compared it to a banana...
I use my remote control. I use it because it is nearby and when I get a great erection it is easy to grab and compare. I don't just have a ruler sitting out all the time lol
Stephmags123;627369 said:
I use my remote control. I use it because it is nearby and when I get a great erection it is easy to grab and compare. I don't just have a ruler sitting out all the time lol

I may be the exception, but I have a ruler in my room two feet from where I spend most of my time outside of work. Maybe that's why I prefer the ruler :)
Stephmags123;627369 said:
I use my remote control.

I think everyone here has used their remote control:)
boohoohoo;627374 said:
I may be the exception, but I have a ruler in my room two feet from where I spend most of my time outside of work. Maybe that's why I prefer the ruler :)

I do all my exercises in my bedroom. If I did them in my office I would have a ruler nearyby LOL
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Stephmags123;627443 said:
I do all my exercises in my bedroom. If I did them in my office I would have a ruler nearyby LOL

Well I am not sure if you can do anything in your office, but Bib, the creator of the Bib Hangers, apparently would hang weights for hours at his office and that was the reason he gained as much as he did. If you can maybe you should try hanging at work, but I can easily see how that would be really risky.
DennyA;627549 said:
I use all sorts if reference objects...bananas early on and graduated over time as I grew. Currently using my wrist and I love looking at women's wrists as a comparison...

Funny you should say that. MOS is to blame for my now paying attention to other women's hand size and thinking "Ha, she has small hands, she's definitely be selected in a �naked people movies� movie casting" LMAO
savageblue;627566 said:
Funny you should say that. MOS is to blame for my now paying attention to other women's hand size and thinking "Ha, she has small hands, she's definitely be selected in a �naked people movies� movie casting" LMAO

haha, so true:)
I compared myself to a cable remote. Got past on demand pretty nicely. Topped the "all on" button above it too.

I am unfairly harsh on my length.
Longth;627877 said:
I compared myself to a cable remote. Got past on demand pretty nicely. Topped the "all on" button above it too.

I am unfairly harsh on my length.

Same here but I have maxed out the remote:) I need a longer remote!
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