
Nov 23, 2010
What has been the feed back people have received while using the SG with one of the comfort methods versus the VLC tugger, I use the tugger on and off. If I can be more religious with is I'm sure I will have some nice gains. I feel immense burning at the base and try and increase as much tension as possible I try to rest for an hour or so, my usual timeframe is an hour to two and a half hours. I almost have all bars in use, the medium bars are the only ones left.

Patiently waiting for those so called 2300g tension bars to be released.

Also I'm looking for something to help stay elongated with, I've done UJW, but I have also heard or the divo suit and the stealth. Can't anyone give advice on that?
I used the extender with the silicone tube and the velcro strap and I got decent results with it and with prety good confort, I can wear it for 1h sets with the silicone tube and 3 hours sets using the velcro. I don't own a VLC Tugger so I can't give you info on that but from what guys have reported around here it seems to be the most confortable attachment for the SG and can be worn day-long so you must be doing something wrong if you can't go for more then 1 hour with it.

I never felet any "base pain" as you decribe it and I used the extender at 1500 grams with original springs and at 3200 grams with custom springs so far, where do you feel the pain and how long into the set it appears? I may be caused by the skin being streched by the VLC.

And finaly, wearing it 2h/day will not produce much gains, at least not at 1500g of tension with the original springs. You need at least 4 hours of continuous usage with a maximum break of 10 mins between sets to get good results, I found that the penis gets into a different state after the 3-4 hour mark witch is more pliable and strechy and with a temporary increse in FSL of about 0.2 inches witch does not happen in less then 3 hours and I belive this is what got me the gains.

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Since you have the SizeGenetics why not just use that at a lower tension to remain elongated after training? This is a great method and easily accomplished. Using the VLC you can easily get in and out quickly. The VLC also comes with it's own ADS system that can be used as an elongation method also.
Blueballs;606757 said:
I used the extender with the silicone tube and the velcro strap and I got decent results with it and with prety good confort, I can wear it for 1h sets with the silicone tube and 3 hours sets using the velcro. I don't own a VLC Tugger so I can't give you info on that but from what guys have reported around here it seems to be the most confortable attachment for the SG and can be worn day-long so you must be doing something wrong if you can't go for more then 1 hour with it.

I never felet any "base pain" as you decribe it and I used the extender at 1500 grams with original springs and at 3200 grams with custom springs so far, where do you feel the pain and how long into the set it appears? I may be caused by the skin being streched by the VLC.

And finaly, wearing it 2h/day will not produce much gains, at least not at 1500g of tension with the original springs. You need at least 4 hours of continuous usage with a maximum break of 10 mins between sets to get good results, I found that the penis gets into a different state after the 3-4 hour mark witch is more pliable and strechy and with a temporary increse in FSL of about 0.2 inches witch does not happen in less then 3 hours and I belive this is what got me the gains.


The base pain feels like a very intense lig stretch, it hurts so good type of feeling not a ouch painful. I try to stretch hard and believe in higher tension then lower, only thing is after the session i do have the usual sensitivity that is mentioned (for those who are circumcised) after taking off the VLC and the massage and rub down with some heat pad therapy always helps recuprate quickly. I think if people are wearing their VLC all day then they might have it at lower tension and or the leg strap that comes with it, it is comfortable I cannot deny that at all. I need better springs too I think because mine they feel extremely flimsy so I have to push out arm screw and my tension screw to the limit so I can feel a good stretch. Do you know where I can get a new set of tension springs or will I have to purchase a whole new unit?

Oh and I repeat my 1-2 hour intervals at least 3-4 times a day and manual stretching when I can get it in as well, working as nurse sometimes warps all your energy. But maybe I can play with increased tension for 45 minutes high tension and then hour low tension and just repeat until I have to pee.

Oh and I snapped my silicone tube early on which I decided to never repurchase lol. Velcro strap are a great buy though and I have seen other peoples progress with them and it speaks for itself. I like the VLC because my theory is that its pulling the inner penis and provides and intense stretch that I never felt with any of the comfort methods.
doublelongdaddy;606839 said:
Since you have the SizeGenetics why not just use that at a lower tension to remain elongated after training? This is a great method and easily accomplished. Using the VLC you can easily get in and out quickly. The VLC also comes with it's own ADS system that can be used as an elongation method also.

DLD, dude I would love to stay in it lower tension but the shaft skin I have to use to make the VLC becomes so sensitive that I have to rub down and use the heating pad before I can put it back on. This picture was from earlier today and I will be back in it for my second run in a little bit. I have always wondered if I am using the right device but I have been told a long time ago from someone circumcised as I am that I want to use this model for the extender purposes and not for the foreskin restoration reasons.<br>View attachment 29484</br>

Well here is the picture of me in the extender with the attachement<br>View attachment 29485</br>


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The connection looks excellent, how long are you wearing before it becomes uncomfortable? Or is it only when you go light that it causes issues?
doublelongdaddy;607074 said:
The connection looks excellent, how long are you wearing before it becomes uncomfortable? Or is it only when you go light that it causes issues?

There really isn't any certain timeframe. I try to stay in it for two hours minimum each set. It's more so just the shaft skin I have to manipulate to cover the head since I'm circumcised that gets uncomfortable. Where it is white at is the discomfort probably from lack of blood flow.

My girlfriend sees me in it and bugs out thinking I'm gonna rip my cock off hahaha. But lately using the extender had made my erections massively strong. I have been trying to kegel as well while in the extender since I have to have a massive base too and I could have sworn I heard kegels during extenders helps
youknowme123321;607188 said:
i am trying to figure out a good way to use my phallosan bulb with my extender

Just strap the silicone tube over it in the space between the bell and the pump and It will work fine, I saw some other guy around here doing the same.

Neversettle;607187 said:
My girlfriend sees me in it and bugs out thinking I'm gonna rip my cock off hahaha. But lately using the extender had made my erections massively strong. I have been trying to kegel as well while in the extender since I have to have a massive base too and I could have sworn I heard kegels during extenders helps

Haha! PE is a strange thing to those who don't know, good to know you have a girl that accepts your PE.
Blueballs;607207 said:
Just strap the silicone tube over it in the space between the bell and the pump and It will work fine, I saw some other guy around here doing the same.


You did not see my post I have posted my picture. Combined my x4 to my phallosan. And also using mu phallosan as lg hanger. 14 pounds I have lifted while watching tv for hours. BUT avoid water retention.
master_mind;607336 said:
You did not see my post I have posted my picture. Combined my x4 to my phallosan. And also using mu phallosan as lg hanger. 14 pounds I have lifted while watching tv for hours. BUT avoid water retention.

Intresting... How long are your sets and did you tried to go for16-17lbs? and how do one avoid water retention with this device? I consider getting one but the price scares me, and unlike my old JES this has some maintanance costs that come with the replacement of the condoms and sleeves.

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Blueballs;607344 said:
Intresting... How long are your sets and did you tried to go for16-17lbs? and how do one avoid water retention with this device? I consider getting one but the price scares me, and unlike my old JES this has some maintanance costs that come with the replacement of the condoms and sleeves.


Well I had water retention because i fell asleep while I was using x4 and phallosan. I learnt one thing to do small sets and maintain blood flow with extender and hanging. And then wear ads phallosan for long hours. To avoid water retention I will use a larger silicon cap for glans. I saw a modification in phallosan to make condom sleeve. He also never pumps the phallosan to create vaccum he just locks the pump and it works. I will start my p.e in next 4 to 5 days and will post all.
Blueballs;607344 said:
Intresting... How long are your sets and did you tried to go for16-17lbs? and how do one avoid water retention with this device? I consider getting one but the price scares me, and unlike my old JES this has some maintanance costs that come with the replacement of the condoms and sleeves.


Check comfort modification for phallosan by 9inchtail you will get all answers
doublelongdaddy;607319 said:
Haha! PE is a strange thing to those who don't know, good to know you have a girl that accepts your PE.

Oh she still has plenty of questions still and is baffled that there are men out there who would do this. But who wouldn't want to make a better version of themselves.

So DLD I have a question bro, what is up with these 2300g tension springs, it feels like they're some mythical bigfoot lol heard about them but never seen them. I love getting intense stretches so thats why I would want better springs.

I also might need to make a change in the white Tugger body, sometimes just feels like I dont have the best . Do you also use the VLC? If so how does your white cone body fit?
Neversettle;607799 said:
Oh she still has plenty of questions still and is baffled that there are men out there who would do this. But who wouldn't want to make a better version of themselves.

So DLD I have a question bro, what is up with these 2300g tension springs, it feels like they're some mythical bigfoot lol heard about them but never seen them. I love getting intense stretches so thats why I would want better springs.

I also might need to make a change in the white Tugger body, sometimes just feels like I dont have the best . Do you also use the VLC? If so how does your white cone body fit?

The more powerful springs have been talked about for a while and a few men have managed to find them generically through suppliers but still there is nothing available, production wise, yet. I have talked with SizeGenetics about it and it has not been forgotten, they are still working on it. Once they are are available we will have a link...maybe a month or two.
doublelongdaddy;607804 said:
The more powerful springs have been talked about for a while and a few men have managed to find them generically through suppliers but still there is nothing available, production wise, yet. I have talked with SizeGenetics about it and it has not been forgotten, they are still working on it. Once they are are available we will have a link...maybe a month or two.

ah for sure, but in the mean time do you think these can work out well
View attachment 29526
strrreeeetch! trying to keep the tension up and steady. feeling some good stretching at my base and in my pelvic region

my ultimate pet peeve is having to pee so bad when Im in such a good stretch mode. lol


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Neversettle;607837 said:
View attachment 29526
strrreeeetch! trying to keep the tension up and steady. feeling some good stretching at my base and in my pelvic region

my ultimate pet peeve is having to pee so bad when Im in such a good stretch mode. lol

Yeah but it is so quick off and on that it is not that big of a deal. I can see the enormous stretch you are getting, keep it up, stretch to the moon!
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