Jun 3, 2003
Thanks to Eroset for this Oil.

Here's the story: I had a thrombosed vein, a very small one that started at the base on the left side. It had a good size clot at the head of it, a hard bulge about the size of grain of rice. I treated it with heat, massage, niacin flushing (for blood vessel dilation), 400mg of Ibuprofen twice a day, baby aspirin, tons of water, everything. 2 to 3 weeks and it didn't shrink or budge in the slightest, no improvement at all. During this time I did zero Penis Enlargement.

Finally a bit frustrated, I asked my wife to gather from her essential oil collection, every single oil that had vasodilator properties, regardless of whether or not they were harsh on the skin. My thought being, if I stimulate those veins to really dilate, I could get this clot moving. What I came up with worked in four days and had some other unintended benefits. Within four days of massaging this oil into the hard vein, the bulge disappeared and the whole vein started to soften.

After six days, I decided to see what effect it had on the rest of my unit, and began to use it all over, instead of just on the affected area. Within a few days, I noticed a visible difference in the vascular appearance of my shaft. The veins that were there appeared wider and fuller, and smaller ones that I never really noticed before became apparent. These changes were noticeable both erect and flaccid. I also experienced a noticeable change in my flaccid hang, it being heavier and fuller, especially if I had the oil still sitting on the skin. Keep in mind, I was seeing these changes without any Penis Enlargement for the prior 3 weeks or so.

Now that I'm done with my injury break, I decided to start using it as a jelq lube. I already knew it was okay for use on my entire unit because towards the end of my injury break I was using it for masturbation and edging. It's performing very well as a jelq lube with the only downside being that I seem now to get erect very easily with this lube, and it seems to make the erection much more difficult to subside back to my normal jelq-level. I believe I am seeing a difference in the bedroom as well, but too soon to speculate.

Here it is: (as named by someone else, honest)
EVO - Eroset's Vein Oil

--1/3 to 1/2 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a base carrier for the essential oils. Sensitive skin users will want to go heavier on the carrier oil to dilute the essential oils. My best experience so far has been with a 1/3 cup base. Brave users may go even lower on the carrier oil, but I'd say do so slowly, and primarily for use as a concentrated spot treatment directly on the vein, not on the whole shaft.

--6 mL of Lavender Essential Oil (organic or 40/42 oil)

--2.5 mL of Rosemary Essential Oil (Sensitive skin users will want to go easy on this and may want to back it off some. If you experience unpleasant irritation, this is the one to look at first. It's the best vasodilator in the mix, and a great penetrator oil, but also the harshest on the skin.)

--2 mL of Clary Sage Essential Oil

--1.5-2 mL of Lemongrass Essential Oil
(Sensitive skin users will look to this as a possible irritant as well)

Pour the oils into a bottle or other container and shake to ensure the oils are mixed before every use. NOTE: If using for the first time, please test on something other than your penis first. I'm concerned someone may be allergic to one of the ingredients, and having a reaction somewhere other than your penis would be preferable. No?

For measuring the essential oils, I used a baby medicine syringe marked in mL.

Here's what you're rubbing into your veins:

Lavender Essential Oil: (Lavandula officinalis, steam distilled flowering top) It is known to be analgesic, antidepressant, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, bactericide, cicatrizant, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic, fungicide, sedative, vasodilator. Soothes the spirit, relieves anger, valuable in manic-depressive cases. Has a sedative action on the heart, assists in bringing down high blood pressure, relieves insomnia, relieves muscular spasms and rheumatic pains. The first essential oil one should reach for in the case of minor burns and sunburn. Promotes growth of new skin cells, great healing effect on burns and sunburn, acne, psoriasis, boils, fungal growths, and scarring. Lavender is one of the safest essential oils to use with children and the elderly. I personally use Lavender directly on the skin all the time, it is the only essential oil that you can safely use without a carrier oil. Burns, cuts, scrapes, whatever, I've seen pure lavender oil take a disgusting blistered burn on my thumb and heal the blister in two days with all signs of the burn gone in a week. This stuff is a gift from Big Momma Nature.

Rosemary Essential Oil: (Rosemarinus officinalis, steam distilled flowering top/leaf) It is analgesic, antidepressant, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, cicatrisant, digestive, diuretic, hypertensive, rubefacient, vasodilator. Not suitable for people with epilepsy or high blood pressure. Helps ease gout and tired, overworked muscles, tired or weak legs and circulatory problems of extremities, as well as cold feet. Since it stimulates blood circulation, it is a good remedy for low blood pressure. It's an excellent tonic for the liver and gall bladder. Helps lower high blood sugar. Used in shampoo and hair treatments, it helps stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, thus being beneficial for promoting hair growth. Be careful with playing with this one, direct skin contact without diluting will be painful. If you notice too much of a tingling sensation, or an extreme cooling sensation, you've used too much and should dilute the mixture with a bit more Olive Oil. It is a tremendous penetrating oil and powerful vasodilator.

Clary Sage Essential Oil: (Salvia sclarea, steam distilled flower/leaf) Is anticonvulsive, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, emmenagogue, deodorant, nervine, sedative, tonic, vasodilator, a relaxing, warming oil which eases nervous tension. Its well known for its euphoric action and is an extremely valuable oil for treating nervousness, fear, paranoia and depression. Also encourages labor, enabling the expectant mother to relax and eases post-natal depression. Studies have found Clary Sage to be beneficial for its analgesic and relaxing effects and its ability to accelerate labor. It inhibits prolactin which is the hormone that floods our system after orgasm pushing us into the refractory period. Also soothes digestive problems. KEEP AWAY from your wife or girlfriend if pregnant! Use care not to get on your bed linens if you Penis Enlargement in bed, Clary Sage has been reported to cause vivid and sometimes weird dreams if placed on a pillowcase before bed.

Lemongrass Essential Oil: (Cymbopogon flexuosus, steam distilled leaf/herb) It is tonic, digestive and vasodilator with anti-inflammatory and sedative properties. Stimulates the mind, lifts the spirit, clears the head. Stimulates appetite, helpful with colic and indigestion. Prevents spread of contagious diseases. Great for aching muscles, relieves tired legs. Relieves fatigue, assists with jet lag. Aids in the flow of milk in nursing mothers. May be a dermal irritant.


Where to get the stuff: Those of you in cool hippy-like places may be able to find these ingredients in Natural Health stores... Just make sure that you are buying Pure Essential Oils. NOT fragrance oils, not scented oils, you want the pure essential oil, organic and Ecocert if you can (but not necessary). Personally, I get all my oils from Camden-Grey, my wife has been doing business with them for 5 years I think, and we've always been happy with them and been treated well. If a bottle breaks or leaks in transport, they have always replaced it promptly free of charge.

Recommended usage:

For treatment of a thrombosed vein, I recommend hitting it with 5 minutes of heat first, even longer if you like. Big believer in heat. Follow up with massaging EVO directly onto the affected area for 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times per day. Apply liberally, and when done, do not wipe off skin unless you experience skin irritation. Your skin will continue to absorb the oils after your massage if you leave it on. I usually just pull on a pair of loose shorts and go about my business.

For use as a jelq/edging lube, remember to test on a small area of skin first. Even if you've tested it somewhere other than your penis (which you should do), I would still recommend using it on a small area on your penis first, just to make sure it's okay on your unit before slathering it on for 20 minutes of stroking/jelqing. Again, I would always leave the lube on the skin when finished, or reapply before pulling on my shorts.


Now the disclaimers:
I am not a doctor, I did not sleep in a Holiday Inn last night, I have no medical training whatsoever. This oil mixture has been used at this point, by just TWO people (the fine fellow that named this stuff EVO will hopefully chime in soon). If you're not the adventurous type, you might want to wait until other people (hopefully!) give this stuff a try and report their findings.

The FDA has not evaluated the information contained on this post.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases or substitute for the advice provided by a medical professional. Please consult a qualified health care professional for any medical problems, diseases, illnesses or health conditions. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK and use common sense, if you notice a negative skin reaction, discontinue use or dilute with more carrier oil.

This is still a work in progress, and I am still researching some of the oils contained in this mixture. I reserve the right to change the secret formula for EVO at any time. I have absolutely no idea about the implications of long term use, but will certainly update this thread with any experience as I continue to use this.

Thoughts, feedback, questions? Would love to see other thrombosed vein sufferers try this out and let us know the progress. Also would like to hear feedback on folks looking for better vascular definition using it as a jelq lube.

Edit: forgot to mention, it smells like fecking hot-sweet death, these oils are not meant to be mixed for pleasing aromatic purposes.
I have some pictures I would like to post to see if someone can diagnose whether or not my dorsal vein is thrombosed or if it is normal. Just one of those things I would like to make sure on.

Only the last picture is manually clamped. The first two or just normal erections. Thanks for any help you or any one else can give?


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lolmonster;330200 said:
I have some pictures I would like to post to see if someone can diagnose whether or not my dorsal vein is thrombosed or if it is normal. Just one of those things I would like to make sure on.

Only the last picture is manually clamped. The first two or just normal erections. Thanks for any help you or any one else can give?

It looks prominent but not thrombosed.
It would be good if people posted injurys here so others could tell when something is just swollen or serioualy in need of help.

I'm going to have to mix up that oil.
big bori333;330506 said:
Anyone use the oils for jelqing lube? I heard it increase flaccid hang...

It is a pretty big thread at T's place but I have not been able to read through it. It seems logical and harmless to try.
big bori333;330506 said:
Anyone use the oils for jelqing lube? I heard it increase flaccid hang...

I just got my shipment of oils and started this, so I don't know what the effect will be. The nice thing is that you don't need to use a lot and you don't need to re-apply. I haven't noticed any issues with skin sensitivity.

I did vary from the above recipe some. I already had a bottle of lavender infused massage oil, so I used that in place of olive oil. Shelf life of EVOO isn't great once opened, so unless you're using the remainder for cooking, you don't want to get a big bottle.

Also, since the massage oil already has a pretty decent amount of lavender in it, I don't seem to notice a problem with the mixture smelling bad.
TRRbogie;331488 said:
I just got my shipment of oils and started this, so I don't know what the effect will be. The nice thing is that you don't need to use a lot and you don't need to re-apply. I haven't noticed any issues with skin sensitivity.

I did vary from the above recipe some. I already had a bottle of lavender infused massage oil, so I used that in place of olive oil. Shelf life of EVOO isn't great once opened, so unless you're using the remainder for cooking, you don't want to get a big bottle.

Also, since the massage oil already has a pretty decent amount of lavender in it, I don't seem to notice a problem with the mixture smelling bad.

Awesome! Keep us up to date on the effects of this.
already had the essential oils in the house because I make my own soap. Made the mixture and used it for jelq lube. I have only used it once so I am looking forward to seeing what it will do in the long term. I did feel a difference after jelqing...cooling sensation on the skin. I did not have a reaction to any of the oils and I liked the fragrence...I think the aromatherapy made the session more enjoyable. I have arthritis in my hands and sometimes jelqing can be a bit painful but I think the oils actually helped a little in this area too.
photog200;368118 said:
already had the essential oils in the house because I make my own soap. Made the mixture and used it for jelq lube. I have only used it once so I am looking forward to seeing what it will do in the long term. I did feel a difference after jelqing...cooling sensation on the skin. I did not have a reaction to any of the oils and I liked the fragrence...I think the aromatherapy made the session more enjoyable. I have arthritis in my hands and sometimes jelqing can be a bit painful but I think the oils actually helped a little in this area too.

So you made this as a soap? Doesn't that dry out your skin?
No, I didn't make it as soap. I just had the essential oils in the house because I use them for making soap. I made the formula just as you had listed in the thread.
Hey! (Bumping!)

This is good stuff here. I substituted olive oil with joyoba. I also had some apricot kernel oil, but I opted for joyoba this time.
Somewhat more expensive than olive oil (well, depending on the brand I guess), but I think joyoba and apricot penetrate the skin better.

I made mine a lot more potent than advised in the guide. The guide line is good. The mix I made is a bit stingy, but no peeling or other problems have occurred.
Definately makes erections harder, I think with even the suggested amounts. (I did a mix like 20 ml of joyoba and the rest varied from 1 - 4 ml I think. Don't remember the exact numbers, but it's working!)
I've dabbled with essential oils before, so my skin is a bit more customed to them, but sure, beware of too hard mixes! I'll be honest, I felt a little "drunk" the first time I applied my mix and that was just to my arms.

If you like DYI-stuff, this is definately something good your penis! Leech oil too is nice, as Redzulu suggested. I have both now. This EVO can be little cheaper than leech oil and you don't have to be "cheap" about it, even though a small amount will do!
I now do leech oil morning and evening, before sleep. EVO after work out, which for now is Bathmate.

Not the "easiest" way around, but interesting. And true, it's really potent in smell, but not too bad I think! I think you can affect the smell factor with different base oils. Olive oil to me doesn't smell very good, it's decent. Apricot kernel oil is a little nutty, doesn't smell too much. Joyoba is quite mild in my opinion as well.
So, if you have the time, try it!
I've only tried this a couple times, using arkailija's method of substituting apricot seed oil in place of EVOO. I used DLD's essential oil measurements, though.

I was initially interested in this because I do a lot of girth work- I'm already pretty "substantial" according to all of my previous partners, but I've got a thing for girth and head size, so I do a lot of exercises emphasizing those areas, and I've been looking into picking up a Bathmate and/or a head pump to concentrate a lot of my efforts there. Anyway, because I do a lot of girth exercises (squeezes in particular) I am susceptible to thrombosed veins. Between the vasodilating oils and a heroic amount of Ginkgo taken daily, I'm pretty sure I can effectively sidestep any hardened veins.

Now that extensive patch testing has shown I shouldn't have to worry about any kind of reactions to the oils, I plan on applying the mixture 2-3 times daily; in the morning post-shower, afternoon (typically post-work), and as a jelqing lube in the evening.

I've only been using it since yesterday, and I don't want to raise expectations, but I have been noticing a modest improvement in vascularity, the firmness of my erection, and the length of my flaccid hang. I can only expect that these effects will improve as I continue to use the concoction over a long period of time. I also find that the oils, contrary to previous testimony, actually produce a gentle and pleasurable warming sensation.

I've also used this as a jelq lubricant for my scrotum, and I've found the effects to be pretty pleasant. Just like with my penis, I've noticed my sac is looser, more relaxed, and the scrotum feels "puffier," more inflated, which is a nice effect. Overall, my balls feel heavier, like they have a little more swing to 'em. Has anyone else experimented with using this on their scrotum? I'll also be trying out shea butter.

Finally, has anyone looked into Catuaba? I've also heard good things about Lotus. I'm really interested in this essential oil thing, based on my current experience with them, so I'd like to experiment a little more. I think I'd like to up the strength on my oil and see how far I can go before I begin to experience any negative side effects.
Saved! Always wanted veins running thick and crazy on my dick. Now just to find a place where I can get all these oils.
I'm glad people are using this stuff. Especially I'm glad about SnowMutt using apricot seed oil. In my opinion it has less fragrance than olive oil, so the outcome (in terms of smell) should be a bit more pleasant. All these oils mixed with olive oil, I haven't tried. But I have a slight feeling the odor is completely different.

I use my EVO on a regular basis, not daily nowadays, even though it's most beneficial used daily.
Ezskanken, you should be able to find these oils in a natural health shop or similiar. I bought my oils from big chain store that has a section for essential oils etc. Lemongrass oil was the only one I had to go and buy from a different store, it's not so common I think. But all these oils should be relatively easy to acquire.
Apparently Bio-Oil has all the same ingredients as EVO and more.
You can buy it, saves the hassle of making it yourself.

Less potent smell, I am using both at the moment.
I have Bio Oil as well, decent stuff. But it's more for stretch marks, discoloration etc.. For bigger veins and Penis Enlargement, go for EVO.
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