
  1. G

    FTM (micropenis) log

    I'm new to the forum, I'm ftm transgender, post-op simple metoidioplasty. I've decided I'd join and start a log as motivation for me to stick with my routine, plus as help for any other trans guys out there who might be in a similar position. For those who aren't familiar: FTM means I was born...
  2. T

    update from timber on chem pe *must read if doing chem pe*

    Hi guys. It's been awhile. Hope everyone is doing well and achieving their gains. I felt I had a duty to you guys to let you know the bad news I have encountered, that was most likely due to my chem pe protocol or severely over training. My size has tapered down even farther, and I am now...
  3. MackIII


    Can someone explain why generic Cialis is banned from online purchase but generic Viagra can be purchased? Thanks
  4. I

    Little EQ problem

    Since I have really stepped up the intensity in my length routine to the point my dick is out lasting my hands and arms, I am having some trouble getting good solid erections particularly during sex. I get hard enough to get the job done and even get really hard for a few seconds but then back...
  5. Commodore

    Best Erectile dysfunction pills ?

    What is the Best Erectile dysfunction pills on the market to day ?
  6. 3


    I thought that in the US you needed a prescription for Viagra cialis or levitra. How do you go about acquiring it with out a prescription from a doctor?
  7. M

    All day chemist Cialis experience?

    I ordered some Viagra from ADC and looking to try cialis. What I found is 20mg tadicip and was wondering if anybody had any experience with it. I'm asking as I know ADC I'd good I think they have different cialis pills and the quality of some aren't as strong as others on there site so I'm...
  8. johnny-wang

    Anyone tried Viagra + Hydrocodone. . . Or this?

    So guys, I have some girls coming over in some days. . I bragged about my staying power and now I am under pressure to perform. Issue is this, I can go for 30 minutes but I said an hour (Lol). . . So I have been doing some reading online and found that taking Viagra with some hydrocodone works...
  9. M

    Give me tips on taking Viagra

    I was wondering how long I should take it before going to business? Should i eat food with,before or after? Any tips for people tjat get heartburn with it? Does alcohol mess with it?
  10. C

    Just ordered my Bathmate Herc the other Day..

    Got lucky and received my Bathmate Herc today! I was so excited got home and just did it right away. After today though I will be waiting until early Saturday morning to do it. I'd like to get into a routine in the morning but I'm not sure how that will work...we'll see. I had "zero" problems...
  11. W

    Bad headaches

    I recently bought some generic cialis which took damn near a month to get... Well, it kind of works because I do get erections but I get such bad headaches with it that I don't feel like doing anything while on it. I always feel loke my mouth gets very dry.. It's only 20mg and I feel if I take...
  12. B

    Getting Cialis Tomorrow

    I don't really have ED although some days I am not rock hard. I am definitely not rock hard like I was in my teen years which is what I am after. I want spontaneous erections during the day and definitely want them throughout the night to help with my gains. I just came across a way to get some...
  13. B

    X30 or X40?

    I am having a hell of a time deciding whether to get the X30 or X40... I currently have a Hercules and I get horrible rings about 1/3 of the way up my shaft. I think it is preventing me from getting gains. I am even getting close to the top when pumping at full pressure now. Now I can't decide...
  14. F

    Interesting ED therapy that has potential

    Look it up, search for 'ED1000' and 'ED1000 therapy'.
  15. M

    Newbie with some Questionis for DLD and anyone else

    Hey, 19 year old guy here. I have been reading about pe for the last couple years on and off, but haven't actually got to doing anything regularly. I have some health issues, and have been having ed issues for the last year and a half. I can still get an erection, but it isn't as easy as it...
  16. E

    Obsessions destroying me

    I will try to make this short as possible. I am an 18 year old freshman in college. My size is 6.75 BPEL and 5.5 MEG, 3.5-4 inch FL, 4.25 inch FG. I am a virgin. My first sexual experience was two weeks ago with a hooker in the ghetto. She jacked me off and blew me, but I still could not...
  17. B

    My new routine and a fresh start with MOS membership! Chime in please!

    Alright, so I just purchased the MOS membership and I am going to re-think my routine. I will list the time and tools that I currently have along with measurements that I just took this morning. Current measurement BPEL – 7-5/8 (think I gained 1/8 inch last month!) Mid Girth – 5” Goal 8”...
  18. W

    Burning sensation

    I notice that sometimes I get this really uncomfortable feeling right around the base, mainly on the top side. If I press down on it (as if to jelq), there's this burning type feel to it. When I pull down my shaft from the head, I notice the skin looks slightly swelled up at the area it hurts...
  19. C

    Sex isnt fun and sometimes not possible

    Some of you guys are complaining about being a 2 minute man. I'd run a schoolbus off the road to last that long. I cum the instant my penis is inserted into my gf and the whole thing sucks. We barely bother having sex anymore as it's frustrating and pointless for us. Funny part is she's actually...
  20. D

    discolor/beauty Apple Cider Vinegar for Discoloration

    So I cut my penis shaving a few weeks ago and as a result a skin tag formed. I looked up ways to remove skin tags, found out applying apple cider vinegar helps. Two times a day, I've been putting it on and yes it has helped the skin tag. But what's even more interesting is the permanent bruise I...
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