Jun 3, 2003
I know some feel as though my absence and cryptic messages have been less than they deserve from someone who owns and operates the worlds largest mens sexual health site and I can't blame you. It pains me greatly to have to be away and not be forthcoming with what my life has become but you need to understand that I have been in the middle of a massive court case while trying to complete ALPHA✡BLADE Studios. My criminal court date is on Monday and I will be taking a trial by jury. My first court date was on Wednesday and I won with flying colors but this was only a small victory in the case that follows.

What I am able to tell you is the truth from beginning to end. If you are willing to read this story than I see you as someone willing to do what it takes to be part of ALPHA✡BLADE. First I will tell you what ALPHA✡BLADE is, if you don't already know but even if you do I suggest you read as my agenda has changed slightly and the changes are important to the mission of what ALPHA✡BLADE represents.

ALPHA✡BLADE is a gathering of like minded people willing to follow a simple guide to life that will empower them and allow them, through AB teachings to empower others. What will be taught and learned is simple in it's lesson but complex in it's understanding and proves to be even more difficult to put into action. AB could be a group of millions but it will most likely start with a few. Those who are willing to do what it takes to become part of ALPHA✡BLADE will be granted membership, those who fall short will be cast out with full understanding that the only way back in is through total group acceptance. What you will learn will give you the same abilities I taught for your penis only now it encompasses the entire human form, mind, body and spirit. I have seen created miracles in my life and I know how I did it, it does not belong to me, it belongs to God and it is the full right, of the worthy, to take part in this and enjoy the spoils of loyalty.

If you think I am grandiose in my words I suggest you move on to another site. If you feel God is something you disagree with I suggest you still take part, if you are Catholic, Jewish, Muslim or any other religion I suggest you take part. I am a Jew and I am Italian. I have taken part in mysteries and miracles that have changed my life, you can choose to believe me or choose to disbelieve, it will only effect you. If you choose to participate and become accepted into the Ministry you will become part of what I believe to be the true Heaven on Earth,

Is this a religious movement? Of course it is, MOS has been the Gospel on male sexuality for more than a decade...why stop with that? Is it not our duty as creatures of God to use every datum of creativity, knowledge, ingenuity, intelligence and any other gift to fulfill Heaven on Earth, or at least strive for such? I know there is a better way, I have proven it to myself, my family, my friends and my community and it works! I wish I could have given it to you last time but it was not ready! It was not of good intention. Pieces were missing, it was incomplete. In good conscience I would not be able to give you something that I do not approve of. You come to me for information that is honest and true....I would never lie to you to help my agenda nor would I release something that fell short of my complete confidence.

ALPHA✡BLADE is exclusive and it will be set up on levels or seniority. Its soul intention is to invest in the future of the children of the world. The changes we'll strive for will start small, but the studios I have built give us the capability to house up to twenty homeless people. It is not a big start but it gives us twenty able bodied men to help expand our studios. It will give us 20 men to work jobs to create income to help feed the poor. It will start what I believe is the future of an independent tribe of believers in a better way.

So far ALPHA✡BLADE has funded the Children's Art Bestowal Fund, an AB company that takes donations and bestowals from artists and estates in the form of paintings, antiquities, jewelry and the like for resale and distribution to various children's organizations. I personally have amassed a large collection of masters spanning from Picasso and Matisse to Renoir and Degas. I have also collected, invested and created a large sum of precious metals that have been used to fund the company and the building of its office spaces.

ALPHA✡BLADE also owns and operates the company Good Will Hunting, this company is working with local Salvation Army's and Good Wills to purchase items that are of greater value than the store understands. Through our appraisal connections we have been able to find works from artists like Turner, Aric, Rembrandt, first edition books, estate quality jewelry and other valuable items that we can resale at much higher prices to further our agenda.
MOS is not a forgotten company, it is an integral part of the brotherhood portion of AB. It is not required to be a member of AB to be a MOS member but I do not want men to think my efforts in Penis Enlargement or male sexuality have gone by the wayside. My last work in SRT should be a reflection of where my heart is. MOS is very close to releasing 3 new items that will change the Penis Enlargement world for good. It will allow me to brand 3 devices with our name and have distribution through Amazon, not to mention worldwide order fulfillment. On one item I am hoping for Medical 1 clearance, this means not only a major branded product for Matters of Size, which will put us on the map, but it will make us a viable Medical alternative to penis enlargement. In addition the two remaining products prove to take the Penis Enlargement to a new level of greatness never believed possible in curve correction, length gaining, girth gaining and most proudly, color correction! I wish I was at liberty to disclose all that awaits us but I am under non-disclosure contracts that prevent such but believe me when I say, this stuff is amazing! And remember, I brought you the LengthMaster, the worlds first Penis Enlargement DVD and invented more exercises for Penis Enlargement then there are numbers in math! Please, have faith that my full intentions for MOS have remained driven for a future chart makes Penis Enlargement safer, faster and more pleasureable.
Matters of Size Members Site was slated for free entry on the 15th of February, so obviously, there has been issues. Currently, just keeping the forum open is costing us thousands of dollars due to the type of attacks we are receiving. The systems management team is working round the clock to keep the forums open and available but my moderators will agree with me that for about 6 months we have been critically attacked and purposely harmed. In this attack they have made it difficult to give free access to Phase 1 without compromising the pay portions. Originally, I was going to give you Phase 1 for free so you could learn Penis Enlargement under video instruction without payment. But, I would be lying if I said I did not want payment for this, as this is a gift that I forfeit real revenue, revenue that can be used to help the poor. I am a man of my word, so, what will be happening is this: The MOS Program in its gift form will be mailed to each user. Along with the disc will come literature about ALPHA✡BLADE and other vital pieces of information. You will also be given the opportunity to make a donation at different levels to receive higher status and accessibility. Much like MOS will be giving you Phase 1 (plus some bonus material not available anywhere else) and if you love it you can join the full program ALPHA✡BLADE will give you a degree of accessibility and the option to donate to receive the full program ala carte, meaning at the level you can afford. To those who are without money or the ability to pay through donation of articles or help, you will receive application for scholarship into the program. We will set up full disclosure of all monies received and the allocation of such will be determined by 7 people online and an additional 7 offline. Once total agreement is reached scholarships will be given. In addition, any choices made or policy implimented concerning AB, MOS or any of it's affiliates will be determined in this same way.

My moderators of MOS, AB and any other forum or public, social network will soon be compensated for their efforts. Compensation will be in a manner that demands that the money is used in the ways of ALPHA✡BLADE. An example, so it is understood, is as such; A friend came to me and showed me some wood work he did. I was greatly impressed but I was slightly alarmed at the fact that such a gifted carpenter was not working. When I asked he said he did not have the money he needed to make it happen. In the spirit of ALPHA✡BLADE and the abundance I have received I decided to pay all the up front costs and invest in a general contractors business. The agreement is as such, after I am paid back for the investment I will split the money 50/50. Each of us needs to use 25% of our pay as a donation back to AB, the other 25% can be used to live a good life. In my case I give 95% of my money away in EVERYTHING I do. AB only requires 50%. How this works to empower is the carpenter, who at his last job made $17 an hour (barely enough to eat) now makes $50 an hour and after donating back $25 he is making $8 more an hour than before. It also enables me to give 95% of the remaining profits to the AB projects! This may seem overzealous but I know something many have forgotten and it is a big reason why I am super-abundant, there are prophets in the slums, there are kings in the streets, there are home-less geniuses, there are great artisans who if given the chance would create a kingdom for the one that allows the dream. This being, this one, is certainly not me, it is GOD, it is only the belief of AB that GOD works through us to make these beautiful manhifestations a reality. As a matter of fact, to be at the highest level in AB one needs to become a servant of ALL, in all things they do, with joy in their hearts and humbleness in their egos. The ONE is GOD and GOD is every other being other then yourself, you, my few believers, are servants! Beginning levels of AB will teach, each one that participates and is approved, the basics of the ideology that AB believes. Each level that is experienced will bring the user closer to the greater understandings of AB and what it is capable of. The highest levels will consist of people who have proven themselves capable, honorable and responsible enough to use the power in an atuistic way that does not end in evil, it ends in goodness.

How the ALPHA✡BLADE Ministry will begin is with a simple BLOG that will hold accounts of the current going ons concerning each project AB takes on. A quick run down of current programs are:

Company Infrastructure

Branch 1
ABathmate will oversea all revenue and distribution of all products, donations, monies, services and employment. It will be the deciding body behind which projects are taken on and who shall be granted access to it's studios. The ALPHA✡BLADE STUDIOS (which will be available to see within a week) is the 2nd office space we have secured and this space will be used for most administrative practices and a meeting house for local affiliates, friends and members. Security is very tight for obvious and not so obvious reasons. Gaining access to the studios has little to do with membership of the group but more to do with who will be helping in making our agenda happen on time and with great success.

Under the ALPHA✡BLADE umbrella will be the following branches which are currently part of our team.

Branch Two Matters of Size Forums Matters of Size Paysite and Store
All Affiliates of the Penis Enlargement SItes including but not limited to More Niche, Bathmate, TLC/VLC, MOS and that is it! No other products will be sold UNLESS they are approved by the group and the deal is made under the terms and conditions of AB. I reserve the right to eliminate and add affiliates as I see fit, although I will approve this through my moderators.

Branch 3
The Children's Art Bestowal Foundation:
This is a project I have been working on since last time AB was supposed to be opened. This is a very successful company that has taken donations and bestowals from local, established and dead master artists, artisans and designers. Art is collected, appraised and resold at, usually, massive profits. This is the single most powerful company we have pushing our agenda so far. All funds (100%) is donated to various children's funds worldwide but soon this will change…please read on.

ALPHA✡BLADE falls under win protection for tax free operation. We are considered a church, temple, synagog, or the like due to my application and approval for Minister, Priest and soon Kabbalist and Rabbi. Many already know that I have been a minister and priest for many years but some may not know this. My beliefs in GOD, his Mother, their Son and the Holy Spirit are unique and very different from the religions I chose to study, master and eventually become ordained in. A big part of the reason ALPHA✡BLADE was not released was my struggle for firm belief and faith in what I believe GOD to be. Today I have found firm ground and my understandings, teachings, motes, books, papers, and every other document that fueled my search and find for the truth will be available to all to read, view, believe or make fun of. This is my personal choice and I hope other read, understand, partake and convert to what I have found but this of course is your free will. If you choose to take my beliefs in GOD and they serve you as they have me you will receive great joy and fulfillment in life and all the lives of those around you. You may choose to omit my writings and discredit my beliefs but ALPHA✡BLADE will not work for those who do not believe. With that said, I believe and I will be donating a great deal of time, supplies, funds, employment to the greatest extent I can with those who choose to help.

What can I promise you? HOPenis Enlargement. I can only tell my story and hope that you get the point. If you guys doubt for a second that I love you, I suggest you hit up Thundersplace or another Penis Enlargement forum, there are many to choose from. MOS will soon embody much more than a bigger penis, it will embody a larger EVERYTHING!

The ALPHA✡BLADE Farm Project:
The AB Farm project is a 100 acre property we are securing and working to create a place to house 100 homeless people, catering greatly to families. This is not a shelter, it is a work and learn farm that requires payment to dwell in. Payment can be made in various, fair and balanced ways. ALPHA✡BLADE is a not a free ticket, it is a fishing pole.

ALPHA✡BLADE Precious Metals and Antiquities
SInce my original investments in Gold and Silver I have found ways to buy, sell, collect, store and ultimately create continuous revenue. Currently we are a private office that only deals online and through home, estate and office visit but we will be expanding in June to include scrap collection, clean outs and storage space purchases.

This is a volunteer organization of qualified teachers, artists, musicians, and the like who donate their time to teach seminars and classrooms empowering the needy with liberation and tools to make a greater life for themselves. I have met and learned that there are some very special people in the world willing to donate their talents to teach with only the intension of betterment for the ALL!

ALPHA✡BLADE: All About Books
Fsor the collection of Rare books, free books, self literature and donations collection of old books including late spring collections at all colleges of text books. We will sell and/or redistribute these books to the needy and to further our revenue for AB. Coloring books and crayons will bare our insignia and will be given for free to all children.

ALPHA✡BLADE Comics & Collectibles: This company collects and sells collectible comics, action figures, antique toys and other various collectibles.

ALPHA✡BLADE ZOOM-MASS driving, recovery, and delivery services. Aside from taxi services we also deal in recovery of stuck and abandoned vehicles, search and rescue services and general delivery and fulfillment of ALPHA✡BLADE products and services.

ALPHA✡BLADE partner company Platinum Pictures, SMX Screens and Films, Lumberjack Records and Alchemy Brothers Productions:
The company that brought you the MOS DVD who also works with a large portion of the entertainment industry (mainly hiphop, rap and r and b). Having these studios at our disposal allows us to photograph, film, print and produce many informational items necessary for our plight. In addition it is a great source of revenue. ALPHA✡BLADE does not own this company (aside from Alchemy Brothers) but is a partner of the company with full faith in their abilities to help us through donations of time, equipment, studio space and qualified workers.

Sunraise Printing
Promotional Products, Printing and Business equipment, Promotional Products including t-shirts, banners, signs, stickers, brochures, letterheads, envelopes, business cards, etc. Being very important parts of our livelihood having access to paper printing and promotional products is vital to spreading the word and educating the public. Sunraise has been in my family as a major printing company since 1986.

Health and Supplemental Products (including female and male supplements)
To date we have not taken advantage of our position in the creation, promotion and sale of various drinks, pills, supplements, and other health oriented items. Thus far every affiliation we have made for Viagra, for example, we have gotten screwed on affiliate payments. I still allow the sale of the Viagra as you guys demand it but we do not get paid for these sales. This will end with our health and Supplement division. We are seeking property in Canada to legally fulfill orders on products like Viagra and Cialis but we plan on taking this to a much larger level. Getting into the sports drink industry is one example of how we plan on utilizing our presents online and in public forums. We have at our disposal a chemical and engineering company that will produce any supplement we develop that is a viable and sellable item. With this freedom we can further strengthen the AB, MOS and affiliate names through branding new and innovative products.

This department will deal with all online companies and their security, SEO work, Social Networks, Email Promotions, Advertisements and literature to be printed and mailed.

ALPHA✡BLADE Legal Department
Green, Miles, Lipton & Fitz-Gibbon who have proven to be excellent council. In my current situation I am able to get this message out so you have to believe our attorneys are powerful and thorough. As you know I have won one part of my case and the criminal portion starts tomorrow morning so I will be able to post in great detail what has happened since the Sabbath prior to this Christmas. The story is filled with twists, turns, adventures and cruelty that will make this long wait worth the time. Have full trust that our council will see me through. If all goes well tomorrow the Civil suit will start which has already been approved by a very powerful Jewish organization. That is all I can say today.

I hope this gives you some understanding of my work so far and my future plans for the company. My mission statement is what it always has been….Turning Science Fiction into Science Fact. ALPHA✡BLADE is not philosophy, it is fact. If and when I say anything that can not be proven as a physical fact I demand I am confronted and made to explain myself. The word said Penis Enlargement was not possible, THEY STILL DO! We proved them VERY WRONG. History is about to repeat itself.

Your Leader Michael Salvini
or just plain Dad!

Much love and always safe travels!

I hope to make you proud.

Posted from ipad
ok dude im behind you on this but, i couldnt really understand everything you said. do we have to star paying to be on this site now? and if so is it monthly and how much?

cant wait for your new 3 pe tools either? how long till theyre out for availability SIR!?
This ahs to be the BEST news that I have heard in awhile. DLD, you are truly a genuine soul that knows no limits or boundaries. I swear that your mind must think along the lines of mine because eveyone of your ventures, ideas, or organizations is something that I whole heartly believe in and have thought of doing on my own at one point or another. I think you are primming MOS to becoming a world force to be felt around the world to the hearts, bodies, and souls of every individual who comes in contact with it. The most inspirational part about this story is that we are getting the inside scoop from the MAN himself on a SUNDAY out of all days. I can only wait for the floodgates to open to be baptizied into the world of AB. Know that you have one faithful servant and supporter already. I got ya back DLD!
Wow mike. This is so much binged than I ever thought. I am so excited to be around for this and I look forward to working with you in whatever capacity I can do the most good
man woke up like a few seconds ago came on mos and this was the first post I read what a way to start off the day thanks dld really appreciate the thought and time you put in to making this post hope all goes well in you case take it easy bro peace.
1st Welcome back in good health!
2nd best fortune in all your future endeavours
3rd your vision and inspiration are truly revolutionary

I am more impressed by the scope and depth of AB than I can convey in mere words.
Prophetic is about as close as I can come.

Mike, I'm simply blown away by what you've already accomplished; and smacked right senseless by where you're going.

Kick some ass in court, come back with some damn good stories and for whatever it's worth (comparitively speaking) do everything you have to do: we'll hold down the fort for ya.

(just don't take to-o-o-o-o-o long, know wattamean)

Congrats again and damn...damn good to hear from ya

Take good care o'yerself!
We remain supreme above the rest for the leadership we have.
Great news DLD, im glad your new passion will benefit hopefully as many people if not morethan matters of size has in this newest direction , helping more people like always !
DLD, while I am a minor member (I travel a lot for my job, so often I'll be 9 months without internet), I have always found that you are very inspirational and supportive person. While I am not sure if AB will be for me, do know I fully support what it is you are trying to accomplish. I do wish you the best in what seems to be the greatest journey of your life, and I hope you find what you are looking for at the journey's end. I do look forward to seeing what AB is all about.
DLD good stuff man,

when can we expect the 3 devices to be released?
Sounds great. One thing I don't understand is why it's called Alpha Blade. Name doesn't make sense in relation to the purposes. Overall very surprised, not what I expected.
Quick Update: February 27, Court Date,

We have pushed the court date to the 27th of March and this is great news for us here but it does delay other plans I had. The court date that happened last week was won and the victory is huge. The new trial date is also good because now I can dedicate much more time to you guys and the AB project and less time to court and legal bureaucracy. I will not be here 100% because I am still working on depositions, witnesses and the other various parts of creating a civil case but the freedom of not being in court all day is refreshing.

My reasons for last weeks case I can only be surface on as it is tied to the civil case but basically people have been paid to pull restraining, assault, trespass and abuse orders to prevent me from frequenting business's and parts of my area that are VITAL to AB's continued success. This is being done because what I am doing with AB is not according to "normal protocol" and I apparently am a threat through the words I teach with and the money I give to help the poor:) Every order I have beaten to date. A big one is coming up but last night, the person who pulled the order drove by the AB studios and smashed windows! There were witnesses and video cameras running. Their abuse order will be reversed and charges have been fulled to the full extent of the law.

These types of attacks have happened since I started the studios. I can let you know a few things that have happened but the full deposition will not be public until the court date. Anyone is welcome to join in the court proceedings and sit in and watch. There are two hotels in the immediate area and many others in surrounding towns. If the farm project was done I would have 100 of you come out:) But to give you a surface, 3 minute run down the following has happed since the Sabbath:

House Robbed 3 times
Car Robber 2 times
Arrested many times
My license has been revoked for life due to being an "immediate threat" because of my eyes and ears
Section 12 implemented
Section 35 initiated but was met with force and the order failed
House was set to fire 2 times
Paintings in my home were covered with a Hitler Mustache and/or Swastikas
I was arrested and held in the Hole on a Friday through Monday with no bail and no reason for arrest
I was made to declare my religion in court 3 times
One of AB's largest companies was robbed by the two partners I started it with and they refuse to pay me. In their words "The police are after you so we don't have to pay you anyone and were not scared"....They owe AB, to date, $56,000.
There has been bugs, wiretaps, video surveillance, and other "unknown" recordings made by agencies to further their agenda.

The list goes on but I can't do it now nor does time allow. I only wanted to check in and say I am alright, thanks for holding down the fort and God be with each of you. I will post asap and I can't wait!

Love and Safe Travels my Brothers and Sisters:)! (thanks Kris and Tier:)
holy shit dude were really sorry for the trouble you have been going through but we know our leader will pull through!!!!

all hail DLD
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