NeXus...I have gone to that site you reccomended and will honestly say it is nothing that convinces me. If you read only that stuff, you will never be knowledgeable in the truth. The premise and statements made are easy to refute. If you honestly want something refuted, tell me which statement and I will give you an honest answer. To try and refute the whole would be an effort in futility. But, NeXus, if you want answers they are readily available. Some of us still stand...the Bible is truth and can defend itself. Try all you want to destroy it or prove it false, as some on the website try to do, and still you find it stands the fire you throw at it. Men have been trying to do it for centuries, but they all have lost. Your premise that it is man written is where you are in error. It is God breathed and thus it is a God Book. There are over 40 different authors, over a period of 1500 years and yet they all agree. GS
I agree, GS. If you take an honest look at both sides of the argument, it is easy to see that the author was an idiot.

Thinking man...yeah right. Some of the stuff he said was just downright ridiculous. And to state that believers are not "thinking men" is utterly stupid. It isn't a question of intelligence. Some of the greatest thinkers of all time have been Christians, and some have been atheists, and some have been agnostics and all other sorts of things. It has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence or one's ability to reason.
Omul_Paianjen said:
You said that Onan didn`t sin because he spilled the seed outside, but it was because he was meant to make a woman pregnant. Well, that`s where semen is supposed to go. You shouldn`t spill it outside. Masturbation IS a sin, whatever you`ll say. I don`t mean that I don`t masturbate, but it is a sin.

Penis Enlargement must be also a sin.... Body-building too.... A lot of things must be sins....
Now Penis Enlargement and body-building must be sins because I bet you spend more time and dedication with those that with God through prayer.. And also you should remain the way God left you, because it doesn`t matter your physical appearance, but your soul that isn`t anymore a priority.
I tell you it`s a sin.
But on the other hand you`ll say that if God didn`t want us to Penis Enlargement than He wouldn`t have revealed it to us... But maybe it wasn`t Him that had revealed it to us, if you know what I mean.... Or maybe it was just invented by a man and that`s that.

You probably wonder why the hell do I Penis Enlargement if I know that it`s a sin and I`m still doing it. It sound really stupid... Guess my faith isn`t that strong or maybe I believe that I won`t fulfill myself only by religion... I also have a physical part which I must satisfy.... I looking for a balance I think. Don`t know if it exists....

Now Nexus, marriage used to be sacred when people believed in God. IF there aren`t people that believe in the holyness binding them togheter through marriage, than who will for them?
If people believed in God they wouldn`t cheat, they wouldn`t steal, they wouldn`t KILL... The world would be perfect... A Holy world......
Now there are more and more non-believers that attract more non-believers to their side...... We`re turning Earth to Hell.....

No my brother--No---It is not a SIN---NOT---

And this world--we are living in a world where there is a war going on between the light and the dark--the holy and the non-holy---the evil and the good---------It is up to us to choose which side we arre going to be on!!!
Do you guys think the Bible should be taken literally? Because the one way to doubt the Bible, is the fucked up passages in the Bible.

If taken literally, the Bible promotes sexism, inequality, intolerence, and even murder.

So is this literal word of God?
nexus bud post passages that are in context that support the "sexism, inequality, intolerence, and even murder." in no case is it just because as all sins have a punisHydromaxent, so some of these may be under certain conditions.
Back at it again Nexus? I thought we were done with this crap.

You are very mistaken. End of story. Unless you can show me any verse that says any of that is ok.

But I will still show you how you are mistaken. Again.
"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church" (1 Corinthians 14:34-35, KJV).

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence" (1 Timothy 2:11-12, KJV).
Hmm I believe those are the things in the bible that were taught before Christ came., not to say the old testament is useless, but the old ways man..
There are things that are not of today's ways, like pork, you can eat it today. Why? cause we no longer 99% of pigs filled with ridiculous diseases. The laws then and now, yeah I can say thats in the bible, but i need more on it
buster bro these are things of new testament and I do believe they are relavent to today but also to a point were of custom of that day. but without a doubt I believe as scripture shows it is not fit for a woman to teach a man. and if you look at the term "man" back in those days it'd be more a teenage boy on up. because in the culture of the that day it was fitting for a young man to marry at what we'd call an early age today. Scripture clearly shows it's the man the was given authority in the home and in forms of leadership like heading up the church organizations, etc. look at 2 timothy for pre-reqs for a pastor...husband of 1 wife. anyone know of a woman who be a husband (man)? or pre-reqs for a decon, etc...all positions of leadership given to men by scripture. and teh scripture that talks about women talking to thier husbands about questions they may have more of a manors thing, so there wouldn't be chaos in the house of GOD. God created Adam first then Eve and so the wife should be suBathmateissive to her husband. but not in the since of a master/slave relationship, but in a loving way. Such as the way Christ loves his bride the "church".

and as far as the mention of pigs in the new testament there is a passage where that was discussed. Romans 14:14 says " I know and am persauded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean" verse 15 continues.
buz et al,

so glad to see this discussion. i've struggled with the whole compatibility of p.e. with biblical Christianity, too; great to know i've got a number of brothers in Jesus here on MoS. i'll give my quick position on a few of the recurring issues in this post:

1) buz is right that scripture never speaks directly to masturbation. while "arguments from silence" are not hard evidence for a position, considering the amazing spectrum of sexual practices discussed and condemned in scripture, i find it VERY hard to believe that God would have failed to include this essentially universal sexual practice from His prohibitions if it was altogether wrong and offensive to Him. while masturbation certainly CAN become an addiction, i strongly believe the practice, in moderation, can help the single man who desires to please God from engaging in the many illicit alternatives that tempt him as he waits. God's design, without question, is that sex should be shared between a married man and woman, but for those who seek this end and do not yet enjoy matrimony, i think it benefit their efforts to maintain chastity.

2) Onan's sin was selfishness (and masturbation often, though not always, is a purely selfish act)--i.e., not providing his brother's wife with an heir. God hated Onan's disregard for the old-covenant provision He established to protect the cause of widows. the means Onan used to deny the widow an heir was coitus interruptus; solo sex isn't mentioned anywhere in that passage or the rest of scripture.

3) on �naked people movies�: it's impossible for me to get around what Jesus states in His sermon on the mount: "whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." gawking at a girl's tit's to get yourself off is adultery in the mind's eye--and sin in the eye's of God. however, i know from my own scrupulous and absolute keeping of Job's "covenant with [his] eyes" that complete ignorance of a woman's sensual beauty can open the door to perversions (fetishes or homosexual fantasies, etc.) in the mind of a young man whose raging hormones chemically determine a persistent horniness that's beyond his control. when, in my twenties, my parents and a Christian counselor became aware of my significantly-more-troubling-than-lustful thoughts and my virtually unheard of complete ignorance of the feminine shape and charms and way with a man, they had me view explicit material of a sexual nature to create a catalog of mental images that could replace the only sexual images of function (my own) and anatomy (mine and other guys) in my head when the sexual urges became too strong and trying to push out sexual thoughts did not suffice. As shocking and un-Christian as this seems, replacement enabled me to get rid of perverted thoughts i could not be rid of simply by trying not to think about them. the women in the material i saw (which, as with the women in virtually all instructional, erotic, and actually �naked people movies� material) where not "real" women. while lust is lust, Jesus specifically uses "adultery," not "fornication" or "uncleanness" when talking about the wandering eye and the eye of the mind. i'm not saying that �naked people movies� (or its softer cousins) is okay, but i am saying that a major component of the Law is the impact of transgressions on others in the community (it's all summed up in love your neighbor...). it seems that the lust Jesus specifically mentions is the lusting after another man's wife (coveting). you can't commit adultery with an unmarried woman, even if you bed her; it's fornication then--still a sin, but not adultery. i tend to think there's a lesser degree of evil (though not anything like innocence) in lusting after a swimsuit issue model than after your neighbor's wife. feel free to disagree with that, though. in a case like mine, i picked the lesser of the two evils and actually--crazy as it sounds--experienced sanctification of my thought life through heterosexually arousing imagery.

4) the big issue for me now is, "godliness with contentment is great gain..." the argument that your virgin wife who, like you (and me), has never been with another person, will not be satisfied with an average size cock and might be tempted to commit adultery seems a bit of a stretch. all of us in MoS and similar forums want a dick that's bigger than the one God gave us and one that is bigger than other guys. yeah, you (and i) may be on the smaller half of normal, but it's not like any of us in this forum are one-inch wonders. my fear is that this really is about the male ego--my pride--because i'm embarrassed in the locker room when others see my flaccid penis in the showers. unlike fat (which i, like you, buz) need to work off for body stewardship reasons, P.E. is all about aesthetics--the outward appearance, machismo, "confidence in the flesh."

5) final thought: i've just made an investment in the Max-Vac II. i can't wait to start hanging. i want a bigger penis and will feel more confident with it. i still am not sure i can reconcile this with my faith. i should be content with what God gave me, not worry about what others think, focus on the inner man, not the outward appearance, strive for modesty, humility, etc. that investment could be used to help others, not just my ego. all the P.E.; exercises are going to take time i could invest for the benefit of others in a different pursuit. i really enjoy posting and love a community here and at mynewsize (RoosterChalleng) where i can be open about this stuff and be encouraged by other guys like me. however, at mynewsize, virtually everyone's avatars and/or signatures have girls stripping or sucking or fucking, multiple partners, cumshots either erupting from some guy's dick or landing on naked chicks. it's not uplifting/edifying. it seems like others--maybe we should see it revealing the same about us--are obsessed with sex. i'm hoping i can limit p.e. time and thoughts and discreetly gain the 1.5"-2" in length and .5"-1" in girth i want. i'm hoping it can be a hobby (like working out) and a non-obsessive aspect of improving my appearance (like shaving). if it gets out of hand, i'm gonna have to stop.

i'd love to know the thoughts of the other bible-believing Christians out there.

your 27-year-old virgin bro in Christ
Dude...didja check the dates?
This is more an archive than discussion.
yeh, saw the dates. thought there might be other more recent members to the forum, like myself, who had these concerns, though. obviously you read it, maxameyes, and maybe others who'd be interested in it will, too.
I am a Christian, I've been Penis Enlargement-ing for 3 yrs.

I'm sorry that my brother who initially started this thread is no longer here.

I've always felt my wife was stronger than me sexually.
One day I felt I just needed to be bigger so I prayed to God that He would make me bigger.
Shortly after that prayer I found a site that taught exercises. I've never even thought those things exist.
Well I did it. I'm glad I did too and I thank God for that too
I've grown and even grown stronger in the exercises lasting longer in bed.
I've never had to watch �naked people movies� to perform my exercises.

In answer to Supra I don't use �naked people movies� and I don't think it's a good idea.
Do I like �naked people movies�? Do I respond to �naked people movies�? Yes.
Do I want to watch it? Yes.
Do I think I'm going to hell if I watch it? No. But I know God isn't pleased if I do and His Spirit convicts me that He is saddened by my choice to disobey.

God isn't against sex He created it. He is against its use that contradicts His guidelines that He gave to us in its use.
He doesn't want to limit us, His guidelines are for our protection because He knows what would happen if we didn't have safeguards in a world that has been corrupted due to man's disobedience a long time ago.

The apologetic stuff is fun to read and I'm glad for people on this forum like German Stallion who are ready to answer the call when objections arise.

Good job brothers and keep up the good work!

anth1225, AWESOME post. so glad there are brothers out there...still (even if buz and his friends have left). i totally agree about the �naked people movies� stuff--lust is wrong. as i mentioned, i went until i was 22 without ever having checked out a girl--seriously. i had no clue what a nice shape looks like--even clothed--because it was so ingrained in my mind that lust = adultery = displeasing the God i love. i also mentioned that when sexual fantasy popped into my consciousness/crept (uninvited) into my thought-life that it was homo-erotic, because the male anatomy/sexual response was the only thing i knew. i looked at a swimsuit issue a playboy and some very mild instructional sex videos for married couples strictly so i'd have images i could replace the perverted ones with. generally (and now that it's served its limited usefulness for me) that stuff is no good. i know several guys whose minds were really messed up by that stuff and for whom the internet beauties/babes/whores became an addiction. i shredded up my swimsuit issue and the playboy long ago. i still own the dvds, but i rarely view them. this sounds weird, but they're nothing like the gawking/lusting/idolizing thing that the magazines were. most of the time i'm really good about avoiding sexual temptation, but sometimes--especially with the pics (avatars and signatures) on the other forum i'm in (MyNewSize) and the links to free �naked people movies� on both P.E. sites--i give in. i actually broke down and bought the new swimsuit issue the other day. i've looked at it once. after my quiet time today, i realized i need to get rid of it. pray for me, bro, that God will bring me a godly wife--like He did for you. being a 27-year-old virgin is really tough.
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I agree with you guys that �naked people movies� is not what God has in mind for us. You need to take that sexual energy and focus it on the one you love.
goinfor11x7;299403 said:
I agree with you guys that �naked people movies� is not what God has in mind for us. You need to take that sexual energy and focus it on the one you love.

Amen bro

To everyone, my opinion in short, I believe that if you can avoid a grey area solely for God, he will reward you greatly! and if youre gunna smack your monkey leave the bad images and lust out of it, but i do believe its good to jack off sometimes.
I don't mean to undermine anyone's beliefs, but all I can say is its so much freer to be agnostic and Penis Enlargementing than christian. I don't think anyone should feel ashamed of their sexuality unless its extreme. Repression doesn't lead to progression.
I'm an Atheist and I don't think p.e is for christians but these days there so many pseudo-christains out there that flat out ignore what the bible says to carry out their own desires.

One of you " Christains" on here ,go to your pastor and tell him what you're doing and see what he says. LMAO
longstretch;302026 said:
I don't mean to undermine anyone's beliefs, but all I can say is its so much freer to be agnostic and Penis Enlargementing than christian. I don't think anyone should feel ashamed of their sexuality unless its extreme. Repression doesn't lead to progression.

I don't feel undermined at all thank you.

I think the fact that there are Christians here shows that we are certainly not repressed sexually.
I'm married and my Penis Enlargement experience has enhanced that aspect of my marriage greatly.

But there are limits to our freedom and as a Christian I understand that I've been bought by the precious sacrifice of my Lord who has chosen to take my perpetual unrighteousness and present me as righteous to the Father whom I believe all humanity and creation is accountable to.

I don't deserve it, in fact I deserve the opposite but there you go, and I'm not going to argue with Him about it.
I just receive His free gift gratefully full of joy!

I don't think that's being repressed at all if He asks me to obey the rules He's set for His creation.

As for Bazooka Joe I think it figures that if a Christian wants to ask the question if taking care of his God given sexuality sans promiscuity is ok for him to do so then someone has to attack either Christianity or Christians.

It would seem to me that if the atheists truly believed what they said, then they wouldn't worry what Christians believe or feel the need to attack them with their pseudo logic.

Short and simple atheism is a logical contradiction; a double negative and is self refuting.

It's the little dog making a lot of noise with its bark while biting at the boot with it's little teeth unable to penetrate.
It would be cute if it wasn't so annoying and loud.
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