Jun 3, 2003
I have been experimenting over the past 18 months in SRT heavily and when I spend so much time with something my mind finds even more unique ways to apply science to penis enlargement to make the fastest gains we can. Much of my contributions to penis enlargement has been the creation of penis enlargement techniques that have changes the way men gain. With the help of the Matters of Size Brotherhood we are in the perpetual process of reinventing penis enlargement over and over, to bring the fastest, safest and most comfortable gains we can, typified but the increased health of the complete male sexual organs.

Lets take a look at something that has been a controversial topic in the penis enlargement forums for years, masturbation. Many men have a false, preconceived notion that masturbation somehow affects their gains in a negative way. The psychologically adopt beliefs that are irrational and ultimately serve only to confuse and limit the gains they are making. Lets understand something about masturbation, when we are masturbation and we are in a highly erotic state the penis is at its most prime time to bring girth gains. With the increased blood flow comes a burst of hormones and, ultimately, potentials for creating girth at a higher speed. Now you may be saying, "DLD, I thought this thread was about length?" just be patient, I will get there:)

Since the penis is in this state of natural expansion it allows us to create routines centered around this engorgement. For me, I make it a highly disciplined game I play to create a reward system that serves me through a.) excellent expansion and b.) the release after I am done with the session. The advice I am giving here will also need to be modified to some degree to work in the SRT environment as I usually suggest a cock ring after girth but in this unique case that will not be the case. More on this later.

The Game in my case follows these rules:
1. Get 40 minutes of girth work in looking for the most expansion possible
2. Get 20 minutes of Edging, Ballooning. See DLD's Edging/Ballooning Method: Something Incredible is Happening with My Orgasms!
3. You are not permitted to ejaculate until the 60 minutes have passed and the above is accomplished.
4. Beat your cock like a redheaded stepchild! Jerk it good and blast a load that hits the ceiling! You earned it, hence the reward.

This is where the length part comes in and where we stray a bit out of the SRT logic, but we will make our way back in with some creative changes to the routine to encompass these new theories.

After that hour of training I allow myself to masturbate. It is usually an amazing orgasm as I have been using it as a reward for the past hour. After I have the orgasm something special happens to my penis (the same will apply to all of you), it becomes completely fatigued. It is in a state that will give little resistance to the stretching part of your routine. After orgasm, while the hormones are still active and the blood is still highly oxygenated, magnetically enhanced through the iron enriched blood, it is in a state of malleability that you have at no other time. While in this state, that lasts the length of your refractory period, the penis becomes very stretchable, very malleable and susceptible to manipulation and deformation of the penis, allowing for gains at their most fruitful time. The tunica, while in this state is extremely malleable, the ligaments are completely pliable and easily influenced. The user GermanStallion first gave clues to this many years back but the theory was never expanded upon and after some time found its way to the archives, buried until someone resurrected it (as happens with many). I am so happy to pick up that torch and make his work part of the most modern techniques in penis enlargement.

Most men will be in this unique state for about 20-40 minutes. Some freaks out there might only have 2 minutes:) The refractory period, or time it takes you to achieve erection again, is the period you have to take advantage of the above insight. I would stick with a few powerful stretches during this time. Rotary Stretches, Behind the Cheeks Stretching, highly angular DLD Blasters, or even just basic stretching with full intensity. Whatever you choose, keep in mind that it will be so much more effective in the refractory period than any other time. Put your all in and get the most out.

How can this work with SRT? SRT does state that after girth work a cock ring should be worn to keep the pump and heal in the most expanded state. With the method above that will not work so we will need to modify the SRT routine to make this work. To me the easiest way around this is to do 2 girth sessions in one day. The first Girth session will follow the rules as stated above. After you have completed the training you will go directly into your SizeGenetics Extender and practice passive Penis Enlargement in a healing state. If you do not have an extender Uncle Jim's Wrap can be used. The second girth session will be a very short session, maybe 5 minutes tops. I get erect, pump in my Bathmate for a couple minuets, then I will do a couple minutes of Slow Squash Jelqing, all I am looking to do is get some decent expansion so I can then, put the cock ring on and heal in the expanded state. It works perfectly with SRT if you apply these methods.

Please ask any questions or add any comments you may have.

I will start using this.
Very interesting stuff.

BTW, did you ever get around to trying the Bathmate while using a cockring?
I was actually thinking about this a couple of days ago. I can relate to everything written above, the stretched length after a heavy girth session is incredible and I think great length gains are possible using this way of training. However, after i do my girth workout which often is the 5x5 Bathmate routine including edging, jelqing and Bathmate to get as much expansion and arousal as possible, my penis is so god damn sore after an hour of jerking off and pumping, that it is too painful to do any kind of length work after. It is so fatigued and and sore that all i Can do is put on a cock ring until i go to bed.
Are anyone experiencing this? Maybe its just a matter of concistency and disciplin which definitely is my weak point. I would love to get this to work for me.
after finishing this 60 mins session with ejaculation at the end,DLD bundled blasters would be so effective to elongate the tunica rapidly.
Good feedback guys, let me know how much better the stretch is in this state. Your trying it out and feedback are very important.

I have not tried the Bathmate with a cock ring, I have been so busy with the MOS Project.
I dont really understand what Fatique means? People often talk about that in hanging forums, never understood what they meant by it.
After first girth session are saying put sg on for passive stretching ( healing ) straight after or after you ejaculate and do manual stretches ? I have been wearing andro after shortly after Bathmate ( when time permits ) as a passive stretch then gradually build up to full stretch then back off again for passive stretch . Keen to try your new method but not sure if you mean before or after ejaculation ? Bless your little cotton socks for your addiction to advancing Penis Enlargement !
How do you keep your penis erect for 1 hour day after day with girth work without eventually killing your EQ? I've done clamping before and got some good gains, but after 1 - 1.5 months of it my penis reached a point where I could not get an erection and I thought my life was over. It took a couple weeks to get back to normal (scary) I hope there's a solution for the poor erection quality issue.
CobraStang;516266 said:
How do you keep your penis erect for 1 hour day after day with girth work without eventually killing your EQ? I've done clamping before and got some good gains, but after 1 - 1.5 months of it my penis reached a point where I could not get an erection and I thought my life was over. It took a couple weeks to get back to normal (scary) I hope there's a solution for the poor erection quality issue.

lots and lots of kegels
CobraStang;516266 said:
How do you keep your penis erect for 1 hour day after day with girth work without eventually killing your EQ? I've done clamping before and got some good gains, but after 1 - 1.5 months of it my penis reached a point where I could not get an erection and I thought my life was over. It took a couple weeks to get back to normal (scary) I hope there's a solution for the poor erection quality issue.

Did your gains remain when your eq had returned
Extremely interesting method! I will give this a try to see how well it works for me.

I've actually been thinking about the usual masturbation thing and how it affects gains. What I've noticed on my part is that it doesn't slow gaining in girth work (as I am more focused on now), but puts my penis in a state that isn't good for more girth work. It usually happens for the rest of the day and a good night sleep returns me back to normal. I guess this is just the phase I should use for length work.

As always, thank you DLD for being such an inspiration and a great advisor!
Thank Men for looking this over and confirming some of the same feeling I get using this method. What I like most about this method is the fact you can masturbate without fear of gain loss, taking this reverse position we see that masturbation is actually a catalyst for length gains. The way the tissue feels directly after orgasm is very stretchable, extremely malleable, the perfect state to stretch in. It also serves as a mimic to DLD Blasters in the sense that the pelvic floor muscles are temporarily discounted from the mix for at least 15 minutes and in some men up to an hour.

I enjoy exercises and routines that fit into my schedule creatively, allowing myself to take advantage of all states of possible growth.
Perfect timing. I used to have zero refractory period, but I'm getting old. So I can now take advantage of this.

Another thing I noticed, since it's been brought up in some recent threads and I read around on it, I notice after masturbation none of that tough "cord" bullshit getting in the way. Normally it feels like a hard wire. After masturbation all the tissue is a lot more pliable.
bigbutnottoo;516716 said:
Perfect timing. I used to have zero refractory period, but I'm getting old. So I can now take advantage of this.

Another thing I noticed, since it's been brought up in some recent threads and I read around on it, I notice after masturbation none of that tough "cord" bullshit getting in the way. Normally it feels like a hard wire. After masturbation all the tissue is a lot more pliable.

That was the assertion made by GermanStallion concerning the cord. The state of relaxation, muscle failure and total fatigue, flooded with hormones is what we are left with after ejaculating. There is no better time to make length gains, period.
Papi Champagne;516035 said:
BTW, did you ever get around to trying the Bathmate while using a cockring?

Trying that in an hour. Sounds intense as shit. I'm going to be so careful though. I don't want my piece exploding.
Medicating;516937 said:
Trying that in an hour. Sounds intense as shit. I'm going to be so careful though. I don't want my piece exploding.

Listen, this is the best thing to happen to penis enlargement since the jelq! SRT immediately adopted this into the revised routine. The state of the penis after orgasm is like no other time, the penis becomes completely malleable, stretchable with greater elasticity memory (the ability to stay in an elongated state). My goal now is putting all of these studies I have done in SRT and create the best penis enlargement routine ever. Nothing has gone on deaf ears, yes, I may be blind, but I hear everything you guys say!:) Creating the best routine meant me researching every conceivable form of penis enlargement and deduce from there, organizing the collective into a smaller, more manageable system that takes every bit of conjecture out of the gaining process and allows all men to make gains without a Phd in physics, urology, math and every other way we describe and pursue penis enlargement.

The final routine, still being determined for the new DVD (although all exercise has been filmed) will be the embodiment of a universal collective, created through the hard work of every last Brother here who put himself out there and took a risk. We are not looking to add to the penis enlargement collective, we are looking to completely change it. No forum has done the insane work we have done in the spirt of Penis Enlargement, we have literally put our dick on the line many times! The journey has been long and the New Matters of Size not only plans to simplify the entire process, we plan to completely reinvent it! No more guess work, only hard, long thick, highly functional gains!
This would be great for me if it weren't for me having such a short refractory period. Mine is only a couple of minutes normally :(

Do you think the refractory period would be longer if you put of reaching climax for longer?
So the first time I tried this my penis became extremely sensitive, the shaft just wanted to retract instead of being able to stretch it, and I felt a burning sensation that led to a few trips to the bathroom.

I tried this again last night as my Penis Enlargement session, but when it came time to orgasm I kegeled hard at the point of no return and ended up having a dry orgasm. No ejaculation, just wave after wave of intense pleasure. (It helps to grab something like water nearby and start drinking at the same time to trick your body into not going through with the ejaculation.)

Once the orgasm was over I slowly shook the shaft, as right after a dry orgasm you're still sensitive enough to go past the point of no return again. After a few minutes I was able to stretch as much as I wanted to stretch.

I'm not sure if this'll work for everybody, but if you become painfully sensitive after an orgasm I think the dry orgasm technique might be an alternative to try too. Could someone test it out and see if they had any results?
wickedshlong;517850 said:
This would be great for me if it weren't for me having such a short refractory period. Mine is only a couple of minutes normally :(

Do you think the refractory period would be longer if you put of reaching climax for longer?

Refractory period will become longer each time you release an orgasm. Perhaps a long edging session would further exhaust the muscles allowing for the same results.
TreasureHunter;518191 said:
So the first time I tried this my penis became extremely sensitive, the shaft just wanted to retract instead of being able to stretch it, and I felt a burning sensation that led to a few trips to the bathroom.

I tried this again last night as my Penis Enlargement session, but when it came time to orgasm I kegeled hard at the point of no return and ended up having a dry orgasm. No ejaculation, just wave after wave of intense pleasure. (It helps to grab something like water nearby and start drinking at the same time to trick your body into not going through with the ejaculation.)

Once the orgasm was over I slowly shook the shaft, as right after a dry orgasm you're still sensitive enough to go past the point of no return again. After a few minutes I was able to stretch as much as I wanted to stretch.

I'm not sure if this'll work for everybody, but if you become painfully sensitive after an orgasm I think the dry orgasm technique might be an alternative to try too. Could someone test it out and see if they had any results?

Hmmm, I do not have this issue with sensitivity. If this method does not work go back to using DLD Blasters in the traditional sense to mimic this state.
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