Jun 3, 2003
What is E.D. (Erectile Dysfunction)?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. Most men experience this at some point in their lives, usually by age 40, and are not psychologically affected by it.

Some men, however, experience chronic, complete erectile dysfunction (impotence), and others, partial or brief erections. Frequent erectile dysfunction can cause emotional and relationship problems, and often leads to diminished self-esteem. Erectile dysfunction has many causes, most of which are treatable, and is not an inevitable consequence of aging.

Psychology of E.D.
In 90% of the erectile dysfunction cases there is no physical reason for it's on coming. Most men will believe they have a physical problem as the penis is a physical part of the body but there is a much larger component to consider. The mental portion of our sexuality plays a massive role in getting and maintaining an erection. In addition to this problem men may also see a marked decrease in penis size because of these mental dysfunction's. I have worked with thousands of men in the penis area of study and through my years working in this field I have come across 100's that swear they are plagued with a pure physical disability when trying to achieve an erection. My first avenue of therapy is purely natural through exercise and possibly herb therapy and in my situation 100% of the men I have worked with have changed these problems and enjoyed not only a healthy sexual life but bigger, thicker and harder erections than they ever had previous to the onset of this problem.

I went through similar problems in my life where my erections were soft, weak and embarrassing. This was a frustrating period of my life and this frustration only served to compound the problem. The more I obsessed over the dysfunction the worse it became. This in itself gave me the wisdom that this problem may be of the mental nature. In my case penis enlargement exercise and cognitive therapy served to correct the problem and give me back my manhood.

Changing the thought pattern
First and foremost, I needed to change the negative thoughts I had. I noticed that when I had sex my mind was consumed with the thoughts that I would not be able to keep the erection and soon after this simple thought was set in motion it became obsessive. I needed to put it out of my head completely. My best route to this was concentrating on the woman completely. I spent much time in foreplay, trying to satisfy the woman, kissing, oral and other non penis acts. I found that when my concentration was on the female my penis naturally worked. The reason was simple as the physiology of the penis is quite simple. When we become excited there is a direct line, if you will, from the brain to the penis. It is natural and simple, we have sexual thoughts and the signal goes to our penis which floods with blood and becomes erect. It is kind of like a telephone line from point a to point b. If this line becomes clogged with intrusive thoughts other than that of the sexual nature the connection becomes dim and the penis does not become erect. Allowing nature to take its natural course is as easy as ignoring the process completely and enjoying sex.

Natural Exercise
2 simple exercises that will not only help this process by promoting penile health but also, over time, increase the size of the penis are jelqing (the jelq) and Pelvic floor muscle exercise (kegels)

The jelg is a very old exercise that is basically milking the semi-erect penis to promote good blood flow and over time increase the spongy tissue that holds the blood during an erection (see descriptions below) The kegel, being a pelvic floor exercise, strengthens the muscles responsible for strong, healthy erections. The pelvic floor muscles are the group of muscles located at the core of the body traveling down into the penis and behind it at the anus. Kegels have always been popular with woman after pregnancy to increase the capacity to hold urine. We will be using them in a different way to increase and maintain an erection.

Currently there are many prescription drugs available that are expensive and carry many side effects. I have tried many of them with excellent results but the cost alone left me wanting to find natural methods or alternatives. I created a blend of herbs in a capsule formula that increase erection stretch without harmful chemicals called TITAN found here: http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html When used with my exercise program they will also supplement the permanent enlargement of the penis in length and girth (thickness)

Diet will also help keep you healthy in the penis department. Having a diet that is low in saturated fats, sugar and salt will allow for cleaner and stronger blood flow. Blood and hormones all take up valuable nutrients. So good nutrition is key to maintaining a strong erection. Carbohydrates, being the building block of energy, are essential. Our sexual needs require eating carbs and plenty of them! Pasta and bread are solid carb sources. You also need to ingest zinc every day. Zinc is vital for production of testosterone, seminal fluid and sperm. You can find this mineral in liver, seafood, peas, and beans. Or take a zinc supplement.

Avoid high fat meals before sex. Excess fat intake lowers testosterone levels in your body, decreases libido and makes erection and ejaculation more difficult. And an unhealthy diet may lead to poor circulation and hence erection problems.

Having a daily exercise routine is vital to sexual health. Having lasting potential in bed is dictated by how healthy you are. becoming out of breath during sex is shameful and woman will look down on this. Healthy heart rate is directly related to our bodies endurance and increasing endurance happens solely through aerobic exercise. Taking daily walks or taking up jogging, tread mills, biking or any other heart healthy activity will quickly increase the ability to unlimited endurance during sex. The other benefit to exercise is a leaner body will expose more penis. Most men who are overweight are hiding quite a bit of penis behind a layer of fat located at the base of the penis at the pelvic bone. AT one time I has a fat pad that hid over 2" of penis! Even though my penis was over 10" when the ruler was pressed against my fat pad my non pressed measurement was less than 8". This is one of the best reasons to take up a good exercise routine as it will add to your confidence which will increase your ability to maintain erections.

Today I am in much better shape and most of my penis is fully exposed.

Penis Exercise, The Jelq (Jelqing)
With desired lubricant (I highly recommend Vaseline) cover hands and penis completely. At this point you will want to have about an 80% erection (semi-soft) Now in a seated position with your palm down grip your penis with the standard OK sign grip. Gripping your penis at the extreme base and a tight grip, force the blood from the very base up to right below the head in a sliding motion. When your first hand reaches the bottom of your head the second hand begins the same movement. This is a strange movement at first but over a few sessions it will become second nature. With each passing day increase the intensity ever so slightly. The goal of basic jelqing is too enlarge girth, add length and improve general penile health.

The Kegel:
A kegel is the name of a pelvic floor exercise, named after Dr. Kegel who discovered the exercise. These muscles are attached to the pelvic bone and act like a hammock, holding in your pelvic organs. To try and isolate these muscles trying stopping and starting the flow of urine.

Once you have located the muscle group comple this routine:
100 quick Kegel squeezes
then 50 of the following:
Squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for 5 seconds then slowly release for 2 seconds. When you have finished the 50 your PC muscle will be screaming. This is a good sign. Now to finish the exercise start squeezing and hold for 1 minute, if you get tired squeeze harder until the minute is complete.

I promise you that if you do this routine you will experience not only harder, more frequent erections but you will reclaim your youthful sexuality. The side effects of this routine are a bigger penis and more confidence....side effects you can live with.
I've had that mental problem before... I was so stresed with pleasing my girl, that I could not get a full erection. Thing is I'm 19 and it has never been an issue before. And now I have no problem at all, tnx to you guys, who gave me gr8 advices :)
Yes good post, this was part of the reason i joined the pe community.I too suffered ED and still do from time to time, probably brought on by an unhealthy life of nonstop parties and everything that goes with it from ages 19-24.Three years on ive just discovered the gym and pe and its already making a difference to blood flow
DLD, you are right on about concentrating on the woman completely to get your mind away from obsessing about getting an erection. I noticed that when I get a blowjob I find it hard to ejac.. But, if I flip the girl around and tell her to 69 I get rock hard, way more excited, and will be able to finish.

Also, if you could, what are the ingredients in those pills your selling? I looked around the site, but I couldnt find a listing.
Hey DLD, what should somebody who can't get even semi-erect do. Whats a good routine to follow, should they attemp the newbie routine or try a even lighter routine that will allow them to get "semi" so they can do these excersises.
sweets said:
Hey DLD, what should somebody who can't get even semi-erect do. Whats a good routine to follow, should they attemp the newbie routine or try a even lighter routine that will allow them to get "semi" so they can do these excersises.

Do you mean someone who is impotent?
Yeah, not me, it would be for the old man, a simple maybe 20 min routine for starters untill he can get enough to hold on to to do the "normal" excersices.
Here's a couple of stupendiously simple exercises to help with genital area numbness and erection quality.

First, is the Kegel Squash. Get an erection. Can be a semi, I'd recomend around 60 ~ 70%. Grab the base of you penis with one hand, don't clamp-- you'll be using this hand to guide blood flow, use your other hand to push down on your glans.

(the form is basically DLDs Slow Squash Jelq without the clamp http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12539)

then SQUEEZE and HOLD your PC muscle for as long as possible. Adjust your guide hand until it feels like it's directing blood between the legs. I like to focus on my breathing, with deep breaths from the diaphram, through the nostrils, exhaling through the mouth. Repeat as many times as you feel comfortable. This forces blood into the portion of the penis between the legs causing expansion.

Next, is a Kneeling Kegel Crunch. This works best when the penis is fully engourged after some jelquing. Get on your knees, cross your arms over your chest, SQUEEZE and HOLD your PC muscle as HARD AS YOU CAN. Slowly do a foward crunch motion, while EXHALING through the mouth-- your abs should feel clenched and your PC muscle will loosen as you complete the crunch (you may not be able to feel it). Slowly return to the upright position while INHALING through your nostrils, and regain your squeeze. (I'm spent after 3 sets of 10x). Basically, the Kegel forces blood towards the penis, while the crunch forces it back.

No way to expand the penile tissue between the legs, my ass. :cool:
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IS IT POSSIBLE TO OVER WORK THE PC MUSCLE TO THE POINT WHERE YOU LOSE BLOOD FLOW TO THE Penis EnlargementNIS...This may be my problem I keegle all day long anywhere and everywhere. I have been doing long holds for like 1/2 hour or a little less.

Just recently I tried having sex with this bomb ass honey and i could not keep the blood in the shaft..I could get it up and then it was like I had a leak or something...The only thinng I could think of was I must be over working these keegle exercises..Maybe I should stick to predetermined sets of keegles like 300 per day or something, instead of just keegling allllll day long. What do you guys think?
Hi I don't know if I have a problem tbh, I can get an erection an sometimes masturbate to �naked people movies� but no always or that much, I think it could be sexual exhaustion as maby i masturbating to much. Sometimes I can't stay hard while having sex an sometimes I need to keep hold of my penis while getting a bj so it will stay hard , I do alot of edging so many I should cut out �naked people movies�, masturbation for a while, hardly have morning erection tbh so I am a lil worried tbh , I've only ever done kegels not reverse which cud be a factor. I masturbate 1-2 times a day sometimes I don't though..... Anybody help ??? Advice would be very helpful thanks!
jj93;651970 said:
Hi I don't know if I have a problem tbh, I can get an erection an sometimes masturbate to �naked people movies� but no always or that much, I think it could be sexual exhaustion as maby i masturbating to much. Sometimes I can't stay hard while having sex an sometimes I need to keep hold of my penis while getting a bj so it will stay hard , I do alot of edging so many I should cut out �naked people movies�, masturbation for a while, hardly have morning erection tbh so I am a lil worried tbh , I've only ever done kegels not reverse which cud be a factor. I masturbate 1-2 times a day sometimes I don't though..... Anybody help ??? Advice would be very helpful thanks!

masturbating twice a day may be too much for you. I know for myself if I masturbate too much I suffer fatigue and weak erections. Try to keep masturbation to once a day, if you are not having sex.
doublelongdaddy;652344 said:
masturbating twice a day may be too much for you. I know for myself if I masturbate too much I suffer fatigue and weak erections. Try to keep masturbation to once a day, if you are not having sex.

haha actually jerkin off twice a day is ok specially when the orgasms are deep..but yeah the body gets stressed n weakened ...but the bigger i get the hornier i feel...
shortdick;652363 said:
haha actually jerkin off twice a day is ok specially when the orgasms are deep..but yeah the body gets stressed n weakened ...but the bigger i get the hornier i feel...

Some men can jerk off 100 times a day and they have no issues with ED, others can't and this is who I was addressing this to.
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