Help me make a pig-out rule..Looking for some JUSTIFICATIONS


Jun 3, 2003
I have heard from a few people that once a week a reward of eating a naughty meal is ok. Now my idea of naughty may not be as bad as I think so let me lay it down and you diet pros can reprimand me:)

Friday Night ONLY

12 oz. Beef Fillet (with a Gorgonzola butter for Dipping)
8 Pan Blackened Scallops
1 Maryland Crab Cake (about 5 oz.)
Side of Fresh Broccoli
Side of New Potatoes
1 Piece of Sour Dough Bread
1 Field Green salad with a Gorgonzola Vinaigrette

Now keep in mind this is only once a week but it is something I truly cherish. Is it OK to splurge once a week?
Perfectly ok and, in fact, your metabolism will actually take a slight positive turn if you have been shorting yourself on calories the balance of the week. The body has a tendency to store fat if it thinks you are starving it so eating a nice big calorie rich meal is a good thing once per week.

Hey, the meal you have selected is actually almost my exact choice. The only thing I would do different is substitute grilled lobster for the crab. But then I could do the crab too. My mouth is salivating now! You are about to partake of this feast tonight aren't you? :)
That is fine DLD and like Dashdeming said once a week may even jump start your metabolism. Damn that stuff sounds good. Are you making it yourself? I want to eat at DLD's!
I concur with both of these guys. :)
A spulrge day once a week is nothing but positive, both for your mental well being AND your metabolism.
ctmwm said:
SOUND great too me!!

So have you ever been to the EASTSIDE GRILL in Northampton?
No but I have been through Northhampton a few times
Hey DLD, having a pig-out day where you can eat allsorts sounds a good idea to me.

If you've been dieting all week, most, if not all those extra calories should go directly into your muscles and keep them topped up with glycogen(quick avalilable energy for the muscles)
It would be a bit like a mini carb-up.
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Well I did not do it tonight. Instead I made fish with tomatoes and basil with a small amount of pasta. It was very good but on Saturday night I WILL BE PIGGING OUT:)

Hey what is everyones take of cereal?
Cereal: I avoid most cereal. Oatmeal is great for you with some splenda and berries or something. If you can find an oat-based cereal that would be ok to have in the mornings. Check the G.I. database man. I think standard cheerios are oat-based.
Most cereals contain way too much sugar, even the so-called multi-grain high-fiber brands.

Hot cereal (or oatmeal, whatever you call it in the States :D) is a different ballbark. Multi grain hot cereal is an extremely good breakfast carb choice, since it is very low G.I, low in calories, and it expands in your stomach, filling you up for a long period of time.
there is actually a physiological reason to purposely overeat once a week - it may help convince your body that is it not starving. Giving your self a good feed once a week may calm that thousand year old encoded alarm inside yur brain that goes off every time you begin to burn stored body fat for fuel.
that came from the book "Body for Life" by Bill Phillups - its a good way to eat healthy and lose weight
I will miss you CAPN' CRUNCH

I would suggest having smaller cheat meals once a day throughout the whole week as that will help control your cravings, and will keep you from shocking the fuck out your metabolism once a week. I'm no doctor but I'm extremely good at contest prep, and I get people shredded inside out all the time. It's just a matter of how dedicated you are and the program you follow. I've also read lots of shit on the boards about the Atkins diet pros vs cons and all I have to say is everyone is different. I personally have to cut carbs extremely low(120 grams per week) in my last weeks before a competition or I don't lose all the fat I want to lose. I also lose close to no muscle doing so. On the other hand I have I've also worked with a friend of mine who absolutely NEEDS Carbs to be above 800 gram per week or he loses massive amounts of muscle. And although his carbs are high he gets ripped inside out.

I know most of you aren't trying to get THAT ripped and are just trying to get your fat down to a manageable proportion, and I'd definitely like to help you guys in my spare time. I'm busy as shit and getting ready for the NAC's.
I bulked my ass up to 260 naturally at a height of 5'8 with a current body fat of 12%. I'm bulking for 6 more weeks then I'm gonna take the last 14 weeks to rip up naturally(hopefully natural but If I really need to the IGF is gonna have to be used...).

Anyway if someone needs any personal help with a diet or workout routine ill gladly help ya in my free time

Dude, you're 260lbs at 5.8'' with no AAS involved?? :O

How on earth did you get that big?

I'm also big on bodybuilding, but I only have one solid year of consistant work outs behind me, so I can't really brag about anything just yet. I've made phenomenal gains so far, though, thanks to my iron clad dedication to HST.

What kind of program are you currently following, if I may ask?
Well I pigged out twice this weekend. I forgot all about dinner at my parents for Easter today and my MOM would be insulted if I did not eat like a good Italian boy. So last night I had the meal I posted in my first post in this thread. Today I had Ham, mashed potatoes, fried eggplant, asparagus with butter, cauliflower with a light cheese sauce. For dessert I had a slice of cheese cake and a slice of pecan pie with about a tablespoon of ice cream. I will be back on my diet starting tomorrow I just did not anticipate the holiday and I wanted to be honest with you guys. Well, I am off to do my exercise.
Shafty said:
Dude, you're 260lbs at 5.8'' with no AAS involved?? :O

How on earth did you get that big?

I'm also big on bodybuilding, but I only have one solid year of consistant work outs behind me, so I can't really brag about anything just yet. I've made phenomenal gains so far, though, thanks to my iron clad dedication to HST.

What kind of program are you currently following, if I may ask?

Thx man,

There's a guy who I believe is natural(not sure) at muscle mayhem who is 264 at 5'6", and he's on the same program i'm on. The program is called Dogg Crapp and you can find tons of information about it at muscle about it. It's really a great routine. I've never gained like this in my life. i was 240 about 2 months ago but when i started his routine I fuckin swelled up and when your on the cruising phase of the routine(which you will learn about through reading) you actually lose most of the fat you gained while blasting and in most cases you end up with a lower body fat percentage and more mass than you started up with, although that's not always the case. Im hoping to be able to get trained by Dante himself (the creator of Dogg Crapp) if I get enough money. He's the master at making people huge and I'm just good at gettin people ripped. Anyway I think you should read into it, it would definately benifit you. peace!
Another thing you have to realise shafty is that this is just my offseason weight (im around 10% bf) and in no way am I anywhere near this on stage. I hoping to step on stage at a ripped as hell 235-240 since im not holding much water right now.
I have heard from a few people that once a week a reward of eating a naughty meal is ok. Now my idea of naughty may not be as bad as I think so let me lay it down and you diet pros can reprimand me:)

Friday Night ONLY

12 oz. Beef Fillet (with a Gorgonzola butter for Dipping)
8 Pan Blackened Scallops
1 Maryland Crab Cake (about 5 oz.)
Side of Fresh Broccoli
Side of New Potatoes
1 Piece of Sour Dough Bread
1 Field Green salad with a Gorgonzola Vinaigrette

Now keep in mind this is only once a week but it is something I truly cherish. Is it OK to splurge once a week?

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