How to STOP the �naked people movies�? What can be done to eliminate this from my life?


Jun 3, 2003
I am getting frustrated with myself and my attempt at keeping my eyes from �naked people movies�. I have done everything possible to make sure this does not show up on my phone or computer but every filter I have used I can get around! It is so frustrating because I want to stop looking at this filth but there is nothing to stop me. Yes, I do want to stop but there is always that huge temptation that lurks and when the urge becomes too much I can always get around the filters. Is there anything that I can do to eliminate this from my computer and making it impossible to get around? This cycle is just ridiculous and I want it to stop. Any help would be so appreciated, if anyone knows of a filter or some other method to do this please help. My Son sets the passwords so if there is something He can do to help me please let me know. This world is so fucked up, when I was a kid you had to search high and low for �naked people movies� and if you were lucky you would find a playboy somewhere, today it is everywhere I look. Even with the K9 filter, when it comes up with no results there will be an add below it promoting a sex site, WTF? Please my Brothers, lets put our heads together and solve this!
Have you tried Ad-block Plus or equivalent? Seems to stop quite a lot of ads for me at least.

The stronger you deny yourself from something, the harder the temptation might arise for it ... It's true though about the older days, although I'm in the wave where getting �naked people movies� from the internet started to get so easy.

Stay strong my Brother, a man of your stature is allowed in my opinion to have certain "vices." Don't be so hard on yourself; you must be allow the same forgiveness to yourself that you've granted to others. Just my opinion.
arkailija;723365 said:
Have you tried Ad-block Plus or equivalent? Seems to stop quite a lot of ads for me at least.

The stronger you deny yourself from something, the harder the temptation might arise for it ... It's true though about the older days, although I'm in the wave where getting �naked people movies� from the internet started to get so easy.

Stay strong my Brother, a man of your stature is allowed in my opinion to have certain "vices." Don't be so hard on yourself; you must be allow the same forgiveness to yourself that you've granted to others. Just my opinion.

Thanks my Brother! I was looking for advice and you gave me good advice. I realize I am overly scrupulous and sometimes honest to a fault or even dishonest to a fault, sometimes I get confused with it all! I think maybe leave my computer at work but then there is the phone, so I think I will get a phone that does not have internet access only to realize I can get �naked people movies� on TV, I mean it is endless! I can completely understand celibacy in a world where lust is not so prevalent, like some of the saints of the past where there was no temptations as we have today and I think that they had it easy! I can hardly imagine anyone living in this world without falling into these temptations unless you became a hermit living in the dessert, but even there a Hermit might get wifi! WTF? This world is a much different place today as it was before the internet. I think I need strength and discipline more than �naked people movies� filters, I need acceptance of thoughts instead of avoidance, I need to understand I am a man and I am fallible, I need to see that I will always be a sinner, not matter what I do, with all that said, I need the Brotherhood as you understand me best. I pray to God constantly to lift this burden from me but I think He wants me to live His words "God helps him who helps himself" I am just a mess with it all! And now I need to deal with the size loss I have, which is due to my lack of sexual and PE work. I am starting SRT to make some gains but this whole situation is becoming a bigger nightmare than I wanted. I think I am taking on too much at once and I think you are right, I am being very hard on myself. Thanks for your help and I will do my best to apply it.
I'm in Ark's camp on this one. �naked people movies�, for me, exists as a tool that I control (I refuse to allow it to have any power over me, but we co-exist just like any other form of media). Try being the one that calls-the-shots...use it when you want, don't when you don't. My experience is that once �naked people movies� has provided it's usefulness and I've completed 'the task at hand' (so to speak), then I can turn it off and no longer have any notion of using it until I decide it's time.

Maybe experiment on 'turning-the-tables' and be The Boss of it vs. it being The Boss of you
Big Schwanz Acht;723368 said:
Maybe experiment on 'turning-the-tables' and be The Boss of it vs. it being The Boss of you

That is just what is happening, I am no longer the boss, the devil has taken that place! I preach so much about discipline, I need to stop preaching to the choir.
Try to avoid making this more complicated than it really is (I fully realize that emotion can make the picture fuzzy), it all boils-down to making a choice and accepting the result knowing that the choice you made was the best decision possible with the information you had. �naked people movies�/pot/cigarettes/junkfood/whatever can co-exist in your world as long as you're the driver.
Big Schwanz Acht;723372 said:
Try to avoid making this more complicated than it really is (I fully realize that emotion can make the picture fuzzy), it all boils-down to making a choice and accepting the result knowing that the choice you made was the best decision possible with the information you had. �naked people movies�/pot/cigarettes/junkfood/whatever can co-exist in your world as long as you're the driver.

I have been so successful with alcohol, weed, food, cigarets, vice after vice but sex is the hardest. I mean even in poverty, as I am today, I do not suffer like I do with sex. I can handle almost anything I feel so ashamed to seem so week to the Brotherhood, but it is what it is, I need your help and I thank you so much for it. I wish I could be the shinning example here but I am not and I feel mortified for this. I will overcome with your help and I will become strong again, I only need to continue to ask for help and apply it. I have no idea what I would do if I did not have my Brothers.
Big Schwanz Acht;723372 said:
Try to avoid making this more complicated than it really is (I fully realize that emotion can make the picture fuzzy), it all boils-down to making a choice and accepting the result knowing that the choice you made was the best decision possible with the information you had. �naked people movies�/pot/cigarettes/junkfood/whatever can co-exist in your world as long as you're the driver.

every vice can take a man to unexpected situations..�naked people movies�,drugs,alcohol,sex etc even PE..true that being the driver is key,being able to control is not an easy thing at all...
LONGERDICK7+;723409 said:
every vice can take a man to unexpected situations..�naked people movies�,drugs,alcohol,sex etc even PE..true that being the driver is key,being able to control is not an easy thing at all...

Everything that has pleasure is addicting and that why it is said, all things in moderation. But with �naked people movies�/masturbation I am weak and find it hard to moderate. I know now that filters will never stop me, taking my computer away, I will find it on my phone, take my phone, I will find it on pay per view, take away my TV and I will get a Dirty Magazine, take that away and I will find another way. There no escaping this, it is all about discipline and moderation, something I preach and have mastered in all parts of my life but here. I love a challenge and I love becoming disciplined with all things in life. I hope to be able to build the strength and determination to be my own filter and not depend on the world to help me. If I can't filter myself there is little that can be done.
What a masterful metamorphous! Moderation of pleasure-producers will provide personal peace :cool:

(alliteration is fun!)
Big Schwanz Acht;723540 said:
What a masterful metamorphous! Moderation of pleasure-producers will provide personal peace :cool:

(alliteration is fun!)

I am a professional rapper :)
Thr???-X said:
With any type of addiction or habitual routine in your life. You can't quit without making other changes to your life, you have to "Fill the Void" with something positive.
Like working on the your book (2nd-draft): Big Man, Strong Man, Tall Man, Long Man: Becoming Limitless through SRT

Wow, what a wonderful thought in replacement, I will take your advice here and take this frustration into working on the book. You know how OCD I am and I have become over-scrupulous in many things. I think the book, and writing on these things in the book, will help me conquer. I thank all my Brothers for ll the help. I am sorry lately that I have been so needy but that is what we are about Brother helping Brother and I am not void from that. Much of the time I need the help of the Brotherhood more than anyone. It is so good to have a place to come and sort these things out, I love the Brotherhood!
Hey brothers I've been reading through this thread and there is some powerful stuff going on here. I would like to be apart of this abstaining from �naked people movies�. I've lived a life that has been ruled by �naked people movies� and I've noticed the consequence of watching daily and sometimes multiple times a day. I'm ready to live for my self and take my self away from �naked people movies�. This is one of my first post and I guess confessions, so forgive me if I'm shy about what I disclose.
doublelongdaddy;723606 said:
Wow, what a wonderful thought in replacement, I will take your advice here and take this frustration into working on the book. You know how OCD I am and I have become over-scrupulous in many things. I think the book, and writing on these things in the book, will help me conquer. I thank all my Brothers for ll the help. I am sorry lately that I have been so needy but that is what we are about Brother helping Brother and I am not void from that. Much of the time I need the help of the Brotherhood more than anyone. It is so good to have a place to come and sort these things out, I love the Brotherhood!

yep its been a game changer.....lots of help from the bros!!
Mike3209;723607 said:
Hey brothers I've been reading through this thread and there is some powerful stuff going on here. I would like to be apart of this abstaining from �naked people movies�. I've lived a life that has been ruled by �naked people movies� and I've noticed the consequence of watching daily and sometimes multiple times a day. I'm ready to live for my self and take my self away from �naked people movies�. This is one of my first post and I guess confessions, so forgive me if I'm shy about what I disclose.

I keep reverting-back to a poignant post Mike (DLD) made several weeks ago regarding privilege...anything and everything you do/say is a privilege and you have the freedoms to express these privileges until they become either a problem, an addiction, or some other negativity affecting yours or another persons life. Once this occurs, you no longer get to have that or those privileges. Similar to someone receiving a DUI...driving privileges are suspended, but the guy that enjoys a glass of wine, a beer or one drink wouldn't be in any danger of a DUI so he maintains the privilege.
Make sense?
Mike3209;723607 said:
Hey brothers I've been reading through this thread and there is some powerful stuff going on here. I would like to be apart of this abstaining from �naked people movies�. I've lived a life that has been ruled by �naked people movies� and I've noticed the consequence of watching daily and sometimes multiple times a day. I'm ready to live for my self and take my self away from �naked people movies�. This is one of my first post and I guess confessions, so forgive me if I'm shy about what I disclose.

This thread: has been a big help for me and abstaining and finding ways to deal with different aspects of temptation and signs that have been nailed down. It also helps console those who are trying but keep having problems. Brothers helping Brothers become disciplined.
doublelongdaddy;723643 said:
This thread: has been a big help for me and abstaining and finding ways to deal with different aspects of temptation and signs that have been nailed down. It also helps console those who are trying but keep having problems. Brothers helping Brothers become disciplined.

I really have enjoyed the topic. It made me realize a few things about myself and triggers and emotions.
Mike3209;723650 said:
I really have enjoyed the topic. It made me realize a few things about myself and triggers and emotions.

Trigger and emotions are the two areas to keep a keen eye on. When I feel emotionally upset or bad about myself it becomes easy to say fuck it and just go and jerk it, only to feel so much worse after. With triggers, there are many, and I have said this elsewhere, they are unavoidable...we live in a world where Lust is a fun game and we suffer due to it. Triggers for me can be the smallest thing that the inner, evil voice will build on. A trigger can be simply a commercial on tv that can start a domino effect to complete set-back.

This is not an easy gig and one needs not only to be strong with oneself but realistic. A habit we have had for so many years will take time to correct and perfect to the degree you desire. I seek complete abstinence and I know that it is a steep challenge but one, none the less, I am taking up very seriously.
doublelongdaddy;723762 said:
Trigger and emotions are the two areas to keep a keen eye on. When I feel emotionally upset or bad about myself it becomes easy to say fuck it and just go and jerk it, only to feel so much worse after. With triggers, there are many, and I have said this elsewhere, they are unavoidable...we live in a world where Lust is a fun game and we suffer due to it. Triggers for me can be the smallest thing that the inner, evil voice will build on. A trigger can be simply a commercial on tv that can start a domino effect to complete set-back.

This is not an easy gig and one needs not only to be strong with oneself but realistic. A habit we have had for so many years will take time to correct and perfect to the degree you desire. I seek complete abstinence and I know that it is a steep challenge but one, none the less, I am taking up very seriously.

I agree with you society is different than it was back in the day. Today's society there are temptations of all sorts and lust is among the deadliest. I mean look at half the shows on television..

Damn brother complete abstinence is going to some monk like steel mind control.
Mike3209;723764 said:
I agree with you society is different than it was back in the day. Today's society there are temptations of all sorts and lust is among the deadliest. I mean look at half the shows on television..

Damn brother complete abstinence is going to some monk like steel mind control.

WuTang Mode!
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