Just One More Swing


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2017

Picture Courtesy: Why you will succeed in running your own business - Lisa Bean | Tranformational Speaker

Good Morning Sizers!

Take a good look at the picture above.

I'll wait...

*Plays Elevator Music*


Good. What do you see?

Two men who want diamonds. Both of them started at the same time perhaps. Both of them had a burning desire. They want treasure...they want riches...they want the freedom that comes from riches.

Notice the guy on top who is swing...he is enthuastic...he is determined...he is leaning into his swing...he is even smiling.

The other guy? He felt as if he has done all he can and leaves dejected.

Now if you were at this scene and could see from their vantage point, who would you tell to keep going?

The second guy, right?

You would shout, "Dude, you are very close! What in the butterbeans are you doing? Keep swinging! You are almost there!"

The guy will need to make a choice...either continue to swing by faith or give up.

Time to bring this home...PE is similar. You came to this journey with a goal in mind. You start out well and excited. You are crushing it and making gains!

Then all of a sudden...the gains stop. You start to have doubt creep in. You start to wonder, "Is it really worth it?"

Maybe this is you right now...I encourage you to grab again your shovel, your dirt pick, or even your hands and push forward. You are one swing, one step, one scoop to getting closer. Keep moving forward!
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