"Mind Reboot" We need to stop trying! We need to make a choice!


Jun 3, 2003
"Mind Reboot" What could this mean? I have come to the conclusion that the reason I relapse into �naked people movies� is because I leave a door open to return to the action. In this challenge I have always tried to stop but I never chose to stop. Let me make a contrast here; When I quit smoking I made a decision that smoking was no longer an option. The decision was made and I quit. I am now on like 70 days free from smoking. In this example, which I will bring into the original point, I went through withdrawals for about 2-3 weeks. After the withdrawals ceased I still had the urge but that did not matter, I quit so smoking so it was not an option anyway. After the 6th week I no longer had the urges in the way I did earlier. They were still present but in a very weak way. I can not smoke again as I have rebooted my mind into the area of :Smoking no longer exists for me: Meaning, I can not smoke, it is impossible because I quit. In this example the door to relapse is not available, it is a decision made and cemented into the mind as a fact.

�naked people movies� and Masturbation I have not quit. I am trying but I continue to fall back into the same behavior. The reason why is because I have not quit yet. I have left a door open that I will do it again, but I am trying so that is what matters. Yes, that does matter but 'try' is a word that leaves the door open. Today I have quit masturbating and watching �naked people movies�. I am no longer a man that does those things. I have decided and rebooted my brain. I am not attempting to stop, I have stopped attempting! I am STOPPING. I have changed teams. The goal is no longer how many days can I go, what a huge open door! The goal no longer exists, it is now a truth. I do not smoke, I do not jerk, I do not watch �naked people movies�. That is who I am.

I hope this makes sense to those in the struggle. Forget trying!

Reboot your mind and make the free choice to stop once and for all!
megamike;731995 said:
willpower above all

Power indeed. This kind of power needs to be used in the right way. You have to engrave into your mind "�naked people movies� and masturbation are NOT an Option" You need to pretend like these things never existed to begin with. I am living with the mindset of �naked people movies� does not exist. I have decided to forget about �naked people movies�. No longer fighting urges. You do not need to try hard because you do not do those things any longer, it simply is not an option. Eventually urges are dismissed instantly.You have to be ok with the idea that you will never watch �naked people movies� ever again in your life....PERIOD!
doublelongdaddy;732033 said:
Power indeed. This kind of power needs to be used in the right way. You have to engrave into your mind "�naked people movies� and masturbation are NOT an Option" You need to pretend like these things never existed to begin with. I am living with the mindset of �naked people movies� does not exist. I have decided to forget about �naked people movies�. No longer fighting urges. You do not need to try hard because you do not do those things any longer, it simply is not an option. Eventually urges are dismissed instantly.You have to be ok with the idea that you will never watch �naked people movies� ever again in your life....PERIOD!

I will try it starting now!
Every time it has come up (temptation) since I wrote this thread my immediate answer is "I do not do those things anymore" and I move on. I have to tell you guys something that I am proud of, something I have not really talked about because it is embarrassing. I get very scared to go home to a house by myself for fear that I will watch �naked people movies�, so fearful I leave my computer in the car so I do not get tempted. Well, since this reboot, last night I brought my computer inside and I spent a good 30 minutes looking at innocent stuff, games, Facebook, music, etc. and when the temptation came up once I simply said, "I do not do those things anymore" and instantly the temptation fled. I am so happy I applied the same logic of smoking to �naked people movies� and masturbation. Just as when I crave a cigarette, which is soooooo rare now (after a good 70 days) I immediately say to myself the same "I do not do that anymore" I am telling you this because I am proud of myself. I am happy that I have found a new way to see this and I feel much more confident now.
doublelongdaddy;732063 said:
Every time it has come up (temptation) since I wrote this thread my immediate answer is "I do not do those things anymore" and I move on. I have to tell you guys something that I am proud of, something I have not really talked about because it is embarrassing. I get very scared to go home to a house by myself for fear that I will watch �naked people movies�, so fearful I leave my computer in the car so I do not get tempted. Well, since this reboot, last night I brought my computer inside and I spent a good 30 minutes looking at innocent stuff, games, Facebook, music, etc. and when the temptation came up once I simply said, "I do not do those things anymore" and instantly the temptation fled. I am so happy I applied the same logic of smoking to �naked people movies� and masturbation. Just as when I crave a cigarette, which is soooooo rare now (after a good 70 days) I immediately say to myself the same "I do not do that anymore" I am telling you this because I am proud of myself. I am happy that I have found a new way to see this and I feel much more confident now.

and its something to be proud of my dear brother! it takes a lot of willpower to do what you did
Rock-on, Mike!! This is a huge accomplishment and you should be proud. I'm honored that you share this with us. We know so little about the mind and its powers, but I've witnessed first-hand and given the right stimuli/motivation anything can be attained. Miracles are happening at MOS every single day!

Everything boils-down to choice...you either choose to do something or you don't, but once that choice is made you're now responsible to follow through and that is where your willpower/strength/fortitude supply the fuel.
A while ago when I was quitting my �naked people movies� addiction I tried replacing my time with a new book and a hobby. It is admittedly easier when you are younger and have more free time (coughcollegecough),so the earlier the better.

I also think the pairing of ONE mental hobby and ONE physical hobby is ideal. Take up some form of strength training or martial arts.

Back then I took up martial arts as my hobby. At the time, a list was also coincidentally forwarded to me :


This list has taken ny mind to some amazing places, please do give it a look.
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Thank you my supportive Brothers!

Yesterday from the start of the day until I retired I was surrounded by temptation after temptation. With each temptation came a direct response "I do not do that anymore" and they would eventually leave. I know in the begging stages the horse will kick against the stall but eventually that horse will get the message. It was this way with fasting, it was this way with cigarette, it was this way with dying my hair, it was this way when I started to dress moderately, it was this way when I gave up my gold, it was this way when I gave up TV, it was this way when I gave up the money, it was this way in every attachment I let go of. Everything I listed I have not failed in, I have accomplished and the temptations have become less and less. This new approach to �naked people movies�, applying what I have with the rest of my attachments, will take time (45 days to be exact) to feel the emotional attachment to lessen as it did for all the others.

You see, I made a commitment to the attachments I let go of but with masturbation and �naked people movies� I left the door open. I was always saying to myself 'I will try but I know I will mess up again'. This language was not used with the other attachments, only this one. Closing the door on this is a big deal as sex is the hardest thing for me to abstain from. I am not at all claiming that I have perfected the process, I have just started with this frame of mind. Let us see where it takes me and hopefully it will help other too.

God Bless My Brothers and Keep Up the Fight!
Wow-wee I had a rough night! I felt like Jesus in the Dessert! The day was going fine, I may have lusted 3 - 4 times for a quick glance, nothing sinful or wrong. Simple appreciation for God's creations. It is never being in public that I have these issues, it is only at night, after I take my medication. But this story has a good side to it. Through the entire evening when I got home I had to say "I do not do that anymore" every few minutes. It was a very big test. I took out my computer and I opened it, I went to a �naked people movies� site and after about 30 seconds I realized, "what the heck am I doing here?" I gained the strength needed and stopped the string of events. I got away without masturbating and I stopped myself from indulging in �naked people movies�. A definite victory.

I wondered why I was doing the very thing I did not want to do and than I realized it was not me who did it, it was the sin that lives inside of me. I am in the Spirit, I am a saved Christian, I have a place in Heaven already, I know this from the book of Romans. I think every Brother should read the book as it really makes life so much easier, so much more realistic, and most of all, so relatable. When I hear St. Paul lamenting on how he wants to stop but he can't and he goes into a very long expression of his own weakness. But, the weakness turns out to be a strength and the very thing that he believed to be bad was the Spirit itself manifesting inside of Paul. I think this is important for everyone to read, religious or not as it has practical and rational advice on this very topic.

I messed up also with flirting with a girl I should not have flirted with. I knew it was wrong and I did it anyway. I am sorry and I am telling on myself to you, my Brothers to keep me accountable.

I Love You All!
My Goodness, this is just what I want to do when I mess up!

Last night went very well, no temptations, no interest in watching tv, just a peaceful evening. I am not putting any stock in this but it was nice to have a night of peace without the �naked people movies� demon attacking me every 10 seconds! I am so looking forward to day 45 to see if it is truly a reboot!
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