God... As long as the program doesnt crash on Waseechee's wife's computer as it displays its message to her...

"Honey, why does the computer say it would really love to take it doggy style tonight?"

Uh oh!

Good find waseechee. I've got mine running with some of them going and a pe one. I think it would work on the subconcious which is better then having something flashing at you conciously imo. At least for things like cell growth, that you have no concious control over.
dopefish said:
God... As long as the program doesnt crash on Waseechee's wife's computer as it displays its message to her...

"Honey, why does the computer say it would really love to take it doggy style tonight?"

Uh oh!


I feel its working, I mean I am more POSITIVE about my penis.
But that could be since I have gained in erect lentgh? but I do feel this is helping as I do not worry much when going to �naked people movies� sites seeing larger cocks as in my mind I DO THINK I am biggeer than them ,.... never used to be like this, but now it is.
Nuthing puts me down now, NOT even the BangBoat guys.
I would like to know the results on the unsuspecting. I think I'm brainwashing my wife sexually.
I am going to perform another test.
Going to type in a VERY hard to remember word, my memory isnt great as it is so this IS a CHALLENGE.
I shall type this word in and say ''I know the capital of ???? it is ?????''
the ??? will be subbed with the country and that long hard word.
I will NOT be able to remember it right off, like say Paris and Madrid etc as its long and weird spelling, I dont even have it yet.
The goal is, that with the weeks of useing the PC and the software beeming this word to me via the methods it uses, my brain can get the word installed in my brain so I know it RIGHT OFF , like the easy capitals of france, spain etc.

I am also sticking this thread, as Its just as important as the ones already stuck .. this stuff could really help out.
REDZULU2003 said:
I am going to perform another test.
Going to type in a VERY hard to remember word, my memory isnt great as it is so this IS a CHALLENGE.

Dude ! No !

The brain CANNOT process a negative thought. Here's an example;

Do not think of the word blue.

You just did, didn't you? You cannot seriously be saying you will type in a word, and then try to forget it! This should be in the Guiness Book of Records for worst "scientific" study ever ROFLMAO
levista said:
The brain CANNOT process a negative thought. Here's an example;

Do not think of the word blue.

Very true. Self Hypnosis is based around this theory. One may say, "I will not quit" while the other will say "I will remain consistent" The latter will always prevail.
I already knew this, but you misunderstood as usual.
Its going to be a word I cant remember nor have heard before.
I cant even fuckin spell it nevermind remember it.

I know your very skeptical about this , and so what I have the worst science experiment ever, I aint a scientist I am a police officer ... I am doing this as a test, wonna see if it does anything.

I will than move in to a family member typing in a word , I dont see or know ... see what that does.

And as I say, keep an open mind .... a closed mind is no good.
lol that was at levista
I have now had a family member to type an UNKNOWN word into the program.
It will say ''I will remember the word ??????'' I DO NOT know this word, but its beinf broadcasted to me invisible all the time, just like the system works .... maybe and hopefully I will pick up on it.
I tried the software but I can actually see the messages blinking even with the shortest time setting. It got very annoying after a while an I got a head ache.
Must have something to do with my monitor or something, I'll do a web search after other programs.

I wonder how my mind will react to subliminal messages that isn't in my mother tongue? I mean, I speak, understand and read English fluently but does my mind understand English subliminal messages as well as someone whose first language is English?
Red, sounds like your gonna start having Deja Vu.

Ever had Deja Vu and Amnesia at the same time?

Feel like you knew something but couldn't remember.


Swedeguy decrease the display time to 15 milliseconds or 10. Display every 20 seconds.
I've decreased it to the lowest possible setting and I can still see it...
REDZULU2003 said:
I am going to perform another test.
Going to type in a VERY hard to remember word, my memory isnt great as it is so this IS a CHALLENGE.
I shall type this word in and say ''I know the capital of ???? it is ?????''
the ??? will be subbed with the country and that long hard word.
I will NOT be able to remember it right off, like say Paris and Madrid etc as its long and weird spelling, I dont even have it yet.
The goal is, that with the weeks of useing the PC and the software beeming this word to me via the methods it uses, my brain can get the word installed in my brain so I know it RIGHT OFF , like the easy capitals of france, spain etc.

I am also sticking this thread, as Its just as important as the ones already stuck .. this stuff could really help out.

Red, read what you wrote. You clearly wrote you were going to type words in and then try to see if you could recall them via this subliminal magic.

I already knew this, but you misunderstood as usual.
Its going to be a word I cant remember nor have heard before.
I cant even fuckin spell it nevermind remember it.

Whatever you say Red, all i can do is read what you wrote, y'know?

Unless of course your messages have a subliminal message in them HOLY COW now I am scared

And as I say, keep an open mind .... a closed mind is no good.

I fully agree mate, but nothing is more dangerous than wide open mind. Look for good testing, reliable evidence and repeatable results from tests before deciding to believe in anything.
And once in a while be ready to be unloved just because in any given room you may be the only one to have a contrary view to everyone else.

swedeguy said:
I've decreased it to the lowest possible setting and I can still see it...

I have read before how some people can always see this stuff actually. You must be very susceptible...maybe not a bad thing mate, no-one will ever sell you anything you dont need :)
Do any of you believe that our brains can be maniplulated? I do. Power of suggestion is everywhere. We have been manipulated all of our lives. For example, Car sells, you have the sellsman that gets in the new car with you for the test drive. They are taught some tricky sells tricks. When the sellsman gets in a says "Boy I sure love the smell of a new car" or " My wife has really been on me to buy her one of these'". It's psychological. smells and odors are another way of manipulating people. One auto manufacturer is know to "odorize" their new cars to make them more seductive
To Levista.
lol nevermind mate lol I am just helping Waseechee out, and testing this.
I have gotten a member of the family to type in a secret word, I DUNNO if I will ever know it? deepdown I dont think I will, but who knows? like I said the mind is powerful.
Try it yourself and help us in this, if it doesnt work than it doesnt work , I shall simply uninstall it and forget about it lol no harm in being enthusistic and giving things a go now is there.

Cummon lads lets get testing instead of chatting.
Have since un-installed this.
My verdict is Jaded at present time.
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