
Nov 5, 2010
Hello all! I've been on the forum for a few weeks now and posted a couple quick threads so I thought I'd give a quick intro along with a question for everybody to go with it.
I've done pe now on and off for about the past six months out of but recently decided to get serious with it soon after I ended a six year relationship. Figured since I'm back to square one I'd thought I'd step up my game a bit!
I've always been a bit above average with starting stats at 6.5 bpel and about 5.5 eg. So far after a month of serious daily work on the newbie routine I've added a quarter inch in each area. Whoohoo!
I'm going to continue on phase one for now seeing as I'm still gaining but have added a little intensity considering I'm recovering quite rapidly. So far I've been adding intensity to the basic stretches with my free hand as help along with some power assist stretches at the end of my length session. As for girth, I've been sticking with the basic jelqing but adding a few 30 second isolated compression squeezes at the end.
My question is am I just better off jumping to phase two or continue doing what I'm doing? My main concern right now is length seeing as I'm doing pretty well with girth. I'm fonsidering purchasing a Bathmate to supplement my workout with some dld hardcore stretches.
Any advice would be much appreciated! Rock on guys!!!
It depends what you want to gain mate, girth, length or both. I'd say, if you want girth, although your girth is pretty big already, go for the Bathmate. If you want length, got for the SizeGenetics extender. If you want both, buy the one that's more important to you right now, and buy the other one later.

If you have been doing Penis Enlargement for 6 month, you should have a tough unit now, throw in some mandingos or some more hardcore stretches to your newbie routine.

Also, i've heard from numerous people if you want to increase both, concentrate more on length, with a few girth sessions thrown in, and once youre happy with your length, focus on girth. It's supposedly harder to gain length when youve thick. Probably due to the lack of grip due to thickness or something.

Good luck.
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