
Feb 6, 2014
I have recently been making great gains and wanted to share a couple of things I DEFINITELY noticed. Number 1: whether you realize it or not �naked people movies� is ruining your gains, mental sensitivity and erection quality. I used to be addicted to �naked people movies�, almost everyday for the past 10 years. I quit cold turkey a few months ago. I have noticed I actually get hard from a woman wearing a sexy dress or an attractive woman who isn't naked period. It's amazing!! I never had a problem getting hard and could always reach 100%, after quitting �naked people movies� that 100% turned into 80%! And my 100% now is like steel, better yet adamantium! Mentally I had reprogrammed my brain to (put simply) appreciate the little things. This opens up an entire new world sexually where instead of getting off on "hardcore shit" you can get off on much less with much more pleasure! Add kegels and you've got a cock that YOU control! This translates into an erection that is literally pushing itself out. An erection that is in the perfect state to grow! Number 2: masturbation hinders gains...at a point. Even though it is not the exact same concept, imagine a muscle. Imagine doing pullups, squats, benching, etc(p.e.) and then competing in a football, weightlifting, etc competition (masturbation) EVERYDAY! Your performance will suffer at some point. Now imagine playing your game or competing (masturbation) and then doing conditioning (p.e.) EVERYDAY. It does make more sense yet this method will lead to burnout as well. Now let's find the perfect balance. Masturbation before pe is obviously the best method but in moderation. My personal method is masturbation every 4-5 days based on a 10 day 1/10 of an inch gain. This means half way through my growth cycle I "compete" . This equates to stimulation in which I want my penis to perform yet not to much to over stimulate it. Following these methods I have been able to gain faster than when I masturbated everyday and watched �naked people movies� everyday. This method may be to little or to much stimulation depending on the person but I personally believe 2-3 orgasms every 7 days as nearly perfect for every man following a 5 day on 2 day off pe program. Try it out for 2 weeks and report your results!! Let's all gain!!
I quit �naked people movies� too!!! Best decision evar!
I would wank all the time to nasty shit - And i believe that if was hindering my PE gains, because i would exhaust my dick with excessive mastrubation and sometimes even have pain. I could not get more than 80 % erect when having sex, which made it very boring for my ex girlfriend, and i did not feel anything either!

So i recommend quitting �naked people movies� if you experience something similar.!
How do you stay hard(semy hard) when jelqing?
I use �naked people movies� for my training session, and when i'm using the bathmate, I also want to stop watching it but to stay hard I look at it otherwise i'm getting to soft to pull a good jelq.
saen;628395 said:
How do you stay hard(semy hard) when jelqing?
I use �naked people movies� for my training session, and when i'm using the bathmate, I also want to stop watching it but to stay hard I look at it otherwise i'm getting to soft to pull a good jelq.

When i jelq i always have about 80 erection, and i don't use stimulation.
When using the bathmate, i just think about the girls i want to bang ;)

Okay... You have a problem! An erections should come naturally.
I suggest you stop watching �naked people movies�, And never watch it again! That is probably the only thing you can do here.
After about 3 months, you will have the best EQ evar.! I am not kidding!
But during the months you will probably have a decrease in EQ, due to the fact that your dick is used to have �naked people movies� to stimulate you. (=
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Masturbation and �naked people movies� can both become very bad situations if one can not control his urges. The problem with �naked people movies� is it can become progressive in the type of material you watch. In the beginning simple erotic material does a great job but eventually, if not kept under control, it can progress to more and more hardcore material. Obviously there comes a place where you can't see the material necessary to give the same results and most of the pleasure of masturbation is lost. It takes much discipline to keep things to a strict minimum, just like any other addictive activity. I guess with becoming older I have become better at knowing the line not to cross in all addictive things. I have been through the pitfalls of drugs, alcohol, sex, �naked people movies�, etc. and know that that is a place I do not want to go. I enjoy the simple pleasures in life and my healthy respect for them allows me to partake with out overindulgence.
doublelongdaddy;628426 said:
Masturbation and �naked people movies� can both become very bad situations if one can not control his urges. The problem with �naked people movies� is it can become progressive in the type of material you watch. In the beginning simple erotic material does a great job but eventually, if not kept under control, it can progress to more and more hardcore material. Obviously there comes a place where you can't see the material necessary to give the same results and most of the pleasure of masturbation is lost. It takes much discipline to keep things to a strict minimum, just like any other addictive activity. I guess with becoming older I have become better at knowing the line not to cross in all addictive things. I have been through the pitfalls of drugs, alcohol, sex, �naked people movies�, etc. and know that that is a place I do not want to go. I enjoy the simple pleasures in life and my healthy respect for them allows me to partake with out overindulgence.

My problem was that i could not find something that could satisfy me, so i came into more and more nasty �naked people movies�, just to get off!.
I can't control myself when looking at �naked people movies�, when i watched it, i had to find more and more, i just did not want to ejaculate unless the was a perfect scene, and it could take hours to find the right scene, and by that time, i have wanked and abused my little friend. =(

So i stopped for good (=
Leaving �naked people movies� behind can be good for you
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goalisbig;628434 said:
My problem was that i could not find something that could satisfy me, so i came into more and more nasty �naked people movies�, just to get off!.
I can't control myself when looking at �naked people movies�, when i watched it, i had to find more and more, i just did not want to ejaculate unless the was a perfect scene, and it could take hours to find the right scene, and by that time, i have wanked and abused my little friend. =(

So i stopped for good (=

That is the progressive nature of �naked people movies�. I have rules firmly in place for what I can watch and what I can't and I do not go outside these rules because I do not want to have to give up on one of the wonderful pleasures in life. I used to be in the position you are in where I needed more and more nasty material to get the same results and one day I just decided that I was not going to go against my conscious any longer. I enjoy solo girls, I will not watch intercourse of anal sex. I try to keep it as innocent as possible. It took a while to make this stick but today I am happy that I have. I have also kept masturbation to a minimum, never more than once per day and usually only 3 times a week. If I don't masturbate I end up with a lot of stress so it is important for me to let this stress out while at the same time keeping the material I use tame.
�naked people movies� is very much just a tool for me at this point. Kegals are clearly the best thing you can do for your libido, and past that there's edging with no orgasm. Now if you're venturing into the dark side of �naked people movies� I guess you could become desensitized to a point, but there's enough clean hardcore with insanely sexy women that you really shouldn't have to go there.

The most important thing is not to blow every day if you're having eq problems. Tantric sessions can be things of legend.
saen;628395 said:
How do you stay hard(semy hard) when jelqing?
I use �naked people movies� for my training session, and when i'm using the bathmate, I also want to stop watching it but to stay hard I look at it otherwise i'm getting to soft to pull a good jelq.

I like your avatar. lol
Longth;628474 said:
�naked people movies� is very much just a tool for me at this point. Kegals are clearly the best thing you can do for your libido, and past that there's edging with no orgasm. Now if you're venturing into the dark side of �naked people movies� I guess you could become desensitized to a point, but there's enough clean hardcore with insanely sexy women that you really shouldn't have to go there.

The most important thing is not to blow every day if you're having eq problems. Tantric sessions can be things of legend.
agreed, �naked people movies� is a tool
I'm going to join you guys in giving up �naked people movies�. I used to be good and could get a full erection a few years ago, but like others have stated above I can never get that "full 100% erection" anymore. So from now on I will stick to just PEing more. :)
The mind is the most powerful tool. �naked people movies� was a tool, now it's a reward.
Longth;628474 said:
Now if you're venturing into the dark side of �naked people movies� I guess you could become desensitized to a point, but there's enough clean hardcore with insanely sexy women that you really shouldn't have to go there..

Very true, there is no reason to have to venture into the darker parts of �naked people movies�, there are plenty of places to see clean, guilt free erotic material to use for PE and masturbation. Set up guidelines and follow them. Make sure what you are watching does not offend your conscience. This may mean something different for everyone but with self control and solid resolve there is a happy medium that can be found. Sometimes giving up something makes you want it more, I come more from the school of discipline that allows me to enjoy without overindulgence. Moderation in all things!
I think �naked people movies� and PE are similar in consistency. TOO much of them for a long period of time makes you bored of it or makes you loose interest.
Both of them effect your EQ emotional quotient which effects your EQ erection quality also,....lol
I guess from time to time some sexual adventure has to be tried to keep the excitement there.
if you have watched all kinds of �naked people movies� and sick of every category then i guess you can try your neighbors now......lol
pogzee;628791 said:
I think �naked people movies� and PE are similar in consistency. TOO much of them for a long period of time makes you bored of it or makes you loose interest.

That is the deal with anything that brings pleasure, once you have tapped it out interests wane and it no longer brings the desired outcome. Tolerance can build very quickly if we need a more intense way to reach the same result.
I had problems with �naked people movies�, every night I was at my PC and keyboard already knew what I'm gonna type, damn, dark days, BUT those �naked people movies�s and all those big cocks nailing hot chicks gave me an idea to type on google "penis enlargement" and here I am on MoS talking with you brothers about enlarging the penis and this changed my life in some ways, I am way more confident and happier...as for �naked people movies�, I use them as a device to get eq for erect work :)
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