RestoreX - Have you heard about it.


Also called: SIM
Staff member
Jan 6, 2023
RestoreX is a device that is developed to only fix Peyronie's Disease.
I do not have Peyronie's Disease, I only want to make you guys aware of it's existence.
Bro, I see this is an old thread but I tried this thing and it was like torture - didn’t work for me after persisting for a few weeks so I sent it back. Its a clamp with a hinge - maybe a good idea but really painful.
Bro, I see this is an old thread but I tried this thing and it was like torture - didn’t work for me after persisting for a few weeks so I sent it back. Its a clamp with a hinge - maybe a good idea but really painful.

Let me coach you and in the same process, correct your bends while you make gains as well.
Does it cost money to be coached? I’m ready to do what it takes but don’t want to take liberties.
Bro, I see this is an old thread but I tried this thing and it was like torture - didn’t work for me after persisting for a few weeks so I sent it back. Its a clamp with a hinge - maybe a good idea but really painful.

Sounds like a manual clamp,was you gunning for girth? Or length
Bro, I see this is an old thread but I tried this thing and it was like torture - didn’t work for me after persisting for a few weeks so I sent it back. Its a clamp with a hinge - maybe a good idea but really painful.
But did you have Peyronie's Disease or just a normal curved penis? It's only for Peyronie's Disease. If you don't have that, there is no reason to even consider this device.
But did you have Peyronie's Disease or just a normal curved penis? It's only for Peyronie's Disease. If you don't have that, there is no reason to even consider this device.
I was always curved to the left but about four years ago had an accident during a vigorous session and it started to bend up after that. I had low frequency shockwave and that seemed to help - the ultrasound showed the plaque had cleared up but the bend is still there. I thought I’d try the RestoreX but it was like torture.
I was always curved to the left but about four years ago had an accident during a vigorous session and it started to bend up after that. I had low frequency shockwave and that seemed to help - the ultrasound showed the plaque had cleared up but the bend is still there. I thought I’d try the RestoreX but it was like torture.
Okey thanks for sharing. I hope you can correct this.
If the plaque is gone. You can stretch with the LENGTHMASTER 3 to correct this bend I believe.

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Thanks guys, is the Lengthmaster 3 better than the Penimaster Pro? Or about the same? Any important differences?
Thanks guys, is the Lengthmaster 3 better than the Penimaster Pro? Or about the same? Any important differences?
The LENGTHMASTER 3 is the best. You do bundled stretches with it. Bundle stretches is superior, since you deform more tunica/tissu in every stretch. This will stretch your tissue out more.

You can't compare it to anything else.
There are many videos on this forum that shows it's effectiveness. There are also picure proof photos of it's success.
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